Quote Originally Posted by Cosmin3 View Post
If you download the recorder from ****** and edit the file Streamlink_Portable\Streamlink\streamlink\plugins\ chaturbate.py at the end you'll see:

        self.logger.info("Stream status: {0}".format(data["room_status"]))
        if (data["success"] is True and data["room_status"] == "public" and data["url"]):
            for s in HLSStream.parse_variant_playlist(self.session, data["url"]).items():
                yield s
In this format it will record only public shows.

But if you change to this:

        self.logger.info("Stream status: {0}".format(data["room_status"]))
        if (data["success"] is True and data["room_status"] != "offline" and data["url"]):
            for s in HLSStream.parse_variant_playlist(self.session, data["url"]).items():
                yield s
It should record any show.
But the problem is data["url"] is empty.
How can I see the data structure and retrieve it?

I put this up but in the end its not able to record the private show but the public can be done.