EDIT: Cheatengine does not work, the speedhack works but when i try to change money or health or exp, it only looks like it changed, but it didn't.

The game is called Monkeyques*****m and it is for 4-10 year olds. My little brother is four and he always wants me to get him levels and items. I can't deny him, he's so cute and I just feel terrible when I can't help him out. It hasn't been out for that long and this game is actually okay, but I can't be forced to play this game for levels that take so long. I'm looking for a level enhancer of some sort, maybe a duplicating item glitch or hack. Money is pretty worthless, so speeding up training would be nice. Thanks for reading, please help! -Steph

Made a new acc for people to try to hack on:

site: monkeyquest,com/en/play/popup

user/pass: lazered/hackin22