Conversation Between Jason and Auxilium

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey babe, You know that programming challenge you made 3 years ago? The one with the amicable numbers?

    I finally did it The answer is 80106, kneel before my 1337 coding skills
  2. Jesus I have a feeling the entire general section has an IQ below 75.
    I made 2 bullshit threads and they seemed to believe it
  3. I wait with bated breath you sack of aids.
  4. Hey you piece of shit, working on something to share with the Programming section, so keep your eyes peeled.
  5. Naw so sweet of you <3

    Wow, who banned you? They probably checked your ban history and saw like ban, ban, ban, ban, they just threw another one in
  6. oh, yeah, some dipshit thought i avoided 2k when i got 2k ban 5 days ago
  7. luls, you banned AGAIN . Nah I have no idea who it is, I was attempting to get into stock editting in PS so I downloaded a 100 picture pack of chicks so I just put one in my avatar with a border
  8. This is directed to you.
    Yeah, since you went away hasn't been the same
    In my heart all I got is pain
    Could it be that I played the game to lose you, I can't maintain
    Sunlight moonlight you lit my life
    Realize in the night while love shines bright
    Can't let you go we were meant forever baby let me know
  9. what is that lindsey lohan in your pic?
  10. ragebanned :|
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10