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    boltspins's Avatar
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    How to lower your ping and raise your FPS(THE REAL WAY, Basic & Advanced)

    Hello everyone, so a trending and on-going argument has been going on about how to truly reduce your ping and greatly raise you fps. Today i'm here to actually HELP YOU and get rid of that ignorance nonsense that everyone keeps posting on here. It truly is annoying when someone is putting out false information that does not help people. None of this information is leeked/stolen/copy+Pasted AT ALL. All is from years of experience with computers and games and know basic and advanced skills on how to optimize your pc's performance.

    Now that we have that little introduction out of the way , let's start with the basic's. None of this will and CANNOT hurt your pc in anyway. I will be using Crossfire as an example.

    First off, lets start out with stuff you can do INGAME while you are in the lobby(Anything besides IN A GAME) that will greatly improve your fps to help you get that "Butter smooth" gameplay and greatly reduce your lag(If any is occuring)


    If you are unable to read the text in the picture, all it says(Summed up to save time) is that I set all my settings to the lowest possible. I know, having lower quality is not the best to play with but it will help your fps GREATLY. We are here to get the best fps not have the highest quality game.

    ALSO WHEN PICKING A SERVER, FIND OUT WHAT SERVER IS CLOSEST TO YOU! I'm in California, so the "West Coast Server" is the closest to me" allowing me to get a ping from 5-20(Extremely low). Ping isn't a HUGE factor in LAG as all these little kids keep saying. I can go in a UK server with a ping of 300+ And not lag WHATSOEVER. Ping just determines how long it takes for a package(DATA) to go from point A to point B and back. It will help though. The lower the ping, the faster your bullets register(Meaning if you and a person shoot at eachother at the EXACT SAME TIME, the person with the HIGHER FPS and LOWER PING will win)

    Now that you have fixed your in-game settings let's move onto what you can do to your computer's settings to help optimize all your games fps.
    I will start with the basic of basic's then move my way onto more advanced things you can do to help.

    First off, let's start with cleaning your pc from viruses/cache/malware and just JUNK in general that will greatly slug your computer down.

    For the lazy ones, there are many programs that will do MOST of the work for you so when you go into more advanced stuff it is easier on you

    CCleaner is one of the most efficient and most effective for most of the junk on your pc. CCleaner - PC Optimization and Cleaning - Free Download Here is a link to THERE SITE, fill free to run as many virus scans on it, I have used it for YEARS. It is a great program to have and I run it once a day(You can run it ONCE A WEEK and it will work just a well) It's pretty easy to use and self-explanatory.


    This is how it should look. Make sure to update so you get the best results. Run the "Cleaner" and the "Registry" for best results.

    Now let's move on to programs that COME WITH YOUR COMPUTER that help your pc EXTREMELY well.
    -Disk Defragmenter
    -Disk Cleanup

    To find these go to Start>Accessories>System tools They both will be found there. I recommend making a folder on your desktop named "PC Cleaning" and make copies of all the programs into this folder so everytime you see it, it will remind you to clean your files and pc.


    Here's and example of mine.(I have much more programs but they are not in this folder)

    Now let's move onto more stuff you need to delete and remove/change to help your pc run faster.
    First, let's start with a simple %temp% and Prefetch cleanup

    Click on start>run and in "RUN" type in prefetch like so

    Now click on one of the files(Any file, JUST CLICK ONCE) and Hold CTRL+A to select all and DELETE EVERYTHING IN THE FOLDER.
    (IT'S FIND IF EVERYTHING DOES NOT DELETE, Just get a majority of it out)


    Now do the same for %temp%
    Click on start>run and in "RUN" type in %temp%
    Delete everything in the folder just like "Prefetch", NOT ALL WILL DELETE DO NOT WORRY.

    Let's move onto another "Run" program that will help SO MUCH.
    In run(Start>Run) type in MsConfig

    A menu will show up like so


    For example: UTorrent,Mediaplayer,Steam,Skype,TeamSpeak,Ventril lo,xFast, ect ect. These programs can be opened later on. You want your pc to start up as fast as possible and many of these programs will be hidden from your processes and secretly slow down your pc.

    Here's and example of mine


    Now that you have that done, let's move onto things on your pc YOU DO NOT NEED.

    For Win7 click on "Advanced System Settings" for others Find "System Property"



    Click on the ADVANCED TAB and click on PERFORMANCE SETTINGS

    Something like this should show up!


    Un-tick EVERY BOX(Or tick "Adjust for best performance") and tick the LAST 2-3 BOXES ONLY!. DISABLE EVERYTHING ELSE!

    This will help your PC run faster, so your games will take less Computer usage. In other words HIGHER FPS!

    Let's move on to removing programs to clear up space so your computer will have a lower "Usage" inturns/other words HIGHER FPS!

    Go to Start>Control Panel?Uninstall A Program
    Should look like this


    TAKE THE TIME TO DELETE EVERYTHING YOU DO NOT NEED! This will seriously clean up a lot of space that WILL SLOW DOWN YOUR PC! It might only help a little bit, but every single thing COUNTS AND ADDS UP!

