Quote Originally Posted by _justcause_ View Post
I am using the PostMessage.au3 in my script and have a problem with this function:

the mouseclick works BUT the mouse doesn't move to the specified position in the window (doesn't move at all)

controlclick() has the same problem...

here the postmessage udf:

#include "KeyCodes.au3"
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

; Function:			_PostMessage_Send($hWnd, $Key, $Delay = 10)
; Description:		Sends a key to a specified window.
; Parameter(s):		$hWnd - The handle or the title of the window.
;					$Key - Key to send.
;					$Delay - (optional) Delay in milliseconds. Default is 10.
; Requirement(s):	A window handle/title.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns true
;					On Failure - Returns false
;				 @error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid window handle or title.
;							 2 = Invalid key to send.
;							 3 = Invalid key code.
;							 4 = Failed to open the dll.
;							 5 = Invalid return value from 'MapVirtualKey'.
; Author(s):		KDeluxe
Func _PostMessage_Send($hWnd, $Key, $Delay = 10)
	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) And $hWnd <> "" Then
		$hWnd = WinGetHandle($hWnd)

	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) Then Return SetError(1, "", False)
	If Not _CheckKey($Key) Then Return SetError(2, "", False)

	If StringInStr($Key, " DOWN}") Then
		_PostMessage_SendDown($hWnd, StringReplace($Key, " DOWN}", ""), $Delay)
	ElseIf StringInStr($Key, " UP}") Then
		_PostMessage_SendUp($hWnd, StringReplace($Key, " UP}", ""), $Delay)
		$Key = _ReplaceKey($Key)
		If @error Or $Key == False Then Return SetError(3, "", False)

	$User32 = DllOpen("User32.dll")
	If @error Then Return SetError(4, "", False)

	$ret = DllCall($User32, "int", "MapVirtualKey", "int", $Key, "int", 0)
	If IsArray($ret) Then
		DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $WM_KEYDOWN, "int", $Key, "long", _MakeLong(1, $ret[0]))
		DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $WM_KEYUP, "int", $Key, "long", _MakeLong(1, $ret[0]) + 0xC0000000)
		Return SetError(5, "", False)

	Return SetError(0, 0, True)

; Function:			_PostMessage_SendDown($hWnd, $Key, $Delay = 10)
; Description:		Sends a key down command to a specified window.
; Parameter(s):		$hWnd - The handle or the title of the window.
;					$Key - Key to send down.
;					$Delay - (optional) Delay in milliseconds. Default is 10.
; Requirement(s):	A window handle/title.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns true
;					On Failure - Returns false
;				 @error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid window handle or title.
;							 2 = Invalid key to send.
;							 3 = Invalid key code.
;							 4 = Failed to open the dll.
;							 5 = Invalid return value from 'MapVirtualKey'.
; Author(s):		KDeluxe
Func _PostMessage_SendDown($hWnd, $Key, $Delay = 10)
	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) And $hWnd <> "" Then
		$hWnd = WinGetHandle($hWnd)

	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) Then Return SetError(1, "", False)
	If Not _CheckKey($Key) Then Return SetError(2, "", False)

	$Key = _ReplaceKey($Key)
	If @error Or $Key == False Then Return SetError(3, "", False)

	$User32 = DllOpen("User32.dll")
	If @error Then Return SetError(4, "", False)

	$ret = DllCall($User32, "int", "MapVirtualKey", "int", $Key, "int", 0)
	If IsArray($ret) Then
		DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $WM_KEYDOWN, "int", $Key, "long", _MakeLong(1, $ret[0]))
		Return SetError(5, "", False)

	Return SetError(0, 0, True)

; Function:			_PostMessage_SendUp($hWnd, $Key, $Delay = 10)
; Description:		Sends a key up command to a specified window.
; Parameter(s):		$hWnd - The handle or the title of the window.
;					$Key - Key to send up.
;					$Delay - (optional) Delay in milliseconds. Default is 10.
; Requirement(s):	A window handle/title.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns true
;					On Failure - Returns false
;				 @error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid window handle or title.
;							 2 = Invalid key to send.
;							 3 = Invalid key code.
;							 4 = Failed to open the dll.
;							 5 = Invalid return value from 'MapVirtualKey'.
; Author(s):		KDeluxe
Func _PostMessage_SendUp($hWnd, $Key, $Delay = 10)
	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) And $hWnd <> "" Then
		$hWnd = WinGetHandle($hWnd)

