Hey guys, I found a to transfer bad items into good ones (from an old thread) and wanted to share, I've collected some item ID's but if you guys could help add on it would be great, I will make a video tonight on how to do this most likely but its not hard.

Empty slot: 967
Ebony Mori: 135846
Faint reagent: 135848
camping kit: 135735
purple flash: 135732
yellow flash: 930
ranger med kit: 135737
alex's toolbox: 135725
worn out tools: 135740
battery: 135617
d1scordance (was trying perks): 34773

To find IDs:
1. make sure whatever slot the item goes in is empty (i.e. if it's an addon make sure your character's addon slots are empty)
2. do an 8 byte search for "967" (the empty item slot ID for 2.7.1)
3. equip the item you want to find the ID of
4. in your search results several addresses should have changed value to the same number; this is the item's ID

Once you have the IDs:
1. make note of the quantity of the item you don't want
2. clear the slot you had the item in
3. search (8 byte) for the ID of that item
4. there will be quite a few addresses, usually this just meanas that you have the items on most characters
5. add all of the to the table and change all the values to the item ID of the new item
6. if multiple characters have that item, when you change all of the addresses, it will add the item to all characters
8. refresh the loadout screen and the items should be changed