
So, I just started playing a new game(new to me) and decided to do a little research into it. Looks like there was an old owner, and under him the game died, now there's a new owner and there's been lots of updates, lots of upcoming updates and the activity is picking up super fast.

So, I thought I'd throw it out there on KoL. Build up activity, the more people that are having fun!

So, the details.

It's basically an unrestricted RPG. It is text based, and played in the browser - that being said, it's very much like an MMORPG. It has a seriously in depth item drop/loot system with ever increasing stats for the higher level you are, and the higher the level your opponent is. There's a couple of types of items, normal and coveted. Coveted giving extra stat bonuses.

It is a monster killing and quest completing type of game. There's no energy, no restrictions at all really.

There is an item sacrifice system that gives out the premium currency, which is really easy to get, one if the great features of this game is just that - the premium currency is just so easy to get. You also get it from quests as a are drop, from digging and from treasure chests.

So, talking of digging and treasure chests - let me explain.

There's a map which are sectioned into four quadrants, each quadrant has an element and is where the bosses spawn based on the bosses element, each quadrant is made up of squares that players can conquer by killing so many monsters. Every time a conquer is conquered, double XP bonus time is given.

You can also dig on each square, you can dig for 1 minute, 10 minutes or 90 minutes. From digging you can get multiple types of treasure chests, experience, points, gold, painite etc. a great addition in case you want more than just grind, grind, grind.

Every week are a few competitions where players earn REAL money. They are land conquering and beast hunting competitions.

There is also a level sacrificing game, so you can keep increasing your maximum level without losing items or anything other than the levels(you keep your stats gained too)

Stats are gained randomly as you kill monsters.

It really is turning out to be a fantastic game considering it's in it's (rebirth) infancy, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming updates(mainly guilds, which work has now begun on) so all in all, it is very promising - but not only promising, it's pretty great the way it is right now.


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