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  1. #1
    Dronect01's Avatar
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    Jun 2016

    Stay Safe From OverWatch

    A lot of people are interested in hacking in CS:GO, and I understand why. It's frustrating playing MM and getting queued with a shit team against a team with a smurf or hacker. Then there's also that amazing feeling you get when you carry your team and they all look up to you. Though, a lot of hackers eventually get banned within a couple weeks, and probably have an account they use just for hacking. Before, I used to spend money on an alt account and then come here to use a free, public hack that I would eventually get banned by using. Half the time it was due to overwatch, the other was due to detection via VAC.

    I have been hacking for 12+ months on my main and other accounts. During this time I've not gotten a ban. have been called out for hacks, and I have even rage hacked a total of three games on my main. (Rage hacking is when you go full out, and hack like a mad man. Spinbot, aimbot, etc.) For the most part though, I was seen as a legit player even by my friends who I play with on the daily. I also climbed in the ranking system very quickly and increased my skill. I started out as a Gold Nova 4 when I started hacking, and with time and skill acquired I have ranked up to DMG. (Had to do this twice thanks to the derank update. Went back to gold nova xD) In my opinion, I find hacking is a easy way to increase your skill. For new players, you get ahold of pre-aim and crosshair placement for the most part. This is essential to being a good player as you land the majority of your shots in the head once you master these.

    Below is a list of tips on how to stay undetected and become an improved player while hacking, minimizing your risk of ban from the OW-system.

    1. First thing you need to do is find a good hack to use. You basically have three options: Public/Free Hacks, Pay-to-Cheat Hacks, and Private Hacks.
    • The first one you can find here in MPGH, but there is a very high risk of being banned in overwatch and VAC. Public cheats are not very good to be honest, no disrespect to those who make them. They are easily detected due to the huge use of them, and those who ruin it by getting banned so quickly. The creators also are usually inexperienced (hence the reason they release for free) so they can get feedback, etc. and help them improve their skills. Being their guinea pig though will result in probably being banned. These hacks also do not have very good features/abilities.
    • Pay-to-Cheat hacks are the most common way of hacking and I can see why. P2C hacks can be bought at a price from forums and website that are designed and dedicated to providing good hacks that are, for the most part, undetected by VAC. These cheats usually last 6 months to a year before they are detected, though some hacks have lasted almost two years without a detection. The best hack out there for legit play, imo, is iWebz. I have been using them and they have yet had a detection since June 2015. P2C hacks usually have a variety of settings and features that by far are more superior than free hacks. Though, expect to pay a monthly rate of $15-$30 for these hacks.
    • Private hacks are for those who want to take it a step further and have a big budget. Private hacks can be purchased for around $60-$100+ per month and they have limited copies. This is a huge key in preventing VAC detection. If only 5 people in the world have the hack, then VAC can't do much about detecting it. They also have custom/rare features that I won't get into.

    2. Use "Legit Settings"
    • The easiest way to get overwatched is to hack blatantly, whether you think you're good at hiding hacks or not. The best way to stop this is to use legit settings. Among these are a combination of two known settings, pSilent + a low FOV. pSilent basically makes the GOTV or spectator view not able to see the aimbot. A low FOV means that it will only aim if the person is in that field of view. Also, never use aimbot and DO NOT set it to a key bind that you hold or toggle. The best thing to use is AimAssist, and use it on key press (+attack or mouse1). This is so that everytime you shoot (or press the mouse1) your aim will basically be "assisted" and you will hit your shots. Set the attack spot to neck. Also, what you want to use is something known as RCS. This is Recoil Control System. This will basically do most of your recoil control for you, and it looks legit from a spectator's view. This is way different than "no recoil" or whatever you want to call it. This is a humanized technique that makes spraying very easy for the player. Use RCS on the AK/M4 only with aimassist off. Use AimAssist on the pistol with a FOV of 0.8-1.2. The lower, the more legit. This will help you land almost every 1 tap with your pistol. Also, NEVER USE TRIGGERBOT, its so easy to tell when someone is triggerbotting. Also, never bunnyhop unless your hack as a option for Legit/Perfect bunnyhop. Then use the legit option obviously.

