Hello there guys, for a while now I have been learning some java and hopefully have a decent amount of knowledge to update an old mod.

It was back in 1.1 when mooman came around and released his advanced combat mod.
I currently have the decompiled files of his work as well as all of his class files that he uses for the mod.

My question/hopes on here is to get a few people together with a better understanding of updating mods
than I do and to either join in efforts to get it updated to the current releases or answer just a few questions that I still have.

All of this I have already searched answers for and have come up with nothing otherwise would not even be posting on here about it.

I am going to guess that I should probably find an old release to 1.1, install the mod like normal and then compare it to a current release
and update it long hand.

Otherwise look at what was specifically altered in his mod and see the difference compared to the vanilla 1.1 and then apply it to the current
version of minecraft, or possibly some combination of the two.

Any response from you guys would be awesome and I hope that we can revive a great mod that was very useful.