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  1. #1
    PapaHarlem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Cool INVITE LIST SCRIPT! - No more /party!

    This script allows you to save and invite everyone in your list! Very good for hosting fivefarms or ships/towers <3

    Here's the AHK code -- Just copy it and paste into a text file then rename the .txt file extension to .ahk (Make sure you have AutoHotKey installed):
    SendMode Input
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
    SetKeyDelay, 100, 100
    Global IniFile := "List.ini"
    Global UserList
    IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%
        IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    IniRead, UserList, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    UserListEx := StrSplit(UserList, ";")
    UsernameCount := UserListEx.MaxIndex() - 1
    Gui, Main:-MaximizeBox +MinimizeBox -Disabled +AlwaysOnTop
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x10 y5 w150 h12 , Count:
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x40 y5 w50 h12 vUsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    Gui, Main:Add, ListView, x10 y21 w150 h220 vUsernameList gUsernameList Grid NoSortHdr -Multi -LV0x10 -LV0x8000, Username List
    Gui, Main:Add, Edit, x10 y241 w100 h20 vUsernameEdit, 
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x120 y241 w40 h20 gAddUsername, Add
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y261 w150 h20 gRemoveSelectedName, Remove Selected
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y281 w150 h20 gInviteSelectedName, Invite Selected
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y301 w150 h20 gSave, Save
    Gui, Main:Add, Button, x10 y321 w150 h20 gSaveAndCopy, Save and Copy
    Gui, Main:Add, Text, x10 y341 w150 h50 , Add each username above. Then go in-game and hit F1 to mass invite. Hit F4 to reload the list.
    Loop, % UserListEx.MaxIndex()
        If (UserListEx[a_index] <> "") {
            Gui, Main:Default
            Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
            UserToAdd := UserListEx[a_index]
            lv_add("", UserToAdd)
    Loop, % LV_GetCount()
    	UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    Gui, Main:Show, x568 y387 h403 w176, Ship List
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    UserList = 
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
    IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    UserList = 
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
    IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
    #IfWinActive, Ship List
    	Gosub, AddUsername
    #IfWinActive, ahk_exe Trove.exe
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    Loop % LV_GetCount()
        LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
        BuildJoin := "/joinme " ClientByNumber
        SendRaw %BuildJoin%
        Sleep 50
        Send {enter}
        Sleep 500
        Gui, Main:Default
        Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
        UserList =
        PartyList := "/party "
        FirstName := true
        Loop % LV_GetCount()
            LV_GetText(ClientByNumber, a_index, 1)
            UserList .= ClientByNumber ";"
            if(not FirstName) {
                PartyList .= ";"
            PartyList .= ClientByNumber
            FirstName := false
        IniWrite, %UserList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%IniFile%, ShipList, JoinMeUserList
        Clipboard := "**__List:__**`n/party`n``````" PartyList "```````nlist.ini`n``````[ShipList]`nJoinMeUserList=" UserList "``````"
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:Submit, Nohide
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    lv_add("", UsernameEdit)
    UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    GuiControl, , UsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    GuiControl, , UsernameEdit
    FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
    UsernameCount := LV_GetCount()
    GuiControl, , UsernameCount, %UsernameCount%
    GuiControl, , UsernameEdit
    if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
        Gosub, InviteSelectedName
    else if (A_GuiEvent = "D")
            ;GuiControl, Focus, %A_GuiControl%
            if (drop_location := LV_DragDrop(A_GuiControl))
                LV_ParseDDResults(drop_location, ins_before_after, drop_position)
    			if (ins_before_after)
                row_found := 0
                   row_found := LV_GetNext(row_found)
                   if row_found=0 ;no selection there
                   if row_found_last
                      row_found_last = %row_found%|%row_found_last%
                      row_found_last = %row_found%
                   if (row_found<drop_position)
                   LV_GetText(row_text, row_found)
                if row_found_last
                   if (drop_position<1)
                   if (drop_position>LV_GetCount())
                   Loop, parse, row_found_last, |
                   Loop, %get_line_count%
    Gui, Main:Default
    Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
    User := GetSelectedClient()
    If (User <> "0") {
        BuildJoin := "/joinme " . User
        WinActivate, ahk_exe Trove.exe
        SendRaw %BuildJoin%
        Sleep 86
        Send {enter}
        Sleep 86
        Gui, Main:Default
        Gui, Main:ListView, UsernameList
        FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
        If not FocusedRowNumber
            Return 0
        LV_GetText(Text, LV_GetNext(RowNumber))
        Return Text
    RandSleep(x, y)
        Random, rand, %x%, %y%
        Sleep %rand%
            ;add check to verify that CurrentWindow is the GUI's window??
