Conversation Between SteamAss and Ryuesi

11 Visitor Messages

  1. ok thanks and addy is 0x80 no?
  2. Yes , BasicPlayerInfo For Fast Defuse / Planet / Distance
  3. Hey Takrai me and errol641 are makeing a hacking team and I am wondering if you wanna join ?
  4. I mean is it Ghost pointer, BasicPLayer pointer or wich one ?
  5. Hey Takrai can u tell me the pointer of Fast Defuse? please
  6. Hey can u help me with hack??? I got new Hook but NoReload doesnt work still
  7. Done /ms2short
  8. ok thanks @Takrai can u help me in an other thing... casue ive done the hack and all that but ingame doesnt work can u help me?
  10. Doctor ,
    Can You Send Me ShootPerAmmo And No Spreed Addies Please I Have Problem In My Olly
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11