	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) Then Return SetError(1, "", False)
	If Not _CheckKey($Key) Then Return SetError(2, "", False)

	$Key = _ReplaceKey($Key)
	If @error Or $Key == False Then Return SetError(3, "", False)

	$User32 = DllOpen("User32.dll")
	If @error Then Return SetError(4, "", False)

	$ret = DllCall($User32, "int", "MapVirtualKey", "int", $Key, "int", 0)
	If IsArray($ret) Then
		DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $WM_KEYUP, "int", $Key, "long", _MakeLong(1, $ret[0]) + 0xC0000000)
		Return SetError(5, "", False)

	Return SetError(0, 0, True)

; Function:			_PostMessage_Click($hWnd, $X = -1, $Y = -1, $Button = "left", $Clicks = 1, $Delay = 10)
; Description:		Sends a mouse click command to a specified window.
; Parameter(s):		$hWnd - The handle or the title of the window.
;					$X - (optional) The x position to click within the window. Default is center.
;					$Y - (optional) The y position to click within the window. Default is center.
;					$Button - (optional) The button to click, "left", "right", "middle". Default is the left button.
;					$Clicks - (optional) The number of times to click the mouse. Default is 1.
;					$Delay - (optional) Delay in milliseconds. Default is 10.
; Requirement(s):	A window handle/title.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns true
;					On Failure - Returns false
;				 @error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid window handle or title.
;							 2 = Failed to open the dll.
; Author(s):		KDeluxe
Func _PostMessage_Click($hWnd, $X = -1, $Y = -1, $Button = "left", $Clicks = 1, $Delay = 10)
	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) And $hWnd <> "" Then
		$hWnd = WinGetHandle($hWnd)

	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) Then
		Return SetError(1, "", False)

	If StringLower($Button) == "left" Then
	ElseIf StringLower($Button) == "right" Then
	ElseIf StringLower($Button) == "middle" Then
		If $Delay == 10 Then $Delay = 100

	$WinSize = WinGetClientSize($hWnd)
	If $X == -1 Then $X = $WinSize[0] / 2
	If $Y == -1 Then $Y = $WinSize[1] / 2

	$User32 = DllOpen("User32.dll")
	If @error Then Return SetError(2, "", False)

	For $j = 1 To $Clicks
		DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $Button, "int", 0, "long", _MakeLong($X, $Y))
		DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $Button + 1, "int", 0, "long", _MakeLong($X, $Y))

	Return SetError(0, 0, True)

; Function:			_PostMessage_ClickDown($hWnd, $X = -1, $Y = -1, $Button = "left")
; Description:		Sends a mouse down command to a specified window.
; Parameter(s):		$hWnd - The handle or the title of the window.
;					$X - (optional) The x position to click within the window. Default is center.
;					$Y - (optional) The y position to click within the window. Default is center.
;					$Button - (optional) The button to click, "left", "right", "middle". Default is the left button.
; Requirement(s):	A window handle/title.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns true
;					On Failure - Returns false
;				 @error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid window handle or title.
;							 2 = Failed to open the dll.
; Author(s):		KDeluxe
Func _PostMessage_ClickDown($hWnd, $X = -1, $Y = -1, $Button = "left")
	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) And $hWnd <> "" Then
		$hWnd = WinGetHandle($hWnd)

	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) Then
		Return SetError(1, "", False)

	If StringLower($Button) == "left" Then
	ElseIf StringLower($Button) == "right" Then
	ElseIf StringLower($Button) == "middle" Then

	$WinSize = WinGetClientSize($hWnd)
	If $X == -1 Then $X = $WinSize[0] / 2
	If $Y == -1 Then $Y = $WinSize[1] / 2

	$User32 = DllOpen("User32.dll")
	If @error Then Return SetError(2, "", False)

	DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $Button, "int", 0, "long", _MakeLong($X, $Y))

	Return SetError(0, 0, True)

