Conversation Between SteamAss and Paracetamol

11 Visitor Messages

  1. how was ur hak going ^^
  2. better attach the injector haha
  3. we will keep releasing... we are trying to do menu hack
  4. yay. i like the ur last release it very helpful lv up very fast @@.
  5. Ye we are trying buts its a D3D function... so we need some D3D coders... but it will be there in some of our releses...
  6. hey, can i ask u a question. Can u put wall hack in ur hack?^^ it very helpful for shot though wall. it kind like supid
  7. ur hack it awesome i won't let it delete for nothing
  8. Ye alredy told him and thanks for support :d
  9. it not ok for me _ _! i'm try to poof to lance @@ i'll try let him reopen Ur post ^^
  10. Thanks but the loader is not detected and its same source so... its ok
  11. hey ur hack still working try to poof to [MPGH]Lance i'm using it
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11