how so?
th3reaper just said derooie scammed me on this paypal acc....marly
then derooie said ha fail i never scammed you and i use felix noteboom as my paypal
and then th3reaper said he meant felix noteboom,
so proves th3reaper talks penis...?
anyways im confused and trying to do some homework so ims stay outta this
Napster835 - use me as mm and pm me if needed, remember to press thanks if i helped you!
my name is m1ghtyz0b on warrock im pro hacker!f**k K2!!!
Thanks for all your help people and sorry for flaming, I hope you can understand why I was so pissed..
The paypal account was banned by the way (suprise suprise)
All I want is my money back and people here to be aware of this scammer so it doesn't happen to anyone else..
reaper can you give me your xfire or/and msn addy...i will contact you later this day to help you get the money back...and at the moment im not trading anything with derooie2 without MM...
tala please email thing from pm lol?
and th3reaper try get some paypal proof or whatnot and it will help us believe
Napster835 - use me as mm and pm me if needed, remember to press thanks if i helped you!
my name is m1ghtyz0b on warrock im pro hacker!f**k K2!!!
sorry napster...i just send the informations
if theres anything just contact me![]()
i belive r3aper no more for screens he got scamed .