Conversation Between Sync and Ed

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Barely skype but i'll add you anyway.
  2. will be my new msn.
  3. smd
    Adding you again
  4. @ sir
  5. what msn did i use before i forget
  6. Now i added it.
  7. Im right here.
  8. Yes, Yes you do
  9. Hell i havn't coded that shit in 2weeks but i will get on it.
  10. better idea
    let's do a guncraft dual comm
  11. Alright sounds good bro.
  12. When I get an isolated place where I can play and comm
  13. Minecraft or some shit.
  14. When I get a pc that can run something
    Dual com of what?
  15. Dual com. sometime.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15