; Function:			_PostMessage_ClickUp($hWnd, $X = -1, $Y = -1, $Button = "left", $Delay = 50)
; Description:		Sends a mouse up command to a specified window.
; Parameter(s):		$hWnd - The handle or the title of the window.
;					$X - (optional) The x position to click within the window. Default is center.
;					$Y - (optional) The y position to click within the window. Default is center.
;					$Button - (optional) The button to click, "left", "right", "middle". Default is the left button.
; Requirement(s):	A window handle/title.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns true
;					On Failure - Returns false
;				 @error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid window handle or title.
;							 2 = Failed to open the dll.
; Author(s):		KDeluxe
Func _PostMessage_ClickUp($hWnd, $X = -1, $Y = -1, $Button = "left")
	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) And $hWnd <> "" Then
		$hWnd = WinGetHandle($hWnd)

	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) Then
		Return SetError(1, "", False)

	If StringLower($Button) == "left" Then
	ElseIf StringLower($Button) == "right" Then
	ElseIf StringLower($Button) == "middle" Then

	$WinSize = WinGetClientSize($hWnd)
	If $X == -1 Then $X = $WinSize[0] / 2
	If $Y == -1 Then $Y = $WinSize[1] / 2

	$User32 = DllOpen("User32.dll")
	If @error Then Return SetError(2, "", False)

	DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $Button + 1, "int", 0, "long", _MakeLong($X, $Y))

	Return SetError(0, 0, True)

; Function:			_PostMessage_ClickDrag($hWnd, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Button = "left")
; Description:		Sends a mouse click and drag command to a specified window.
; Parameter(s):		$hWnd - The handle or the title of the window.
;					$X1, $Y1 - The x/y position to start the drag operation from.
;					$X2, $Y2 - The x/y position to end the drag operation at.
;					$Button - (optional) The button to click, "left", "right", "middle". Default is the left button.
;					$Delay - (optional) Delay in milliseconds. Default is 50.
; Requirement(s):	A window handle/title.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns true
;					On Failure - Returns false
;				 @error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid window handle or title.
;							 2 = Invalid start position.
;							 3 = Invalid end position.
;							 4 = Failed to open the dll.
;							 5 = Failed to send a MouseDown command.
;							 5 = Failed to send a MouseMove command.
;							 7 = Failed to send a MouseUp command.
; Author(s):		KDeluxe
Func _PostMessage_ClickDrag($hWnd, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Button = "left", $Delay = 10)
	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) And $hWnd <> "" Then
		$hWnd = WinGetHandle($hWnd)

	If Not IsHWND($hWnd) Then
		Return SetError(1, "", False)

	If Not IsInt($X1) Or Not IsInt($Y1) Then
		Return SetError(2, "", False)

	If Not IsInt($X2) Or Not IsInt($Y2) Then
		Return SetError(3, "", False)

	If $Button = "left" Then
		$Pressed = 1
	ElseIf $Button = "right" Then
		$Pressed = 2
	ElseIf $Button = "middle" Then
		$Pressed = 10

	$User32 = DllOpen("User32.dll")
	If @error Then Return SetError(4, "", False)

	DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $Button, "int", 0, "long", _MakeLong($X1, $Y1))
	If @error Then Return SetError(5, "", False)

	Sleep($Delay / 2)

	DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $WM_MOUSEMOVE, "int", $Pressed, "long", _MakeLong($X2, $Y2))
	If @error Then Return SetError(6, "", False)

	Sleep($Delay / 2)

	DllCall($User32, "bool", "PostMessage", "HWND", $hWnd, "int", $Button + 1, "int", 0, "long", _MakeLong($X2, $Y2))
	If @error Then Return SetError(7, "", False)

	Return SetError(0, 0, True)

; Function:			_GetAsyncKeyState($Key)
; Description:		Determines whether a key is up or down.
; Parameter(s):		$Key - Key to test for.
; Return Value(s):	On Success - Returns true
;					On Failure - Returns false
;				 @error - 0 = No error.
;							 1 = Invalid key to check.
;							 2 = Failed to open the dll.
;							 3 = Failed to get the key state.
; Author(s):		KDeluxe
Func _GetAsyncKeyState($Key)
	If Not _CheckKey($Key) Then Return SetError(1, "", False)
	$Key = _ReplaceKey($Key)

	$User32 = DllOpen("User32.dll")
	If @error Then Return SetError(2, "", False)

	$ret = DllCall($User32, "short", "GetAsyncKeyState", "int", $Key)
	If IsArray($ret) Then
		Return SetError(0, "", $ret[0])
		Return SetError(3, "", False)
sorry to be late, use Mouseclick function, you can also calc the windows and do math to put mouse click at the right spot, please take an hour to read the F1 help of autoit