Conversation Between Raow and desperado72

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I do want to sell my account. And sorry, it's already filled up. i only deleted 2-3 messages :/ I'll delete more.
  2. u dont want to sell ur acc do u ? and i still cant inbox u gj !!!! and good luck !
  3. Sorry man, i'll empty my inbox.
  4. well thats all i have as a steam but i might be interested in ur acc can u add me on skype or empty ur inbox here !! i cant private msg u
  5. MW3 is useless for me, my pc is too slow
    And the rest im not really interested in.
    Sorry man.
  6. thats what i have and im willing to pay some money on the top bro
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6