            ;not really needed, minor optimization
            ;LVM_FIRST = 0x1000
            static ScrollBarWidth, ScrollBarHeight, BorderX, BorderY, LV_DragDrop
           ; Return drag&drop state
           If Not ControlID
              Return LV_DragDrop
            LV_DragDrop := true
            if (!ScrollBarWidth)
                SysGet, ScrollBarWidth, 2
                SysGet, ScrollBarHeight, 3
                ;not really sure where these comes from
                ;but it is used to have the X and Y values mimic that of MouseMove
                BorderX := 2
                BorderY := 2
            ;Initialize structures
        ;     iItem := A_EventInfo
            MouseGetPos, , , ThisWindow, ThisControl, 2
            Used_HWND := ThisControl
            hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "uint", ThisWindow)
            ControlGetPos, ControlX, ControlY, ControlW, ControlH, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            GuiControlGet, ControlPos, Pos, %ControlID%
            ;Get Gui cordinates (used to convert from Screen to Gui relative coords)
            WinGetPos, GuiX, GuiY, , , ahk_id %ThisWindow%
            ;Orgin for Control (relative to Gui window)
            ControlOriginX := ControlX + BorderX
            ControlOriginY := ControlY + BorderY
            ;Origin for ControlPos (relative to Gui area)
            ControlPosOriginX := ControlPosX + BorderX
            ControlPosOriginY := ControlPosY + BorderY
            ;Get mouse position relative to the control (regardless of CoordMode setting)
            DllCall("GetCursorPos", "uint", &Point)
            X := Point_getX(Point) - GuiX - ControlOriginX
            Y := Point_getY(Point) - GuiY - ControlOriginY
            VarSetCapacity(HScrollBar, 60), NumPut(60, HScrollBar)
            DllCall("GetScrollBarInfo", "uint", Used_HWND, "int", -6, "uint", &HScrollBar)
            hasHScrollBar := !(NumGet(HScrollBar, 36) & 0x8000)
            if (hasHScrollBar)
                ControlPosH -= ScrollBarHeight + 2
            VarSetCapacity(VScrollBar, 60), NumPut(60, VScrollBar)
            DllCall("GetScrollBarInfo", "uint", Used_HWND, "int", -5, "uint", &VScrollBar)
            hasVScrollBar := !(NumGet(VScrollBar, 36) & 0x8000)
            if (hasVScrollBar)
                ControlPosW -= ScrollBarWidth + 2
            SendMessage, 0x101F, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            ListViewHeader := ErrorLevel
            SendMessage, 0x1028, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            NumberOfVisibleItems := ErrorLevel
            SendMessage, 0x1004, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            ItemCount := ErrorLevel
            if (NumberOfVisibleItems > ItemCount)
                NumberOfVisibleItems := ItemCount
            StartX := ControlPosX
            EndX := ControlPosX + ControlPosW
            LastX := X
            LastY := Y
            InsertAfter := false
            InsertPosition := 0
            VarSetCapacity(InsertMarks, 4 * (NumberOfVisibleItems + 1))
            SendMessage, 0x1027, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            TopIndex := ErrorLevel
            CurrentIndex := 0
            Loop, % NumberOfVisibleItems - 1
                SendMessage, 0x1010, CurrentIndex + TopIndex, &Point, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                StartY := ControlPosY + Point_getY(Point) + BorderY
                NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex, "int")
            SendMessage, 0x100E, CurrentIndex + TopIndex, &ItemBounds, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
            StartY := ControlPosY + Rectangle_getTop(ItemBounds) + BorderY
            NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex, "int")
            StartY := ControlPosY + Rectangle_getBottom(ItemBounds) + BorderY
            NumPut(StartY, InsertMarks, 4 * (CurrentIndex + 1), "int")
            ItemWidth := Rectangle_getRight(ItemBounds) - Rectangle_getLeft(ItemBounds)
            BelowLastItem := Rectangle_getBottom(ItemBounds)
            ;LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE = LVM_FIRST + 33 = 0x1021
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
        ;     SendMessage, 0x1021, iItem - 1, &Point, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
        ;     MsgBox, % Point_getX(Point) . " " . Point_getY(Point)
        ;     MsgBox, % ErrorLevel
                if !GetKeyState("LButton")
                if GetKeyState("Escape")
                    DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "uint", false)
                    InsertPosition := 0
                MouseGetPos, , , CurrentWindow, CurrentControl, 2
                ;Get Mouse Position relative to the Gui (regardless of CoordMode setting)