    Now that you have deleted your programs let's move onto getting those VERY ANNOYING Background running programs out of the way.

    I will first start off with the Lazy Half-assed program that will help you start off and get the point across
    As everyone and there mother have heard about in gaming, GAMEBOOSTER is a great program. Depending on how many running programs you have in the background that you DO NOT NEED this will help speed up your pc and allow you to achieve a HIGHER FPS. It also will allow you to achieve a lower PING.

    Should look like this when Downloaded and Opened


    Launch it when you want to play a game and this program will close a good amount of the unnecessary programs that are running in the background.

    Now that you have done the laziest way of closing programs time to get your lazy butts to work! Right click the bottom of the start bar(NOT THE START BUTTON THE THE BAR AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR DESKTOP!) and click "START TASK MANAGER"! Click on the "Processes" tab or CTRL+ALT+DELETE



    To close a program just right click a program and click "End Process".
    Small quick list of programs NOT TO CLOSE!
    ect. Anything that has to do with System, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS.

    While in task manager you should know, while you open crossfire. Right click Crossfire.exe and set priority to HIGH(NOT REALTIME, NOT LOW, HIGH!), this can only be done with crossfire is open! This will allow your computer to set all of it's focus towards the game and not programs in the background allowing your fps to raise and your ping to drop.

    Now to help with your ping here is a few small things I did to help my internet run better(As you can see in my signature my internet is AMAZING ON A BAD DAY!)
    -All electronics around you that use wifi in anyway TURN THEM OFF
    This can include Phones,All laptops and computers BESIDES THE ONE YOU GAME ON, dvd/cd players , ipads, ipods, ANYTHING THAT USES WIFI WILL SLOW YOUR INTERNET DOWN!

    -Call your internet provider once a week or every so often to find out if there are any deals you can receive to get a HIGHER MB/S MB per second. Talk to them for awhile and see if you could upgrade for free(If you are a long-term'd customer) or for very cheap. Mine currently is UN-CAPPED so I can have 10,000 mb/s MB PER SEC if my bandwidth and neighborhood box allowed me too. This is because the company had many programs at first.

    Another thing you can do is DOWNLOAD AN ANTI-VIRUS/ANTI-MALMARE PROGRAM!

    I prefer Avast, it's worked great for me. Another good one is AVG, expensive but is also very great!

    ***************************************ADVANCED!** *************************************

    Let's start off with MSI burner. I have known this for awhile but I will lead you guys to a good tutorial. it's pretty much straight to the point and much faster than me explain in MUCH MORE DETAIL how it works. - Haxpro

    Now, let's open your port in your firewall for your internet

    Click one Start, and click My Network Places. Network Tasks>click View Network Connections (You can also, right-click My Network Places on the desktop> Properties.)

    Right-click on the connection that you use for your Internet, and look for properties
    Now Click the Advanced tab> Settings.You might not have this option, this would mean that the ICF is not "Enabled" and that you are not able to open any ports because they are already open

    Click on "ADD" to open a new port
    You should see A Small Description box, In the Crossfire enter = Port 445.
    You should see "IP address of your computer hosting this service on your network box" enter =

    For windows 7 do the following

    Start>Control Panel> Security>Windows Firewall
    Go to your advanced settings and a small window should show up
    Click on Inbound>New Rule>Port and enter in the settings I stated up above.

    You can also overclock your cpu, this can result in damage to your cpu and I HIGHLY ONLY RECOMMEND THIS IF YOU TRULY KNOW A LOT ABOUT COMPUTERS AND HAVE THE FUNDS TO REPLACE THE PART IF DAMAGED.

    GET A NEW GRAPHICS CARD!, You do not need anything crazy, my old SAPPIRE RADEON HD 6670 was getting 225fps ingame. That graphics card is now only around 80$. If you need help building your own pc feel free to PM ME AT ANYTIME, please have money coming in so i don't help you build a PC and you cannot have the funds for another 3 months or something in that genre and the prices end up changing I am here to help and this is just the stuff I can think of at the moment


    If this helps you please just leave a nice comment and Thank You or whatever you feel is necessary.

    Here's a screenshot of my ingame FPS(Frames per second) and Ping. Keep in mind that I was recording with FRAPS and Had a few options on so I can have much higher than 225fps and 30ping

    Last edited by boltspins; 04-17-2013 at 02:16 PM.

    That download and upload speed though! LOL This is on a bad day too (;

    How to lower your ping and raise your FPS(THE REAL WAY, Basic & Advanced) :

  2. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to boltspins For This Useful Post:

    Barstarzz (04-17-2013),alexisbetco08 (04-18-2013),Euphemistic (04-19-2013),corssa (04-21-2013),MoneyBanks96 (04-29-2013),Mr.TeddyBear (04-17-2013),neemias360 (04-19-2013),night67 (05-05-2013),Omar+ (05-19-2013),ozii1995 (04-24-2013),sadiiii (07-21-2013),WarWood (07-21-2013),xSlender. (07-20-2013)

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