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    MPGH News - 218th Edition

    218th Edition - September 14th, 2018
    Snapple Fact: A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber.


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    Fire destroys Brazil museum in 'tragedy foretold'
    More than 20 million priceless artifacts - including egyptian mummies and historic artwork - when up in flame as a firey inferno destroyed Brazil's National Museum. Brazil's culture minister, Sergio Leitao, told a local newspaper the cause of the fire was likely either an electrical short-circuit or a homemode paper hot-air balloon which may have landed on the roof - a long-standing tradition in Brazil. Both possible causes are being considered, said Culture Ministry spokeswomen Roberta de Oliveira Ribeiro, but the cause would not be known until the on-going investigation has completed. Among the 20 million artifacts included the skull of a 25-year-old woman who died more than 11,000 years ago. According to the museum's website, they are the oldest remains ever discovered in Brazil.
    "Two hundred years of work, research and knowledge were lost," President Temer said after the fire. "It's a sad day for all Brazilians."
    The museum is not the first to burn down in Brazil, as public money for cultural projects has been drying up after a deep recession. In 2015, for example, a fire destroyed the renowned Museum of the Portugeuese Language in Sao Paulo.
    Education Minister, Rossieli Soares, told reporters outside of the burned-out building that the federal government will spend an initial 15 million reals to restore the structure and help rebuild its collection.
    According to the Minister of Culture, Sergio Sa Leitao, there will be evaluations of Brazil's other national museums' fire preparedness conditions in order to verify the steps needed to avoid another tragedy like this one.

    Pakistan Cut Off $300M in Aid By US Military For Allegedly Supporting “Terror Groups”
    Pakistan has always been under US scrutiny as the latter feels that the former supports terror groups that pose serious threats to it.
    Today, in recent news, it was revealed that the US military would be canceling about $300 million in aid as it feels that Islamabad, the Capital of Pakistan, has failed to take serious action against these terror groups.
    This isn’t the first time a country like Pakistan has been accused by the US of supporting these military groups in one way or the other. Previously, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, accused Pakistan of ‘deceiving’ the US while taking billions of dollars from it in the form of aid.
    Further, Lt. Col Kone Faulkner, a spokesperson for Pentagon, said that the US military would now spend their cash on what is referred to as ‘urgent priorities’.
    The US, it seems, is withdrawing its military aid from various countries and this bold move seems to be a part of that. However, previously, Pakistan was accused by the US state department for its failure to deal with the terrorists working and operating on its soil, including the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Haqqani network.
    The irony of it all is that Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, is due to visit Pakistan in the next few days to meet the new PM, Imran Khan and the US has made its announcement of cutting aid just prior to his visit.
    US has also announced that it will be cutting all kinds of funding for the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency by the name of “Unrwa”, which it thinks is ‘irredeemably flawed’.
    The news was announced but there was no comment from Pakistan on it yet.
    Pakistan has been long accused by the United States and other countries for supporting militant groups. Islamabad, the Capital city of the country, has always denied these claims. In fact, it has showcased how difficult it has been to fight with these militants and yet, it always has.
    For the US, the Haqqani network and Afghan Taliban pose serious and immediate threats. It apparently has a threat from the ‘Pakistan Taliban’ groups as well. Both the Haqqani network and Afghan Taliban have killed US forces in the past in Afghanistan. The US, on the other hand, has said that Pakistan provides a safe haven for these militant groups and so does its ISI intelligence agency.
    Pakistan’s involvement with Afghan Taliban has always been highlighted but nobody has had concrete proof of it. Links between the ISI and militants have also always been highlighted. Pakistan, however, has never backed these claims and has shown how interested it is in fighting these militants too.

    Suicide bombing on government office in Mogadishu
    On Sunday a suicide car has targetted a local government office in central Mogadishu. The building has been destroyed along with a Quranic school.
    The Islamic group Al Shabaab has made public that they are the ones responsible for the attack killing. The explosion was so powerful that it blew off the roof of a mosque and damaged nearby houses. There has been six people killed so far, including soldiers, civilians and the suicide bomber, and dozens casualties. Luckily the children at the school were away for a break when the attack occured.
    A spokesman of the group said “We are behind the suicide attack. We targeted the district office in which there was a meeting. We killed 10 people so far, we shall give details later.”
    Ever since 19991 Somalia has been terrorized by lawlessness and violence, the Islamic group Al Shabaab are fighting against a Western-backed government protected by Peacekeepers.

    Trainers and Cheats
    In this feature's of hack of the week we look at Monster Hunter: World's first public hack release. The cheat tables and scripts were compiled together and made public by CYBERPVNK who does not take credit for the creation of the hacks. Now as of today's date (9/2/2018) MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD does not have VAC as an anti-cheat so it is safe to use but there is always risk of being reported by other players. This hack features 14 scripts, and 32 options on the cheat table which include but are not limited to: Infinite Health, Stamina, Item Use, and other options to unlock collectibles in the game such as Augments, Decorations and Charms. While the game is still very new and they do not yet have a good anti-cheat there is always risk of these hacks and scripts to be detected at any moment so to stay up to date always check the thread for updates, happy hunting!

    Nintendo Switch Online release date: September launch plans revealed
    Nintendo Switch Online's released date has been narrowed down by the platform holder.
    Similar to the Xbox live and PlayStation Plus, Nintendo Switch Online is the company's new subscription based service.
    The new service is available for £3.49 a month in the UK, £6.99 for three months, or £17.99 annually.
    There's even a 12 month family membership available for £31.49, creating a family group lets up too either people share a membership, even on different consoles. Nintendo Switch Online will launch in the September, although an exact date is yet to be revealed. But Nintendo has finally revealed more about its launch plans, telling to the fans that it will be available in the second half of the September. "You can play the classic multiplayer game Balloon Fight on the Nintendo Switch if you subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online!" Reads a Nintendo Tweet "You'll get access to 20 classic #NES games at launch in the second half of the September, with more on the way." Judging by the wording of the tweet, it's likely the Nintendo Switch release date will fall from the week beginning of September 17 onwards.

