Conversation Between se7enthsin and SPIKESx

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Just add me on msn and just let me know what to do if I need help on it, I get most of the things to do just not sure on 2 things, one how to add the codes addresses and two I don't know why I can't find the LTClient code when I look for it just like this guy in a video say's to serach for it at.
  2. Send you what I am not sure to what that is an this is not my computer I have to wait to get mine for Ga when I get my next paycheck
  3. If you would rather then MSN and can send me your base's and I can look them over and add notes to them in hopes to help you help yourself. I don't actually use any messengers. lame huh?
  4. Hey if you could add me on msn so we can talk about hacks. I would like to learn a little more then what I know and there are some spots I am I guess getting wrong.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4