Hi all. i'm pretty new to this whole "selling account thing" but i'm willing to sell my Legacy account (3 year old account, by the way), never been banned by s2 and leave % is bellow 1% (aprox 0.8, if i recall it right). First of all the account is level 36 (~aprox 2500 games) with 1440 MMR and 1550 casual. Also i have 235 Gold coins and 845 Silver left. Account contains:

1) All heroes up to date, except the early access ones ofc;
2) 47 Alt avatars (including some rare ones, for further details PM);
3) 3 Taunts: Basic, Gore and Kongor;
4) 2 Announcers: British Gentleman Pack and Miss Pudding (which is no longer available in stores);
5) 11 symbols;
6) Diamond Blue Name Color;
7) 15 account icons including a Custom account icon slot, yet free and unused.

That's about it, if u need further details don't hesitate to PM. Price starting at 100$