Exp: 30x
Adena: 20x
Drop: 10x
Spoil: 15x
Raidboss drop: 3x
Raid boss adena: 1x
Epic boss drop: 1x (1x jewels, AQ 30%).
Raid boss adena: 1x

Safe: +3 (+4 full body)
Max: +16
Enchant normal: 66% (old system, 0.66*0.66,etc.. to avoid overenchanted items).
Blessed enchant: 66%(old system, 0.66*0.66,etc.. to avoid overenchanted items).

Olympiad every 2 week.
Olympiad validation period 24h (it means time to take hero from statue since period ends).
Combats needed to be hero: 9 played and at least 1 win.
Players registered to start olympiad games: 5 (General and non class-based).
Olympiad period: 18.00-00.00 (GTM+1).

Raid bosses LVL 72+: 20h+4h random.
Varka hero Sadith, Varka commander Mos, Ketra hero Hekaton, Ketra commander Tayr: 12h+24h random (retail-like).
Barakiel: 18h+4h random.
Tyrannosaurus: 20min. (25% rate drop life stone top grade lvl 76).

Antharas: 8d +8h random.
Baium: 5d + 8h random.
Frintezza: 48h.
Core: 30h +6h random.
Orfen: 30h +6h random.
Queen ant: 21h +6h random.
Zaken: 40h +8h random.
Valakas: 11d.

Gmshop up to B grade.
Npc Buffer, Scheme buffer, Summoner buffer (2h all buffs, no resist).
Cat/seraphin 4min buffs, 1min Heroic valor.
Buff slots 20+4 divine inspiration (to avoid full resist on warriors).
Sieges every 2 week.
Noblees quest (Hellfire oil + lunargent in gmshop).
Mp potions 200 MP (5 seconds reuse time, to avoid bishops spam heal, and balance pvp).
Good economy system, low echants drop.
Antibot protection, anti DDOS attacks protection (client and server side).
Autolearn skills, autoloot, No quest for subclass, max subclass 3.
Offline shop/craft.
Global GK for catacombs/necropolis and primaveral island.
Vote reward coins (can be obtained by raid bosses).

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Grand Opening At 1/8/20 16:00 Gmt+1 (Madrid)