                DllCall("GetCursorPos", "uint", &Point)
                X := Point_getX(Point) - GuiX - ControlOriginX
                Y := Point_getY(Point) - GuiY - ControlOriginY
                ;CurrentControl = "" if not over a control
        ;         if (CurrentControl != "")
        ;             ControlGet, CurrentControl_HWND, HWND, , %CurrentControl%, ahk_id %CurrentWindow%
        ;         else
        ;             CurrentControl_HWND := 0
                if (CurrentControl = ThisControl || CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                    ;LVM_GETTOPINDEX = LVM_FIRST + 39 = 0x1027
                    SendMessage, 0x1027, 0, 0, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                    ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
                    TopIndex := ErrorLevel + 1
                    ;-1 to get last visible item
                    BottomIndex := TopIndex + NumberOfVisibleItems - 1
                    Point_setPoint(Point, X, Y)
                    LV_InsertMarkHitTest(Used_HWND, Point, After, iItem, iSubItem)
                    if (CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                        ;On header
                        After := 0
                        iItem := TopIndex
        ;                 iItem = 0
                        onHScrollBar := false
                    else if (Y <= BelowLastItem)
                        ;In ListView
                        onHScrollBar := false
                        ;Below last item
                        After := 1
                        iItem := BottomIndex
                        ;+BorderY to compensate for earlier subtraction
                        onHScrollBar := hasHScrollBar && Y + BorderY >= ControlPosH
                    ;+BorderX to compensate for earlier subtraction
                    onVScrollBar := hasVScrollBar && X + BorderX >= ControlPosW
        ;             ToolTip, % (onVScrollBar ? "On VBar" : "Not on VBar") . hasVScrollBar
        ;                 . "`n" . (OnHScrollBar ? "On HBar" : "Not on HBar") . hasHScrollBar
        ;                 . "`n" . X . "," . Y
        ;                 . "`n" . ControlPosW . "," . ControlPosH
        ;                 . "`n" . After . " " . iItem . " " . iSubItem
                    ItemInBounds := iItem >= TopIndex && After + iItem <= BottomIndex + 1
                    if (ItemInBounds)
                        ;change return values
                        InsertAfter := After
                        InsertPosition := iItem
                        ;clear previous InsertMark
                        if (LastAfter + LastPosition != After + iItem)
                            LastItemInBounds := LastPosition >= TopIndex
                                && LastAfter + LastPosition <= BottomIndex + 1
                            if (LastItemInBounds)
                                CurrentIndex := LastAfter + LastPosition - TopIndex
                                StartY := NumGet(InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex)
                                ;A rectangle of height 2
                                Rectangle_setPoints(InsertMark, StartX, StartY, EndX, StartY + 2)
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow
                                    , "uint", &InsertMark, "uint", false)
                            LastAfter := After
                            LastPosition := iItem
                        CurrentIndex := After + iItem - TopIndex
                        StartY := NumGet(InsertMarks, 4 * CurrentIndex)
                        ;A rectangle of height 2
                        Rectangle_setPoints(InsertMark, StartX, StartY, EndX, StartY + 2)
                        ;A rectangle of height 2
                        DllCall("Rectangle", "uint", hDC, "int", StartX, "int", StartY
                            , "int", EndX, "int", StartY + 2)
                        Sleep, 1
                    else if (InsertPosition)
                        ;clear InsertMark (item not in bounds)
                        DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                        InsertPosition := 0
                else if (InsertPosition)
                    ;clear InsertMark (mouse not in "active" control)
                    DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                    InsertPosition := 0
                if (LastX = X && LastY = Y)
                    if (CurrentControl = ThisControl || CurrentControl = ListViewHeader)
                        ;checks "Hover" time
                        if (Last && (A_TickCount - Last) >= 400)
                            ;scroll on bounds
                            if (iItem <= TopIndex && TopIndex != 1)
                                ;clear previous InsertMark
