Conversation Between Wax. and .REZ

10 Visitor Messages

  1. ;D /Shoooorrrt
  2. Sounds like a plan
  3. I think I started that in 2010 lol. I am not really to hyped up on getting a staff spot. It is just a site you know. I can volunteer and give my input without a MPGH by my name If liz or dave wishes me to have mpgh by my name and a color they will give it.
  4. Start small, work your way up.
  5. Yea but I don't know even how to start working towards that.
  6. You have my support
  7. I will become TM or minion or some type of staff some day. Well some year lol.
  8. Thanks brother, I so excited
  10. Guess who got minion
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10