Conversation Between freedompeace and Alen

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Or you could click my profile and stick my email into the appropriate field, seeing as yours isn't listed
  2. you have msn ? yes, yes. gewd. you shall click me and enter it into the appropriate field
  3. Hello thar
  4. Hey bud
  5. Oh, Warrock? I'll have it done by tomorrow night, possibly. Going to bed now
  6. Awesomeeeeeeeeexcept.. What is "WR"?
  7. Well Dave told me to ask you to make a new official WR injector, so, if you can, I wouldn't mind adding it to the "official" list with AeroMan's injector.
  8. I know a few ways to do that, but the easiest would probably be to use a proxy DLL.
  9. Hey there, I heard you can code well and that you might know how to make a proper injector that doesn't use CreateRemoteThread or SetWindowsHookEx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9