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                                InsertPosition := 0
                                Sleep, 1
                                ;LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE = LVM_FIRST + 19
                                ;-1 converts form one-based to zero-based index
                                ;fPartialOK = false
                                SendMessage, 0x1013, (TopIndex - 1) - 1, false, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                            if (iItem >= BottomIndex && BottomIndex != ItemCount)
                                ;clear previous InsertMark
                                DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
                                InsertPosition := 0
                                Sleep, 1
                                ;LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE = LVM_FIRST + 19
                                ;-1 converts form one-based to zero-based index
                                ;fPartialOK = false
                                SendMessage, 0x1013, (BottomIndex - 1) + 1, false, , ahk_id %Used_HWND%
                            Last := A_TickCount
                        if (!Last)
                            Last := A_TickCount
                Last := 0
                LastX := X
                LastY := Y
            ;clean up
            VarSetCapacity(InsertMarks, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(HScrollBar, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(VScrollBar, 0)
        ;     ToolTip
            DllCall("ReleaseDC", "uint", 0, "uint", hDC)
            if (!InsertPosition)
                LV_DragDrop := false
                return 0
            ;clear previous InsertMark
            DllCall("InvalidateRect", "uint", ThisWindow, "uint", &InsertMark, "int", true)
            Sleep, 1
            LV_DragDrop := false
            return InsertAfter . " " . InsertPosition
        LV_ParseDDResults(DragDropResults, ByRef InsertAfter, ByRef Position)
            StringSplit, DragDropResults, DragDropResults, %A_Space%
            InsertAfter := DragDropResults1
            Position := DragDropResults2
        Drag/drop utility functions
        LV_InsertMarkHitTest(ThisControl, ByRef Point, ByRef After, ByRef iItem, ByRef iSubItem = 0)
            LV_HitTestInfo_create(LV_HitTestInfo, Point_getX(Point), Point_getY(Point))
            ;LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST = LVM_FIRST + 57 = 0x1039
            SendMessage, 0x1039, 0, &LV_HitTestInfo, , ahk_id %ThisControl%
            flags := LV_HitTestInfo_getFlags(LV_HitTestInfo)
            iItem := LV_HitTestInfo_getItem(LV_HitTestInfo)
            iSubItem := LV_HitTestInfo_getSubItem(LV_HitTestInfo)
            if (ErrorLevel = -1 || iItem <= 0)
                ;not on an item
                After := 0
                iItem = 0
            ;LVM_GETITEMRECT = LVM_FIRST + 14 = 0x100E
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            ;LVIR_BOUNDS = 0 (set as the LEFT member)
            SendMessage, 0x100E, iItem - 1, &Rectangle, , ahk_id %ThisControl%
            X := Point_getX(Point)
            Y := Point_getY(Point)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
            Height := Bottom - Top
            if (Y - Top < (Height >> 1))
                After := false
                After := true
        Structures Used
        Point_create(ByRef Point, X = 0, Y = 0)
            VarSetCapacity(Point, 8), Point_setPoint(Point, X, Y)
        Point_getPoint(ByRef Point, ByRef X, ByRef Y)
            X := Point_getX(Point)
            Y := Point_getY(Point)
        Point_setPoint(ByRef Point, X, Y)
            Point_setX(Point, X)
            Point_setY(Point, Y)
        Point_getX(ByRef Point)
            return NumGet(Point, 0, "int")
        Point_setX(ByRef Point, X)
            NumPut(X, Point, 0, "int")
        Point_getY(ByRef Point)
            return NumGet(Point, 4, "int")
        Point_setY(ByRef Point, Y)
            NumPut(Y, Point, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_create(ByRef Rectangle, Left = 0, Top = 0, Right = 0, Bottom = 0)
            VarSetCapacity(Rectangle, 16)
                , Rectangle_setTopLeft(Rectangle, Left, Top)
                , Rectangle_setBottomRight(Rectangle, Right, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getPoints(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Left, ByRef Top, ByRef Right, ByRef Bottom)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setPoints(ByRef Rectangle, Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Left)
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Top)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Right)