    The Pentagons and their $2 billion investment in artificial intelligence for weaponry
    The director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency also commonly called DARPA has announced on the last day of their conference in Washington at their celebration of a sixty-year history, including it's role in the birth of the internet, that they had a promise with the Department of Defense to invest large amounts of money into artificial intelligence systems for the U.S. weaponry that should be capable of explaining their decisions to military commanders as well more trusted and accepted. DARPA's investment is small by Pentagon spending standards as for example, buying and maintaining the X/F-35 warplanes is expected to cost three trillion dollars. The single largest military AI project up to this date, Project Maven which should be able to pick out objects in pictures for military use, is due to get $93 million in 2019. Google had a lead in this project but after employees "striking" and not willing to work for it anymore since it would harm humans, they decided to discontinue it's work after the contract expired. Official Pentagon strategy documents stated the following about the advances in technology, “DoD does not currently have an autonomous weapon system that can search for, identify, track, select, and engage targets independent of a human operator’s input,” said the document which was signed by top Pentagon acquisition and research officials Kevin Fahey and Mary Miller.

    10 Years of Chrome
    Google first released its Chrome browser 10 years ago today. Marketed as a “fresh take on the browser,” Chrome debuted with a web comic from Google to mark the company’s first web browser. It was originally launched as a Windows-only beta app before making its way to Linux and macOS more than a year later in 2009. Chrome debuted at a time when developers and internet users were growing frustrated with Internet Explorer, and Firefox had been steadily building momentum (Castro 1). Google however outsourced alot of code in the early stages of the "Chromium" project. Outsorcing from places like Apple or Microsoft helped spark intellectual ideas that has made chrome what is is today. It pasted both Acid1 and Acid2 tests in it's earliest stages. Another amazing thing google had done with chrome is sandboxing individual tabs so if one crashed it wouldn't affect the others. This was a breakthrough. 10 years later chrome now holds 60% of the of the marketshare on desktop. Chrome has transformed into more than just a web browser, and you could argue it’s an entire platform that now runs on top of Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and even iOS (Castro 23).

    Mac Miller died at 26
    Friday morning rapper/producer Mac Miller was found dead in his San Fernando home. The cause of death is deemed to be drug overdose according to TMZ. Mac Miller was 26 years old. Many fans have taken to the famous "Blue Slide Park" near Mac's hometown to mourn his death. There next to the slide fans have brought flowers. Mac Miller's family has not disclosed a definite cause of death at the time. Miller was planning on beginning his tour for his newest album "Swimming" just a month from the day of his passing. His most recent video is for his single from "Swimming" titled "Self Care". In this video Mac is seen in a premature coffin, seemingly buried alive. He then arises from the coffin singing "Oblivion, yeah, yeah". More on Mac's passing should be known in the coming days.


    Raiders' Daryl Worley Faces 4-game Suspension for Offseason Arrest, Expects to Appeal Suspension
    Daryl Worley, cornerback for the Oakland Raiders, faces a suspension last four games as a result of being arrested for DUI, carrying guns in public, and resisting being arrested by a police officer. Also, he will not be paid during this suspension. As a result of his crimes, he was sentenced to 72 hours in jail and two years of probation. During the previous season, when he played with the Eagles, he was arrested for being passed out in a car blocking a highway. He was traded to the Raiders this year for Torrey Smith with the Panthers. Worley claims that this is just a learning experience for him, and he will keep moving forward and try to fix his mistakes. Worley also claims that he will be appealing the situation, and Coach Gruden of the Raiders says they will all support him.

    $40k+ Worth Of Bugs Stolen
    Philadelphians are on the lookout for 7,000 creatures ― including a highly venomous spider ― that were stolen from the city’s Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion last month. Thieves made off with up to 90 percent of the museum’s collection, including a 6-eyed sand spider whose bite “could rot 25 percent of their [victim’s] body.” Speaking to CNN, Insectarium CEO John Cambridge said that he wasn’t “sure there’s ever been a larger live-insect heist.” The estimated value of the missing creatures is thought to be anywhere between $40,000 and $50,000. Authorities believe the thieves previously worked at the museum and were “dismissed for extremely good reasons.”
    “We know exactly who did this. They snuck out the back with all these boxes. We caught them on camera,” Cambridge said. “They took all the stuff and then they didn’t show up for their shifts.” Several of the thieves even left a bizarre calling card by sticking their uniforms to the wall with steak knives, CNN reported. Since the “buglary,” the museum has established a GoFundMe page to replace the missing creatures so that it can continue “to educate and engage people with the wonderful world of insects.”

    The massive, menacing Lizard that terrorized a family in Florida
    This massive thing that was found in Davie by Zach Lieberman, husband of the household in which the beast was found, told HuffPost that it was around 6-feet and about 100 to 150 pounds, quite the "massive monster". Of course, Florida being Florida, the man tried to lure it into his garage, so he could contain it but of course, the mini Godzilla as he calls it, got aggressive and ran away with a sprint he never had seen before. It was occupying their backyard, scaring their two little children, aged 2 and 4 because they couldn't go outside to play anymore. It was quite the slick lizard, even for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commision which he called after he gave up all hope on capturing it with dead rats. Clearly bait wasn't going to work so they decided to euthanize it. Neighbors said it was a lost pet, which Florida actually has a lot of pet stores with such exotic animals. In the end, the beast was captured and the Commision attempted to locate its origin.

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    okay now this... is epic

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    nice news dude!
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    fricking Florida back at it again

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