    3. Do NOT use Wall Hacks/Glow ESP if you don’t know how to play it off
    • A lot of you may not like this tip, and will probably ignore it. But let me tell you why you shouldn't use it if you want to not be overwatched. Using walls and saying, "oh well I'm good at hiding my hacks and I don't trace people through walls, blah blah blah", is stupid and you probably don't even know that you are playing different. Subconsciously you use a whole different play-style while using walls, which is very obvious to see in overwatch. You lose your game-sense when you play with walls. Sure you don't look at people through walls and all that, but you do stuff you wouldn't normally do. You check a corner that you never check when someone is there, you walk past someone on purpose then wait for them to shoot and you turn around and kill them to play it off like you didn't know they were there, etc. and it's all so easy to tell from the overwatcher's perspective. For example, when I wall (close games, usually at the end) I am very good at hiding it. Though, I don't play like I normally would. On Dust II Terrorist side, I usually push B very quickly and check my spots and get the usual frag or two on site. Though, when I wall and I see that there is three or four guys at B, I don't push. Why? Because I don't want to be killed, and the goal is to get kills, not be killed. So, I take the route to cat and then push A killing pre-firing a guy that's in a odd spot on site. Another example is when someone is hiding ninja on A site. I push long, frag on site, then move up to plant. I go to clear cat and it's all good. With walls though, I know that theres a guy ninja. So what do I do? I check ninja, and sure enough he's there.

    4. Play Smart.
    • Just play smart and with common sense. If you know you've been reported, only play another game or two. If you're constantly being called out, turn it down a notch and reconfigure your settings for more legit play. Learn how to play the game before hacking, I recommend watching some videos on how pros play. Then try to play like they do, this will help with your hacking. I see way too much hackers who have the skill level of a LE+, but the play-style and game-sense of a gold nova.

    5. Legit Profile
    • Get a nice, legit profile. Don't have the standard smurf/hacker profile where it's some dumb name, no profile picture, no bio, only game CS:GO, low hours, etc. Set up your profile as a legit one and then when people view your profile, they're like wow this guy has games, items, screenshots, etc. I doubt he's going to hack on an account like this. Level up your account to atleast 20, get some screenshots or art showcase, a nice background, some ingame items, some more games (free games most likely), hourboost your account, get some comments, groups, friends, etc.

    6. Queue with Friends
    • This is if you want to play more games a day without the risk of being reported. You will only get a maximum of 5 reports per day, which gets you at least two games in a day without risk of ban. (Assuming that everyone on the enemy team reported you.) I play anywhere from 4-8 games a day on my main while hacking.

    7. Be a High Rank
    • The higher the rank, the less likely you are to be reported. Even when I smurf and play legit on my SEM account, I get called a hacker. Silvers and gold novas are prone to calling hacks just because someone is better than them, and they often rage and report anyone they assume is a hacker. Once you hit MG2+, you usually don't get called out for hacks unless you are blatant enough. For those that don't know, about 50% of the global elites and supremes in MM are hackers.

    8. Get Prime
    • Prime matchmaking is key. If you don't play in Prime and your account is lvl 21+, then it's obvious you are a smurf or hacker. Do what I did, and just use a friend's number to verify your account. I also believe that non-prime accounts have a 9 reports/day limit to be sent to overwatch queue, while Prime accounts have a 11 reports/day limit. This is just a theory, as those who are in Prime are less likely to be sent from my experience.

    I will continue to add tips as I think of them, just wanted to put some down real quick to help those who are interested. I am about 90% sure I have been sent to overwatch and came out without a ban. It's all about how you present yourself and how you play ingame. If you guys have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them and I'll reply when I can. Feel free to leave a thanks! Enjoy, and have fun and be safe hacking!

  2. #2
    PrOgResS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    My Mood
    Nice guide

    I always +rep back. (Not on neutral +rep)

  3. #3
    toplul420's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Thanks for this. Most of this is obvious but all the points together are more helpful.

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