I'm selling my secondary account due i don't play with it anymore
It's a starter edition [on uplay] , it has all the operators from year 1 and 2, and some basic operators. (the cost for basic operators is 12.500)
I almost hit plat 2 on EU servers, i don't know how to show the full statistics due r6db closed, so i will upload a pic of the scoreboard in game when i was plat.
The current rank is gold 2, w/l 1.1 kd 1.1.
I have 6 elite on it, Tatcher, Thermite, Mute, Doc, Rook, Jager and still 1000 R6 credits.
U can see all the stuff on the following pics :

The email is changeable and must be done cuz i don't want to keep my email on someone else account.
Add me on IM only if you are interested, don't waste my time
The price is 60$ and not negotiable, paypal only.