Quote Originally Posted by Hova View Post

This can very easily be faked with a little Photoshop work. Highly doubt this will be approved by Upper staff regardless. One thing we can start with is disallowing the Anti-Scam title.
I would be more than willing to upload ID

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Quote Originally Posted by Copperhorse View Post
Scam prevention:
Obviously the first thing that needs to happen is the middleman system come back online. It's been offline for like what a year now? You guys had plans to bring it back and it never happened.

The second thing that needs to happen is when middleman are brought back to require each middleman to make a deposit to arun / dave / liz for the amount they want to be able to middleman. This deposit has to be non-reversible (bitcoin). If you want to middleman a $500 trade you need to have given $500 to arun / dave / liz to hold. If you resign / quit / are fired (for not scamming) you get your money back 2 weeks after your departure to give time for any scam reports to arise.

Many people wont like my suggestion because they're poor, but it is a near flawless system that is hard to break.

Under this system it is literally near impossible to get scammed, and if the middleman is the one who scams we payout his deposit to the victim(s). Also I disagree with having to be vetted to become a middleman. If you look around other popular trading sites for online games / services you will see their middleman sections are open for everyone. Regulation is BAD. You should be able to charge a fee as a private middleman. If a user wants to use a middleman with 1 post and no insurance who scams them, that's his fault for being a fool and we ban the middleman. If he uses somebody trusted who has a $500 insurance and gets scammed by the middleman we payout his deposit to the victim and ban the middleman.

Also with this proposal we have offered the tools for people to not get scammed. Right now we have no tool to prevent scammers. Sure some people will not use the tools that would be offered, but at least we would have them and they have no excuse to be scammed.

Overall Suggestion:
The marketplace has become way over regulated. Middleman are now saying whether or not an eBook is overpriced? That's absolutely ridiculous. The marketplace decides whether an eBook is overpriced, not a marketplace mod. If somebody thinks an eBook is overpriced DON'T BUY IT. It's as simple as that. If somebody thinks that not enough information is given before buying it? DON'T BUY IT. It's as simple as that. Reviewing an eBook before it is approved? Not required. If the person is not trusted a person should not buy their eBook. It's as simple as that. Requiring a staff vouch copy? Not required. If the person is not trusted a person should not buy their eBook. It's as simple as that. If my above system is implemented, if the user doesn't have insurance? Do not buy the eBook. It's as simple as that. Deregulate the marketplace, it's a fucking disaster. You guys should be here to deal with scam reports and when the middleman system comes back to middleman. Nothing more, nothing less.
@arunforce @Dave84311
I really like this idea.

I would be more then willing to give dave/Arun a deposit to be a MM and im sure many other users would too.
A ton of users would love to be a middleman to help out MPGH
I just got scammed today by vaypah for the first time, and I want to make scamming non existant!