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getTopLeft(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Left, ByRef Top)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setTopLeft(ByRef Rectangle, Left, Top)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Left)
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Top)
        Rectangle_getTopLeftPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef TopLeft)
            Left := Rectangle_getLeft(Rectangle)
            Top := Rectangle_getTop(Rectangle)
            Point_create(TopLeft, Left, Top)
        Rectangle_setTopLeftPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef TopLeft)
            Rectangle_setLeft(Rectangle, Point_getX(TopLeft))
            Rectangle_setTop(Rectangle, Point_getY(TopLeft))
        Rectangle_getBottomRight(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef Right, ByRef Bottom)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
        Rectangle_setBottomRight(ByRef Rectangle, Right, Bottom)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Right)
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Bottom)
        Rectangle_getBottomRightPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef BottomRight)
            Right := Rectangle_getRight(Rectangle)
            Bottom := Rectangle_getBottom(Rectangle)
            Point_create(BottomRight, Right, Bottom)
        Rectangle_setBottomRightPoint(ByRef Rectangle, ByRef BottomRight)
            Rectangle_setRight(Rectangle, Point_getX(BottomRightt))
            Rectangle_setBottom(Rectangle, Point_getY(BottomRight))
        Rectangle_getLeft(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 0, "int")
        Rectangle_setLeft(ByRef Rectangle, Left)
            NumPut(Left, Rectangle, 0, "int")
        Rectangle_getTop(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_setTop(ByRef Rectangle, Top)
            NumPut(Top, Rectangle, 4, "int")
        Rectangle_getRight(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 8, "int")
        Rectangle_setRight(ByRef Rectangle, Right)
            NumPut(Right, Rectangle, 8, "int")
        Rectangle_getBottom(ByRef Rectangle)
            return NumGet(Rectangle, 12, "int")
        Rectangle_setBottom(ByRef Rectangle, Bottom)
            NumPut(Bottom, Rectangle, 12, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_create(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y, flags = 0xE)
        ;     flags = LVHT_ONITEM (default)
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMICON := 0x2
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMLABEL := 0x4
        ;     LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON := 0x8
            VarSetCapacity(LV_HitTestInfo, 20, 0)
                , LV_HitTestInfo_setPoint(LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y)
                , LV_HitTestInfo_setFlags(LV_HitTestInfo, flags)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getPoint(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, ByRef X, ByRef Y)
            X := LV_HitTestInfo_getX(LV_HitTestInfo)
            Y := LV_HitTestInfo_getY(LV_HitTestInfo)
        LV_HitTestInfo_setPoint(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X, Y)
            LV_HitTestInfo_setX(LV_HitTestInfo, X)
            LV_HitTestInfo_setY(LV_HitTestInfo, Y)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getX(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 0, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_setX(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, X)
            NumPut(X, LV_HitTestInfo, 0, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getY(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 4, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_setY(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, Y)
            NumPut(Y, LV_HitTestInfo, 4, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getFlags(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 8)
        LV_HitTestInfo_setFlags(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, flags)
            NumPut(flags, LV_HitTestInfo, 8)
        LV_HitTestInfo_getItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 12, "int") + 1
        LV_HitTestInfo_setItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, iItem)
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            NumPut(iItem - 1, LV_HitTestInfo, 12, "int")
        LV_HitTestInfo_getSubItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo)
            ;+1 converts from zero-based to one-based index
            return NumGet(LV_HitTestInfo, 16, "int") + 1
        LV_HitTestInfo_setSubItem(ByRef LV_HitTestInfo, iSubItem)
            ;-1 converts from one-based to zero-based index
            NumPut(iSubItem - 1, LV_HitTestInfo, 16, "int")
    Last edited by PapaHarlem; 09-30-2023 at 08:00 PM.

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