Conversation Between J Miliam and Polo

17 Visitor Messages

  1. What site do you use for musica now?
  2. Lol oh i see
  3. Yeah, casually lol. Not gonna be on all the time.
  4. Shit nigga

    you alive?
  5. Keep going back and listening to what you think might be good. I suggest Childish Gambino if you want rap.
  6. True, but when you posted you said just hip hop, and all the songs i listened to were just hip hop. ;p
  7. All of this is hip hop and rap .
  8. Word

    I can't find any rap tho.
  9. It has everything I need for new music .

    That site

    SO SWAG.

  11. Thanks .
  12. is your #1 source of new hip hop.
  13. Yo help me out with something bro?

    Fill me in on the illest shit out atm, im mad late lols.

    Been asking everyone for music and they giving me shit, so i came to you
  14. I just hope he doesn't turn in to a cocky asshole .
  15. Same.

  16. He's pretty good . I have K.I.D.S. and his newest one.
  17. Yo do you like mac miller?

    His mixtape is boss
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17