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    pierredekpl's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
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    [EUW] Gold S5 - All Champs (Illaoi Patch) - 128 Skins - 20 Rune Pages

    Hi, I decided to sell my LoL account that I own since the begin of the Season 3.

    Contains :

    - 128 Champions (so all the champs at Illaoi Patch 5.23)
    - 20 Rune Pages and more than 60 differents stacks (x3 & x9) runes
    - 128 Skins (with a lot of rares !) :

    - Challenger Ahri
    - Foxfire Ahri
    - Popstar Ahri
    - All-Star Akali
    - Blood Moon Akali
    - Unchained Alistar
    - Golden Alistar
    - Infernal Alistar
    - Little Knight Amumu
    - Goth Annie
    - Panda Annie
    - Red Riding Annie
    - Prom Queen Annie
    - Amethyst Ashe
    - Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
    - Boom Boom Blitzcrank
    - iBlitzcrank
    - Zombie Brand
    - Artic Warfare Caitlyn
    - Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
    - Dragonwing Corki
    - Dark Valkyrie Diana
    - Corporate Dr. Mundo
    - Gladiator Draven
    - Death Blossom Elise
    - Pulsefire Ezreal
    - Striker Ezreal
    - Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
    - Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
    - Fisherman Fizz
    - Steel Legion Garen
    - Dreadknight Garen
    - Gragas, Esq.
    - Oktoberfest Gragas
    - Jailbreak Graves
    - Arcade Hecarim
    - Headless Hecarim
    - Frostblade Irelia (datass)
    - Hextech Janna
    - Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
    - Jaximus
    - Debonair Jayce
    - Firecracker Jinx
    - Pre-Void Kassadin
    - Sandstorm Katarina
    - Slay Belle Katarina
    - Bilgewater Katarina
    - Red Car Katarina
    - Arther Wing Kayle
    - Mecha Kha'Zix
    - Monarch Kog'Maw
    - Mistletoe LeBlanc
    - Dragon Fist Lee Sin (With Chromas !)
    - Muay Thai Lee Sin
    - Iron Solari Leona
    - Steel Legion Lux
    - Coral Reef Malphite
    - Glacial Malphite
    - Shadow Prince Malzahar
    - Chosen Master Yi
    - Arcade Miss Fortune
    - Pentakill Mordekaiser
    - Blackthorn Morgana
    - Pharaoh Nasus
    - Infernal Nasus
    - AstroNautilus
    - Leopard Nidalee
    - French Maid Nidalee
    - Pharaoh Nidalee
    - Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
    - Bewitching Nidalee
    - Headhunter Nidalee
    - Ethernum Nocturne
    - Demolisher Nunu
    - Glacial Olaf
    - Bladecraft Orianna
    - Sewn Chaos Orianna
    - Full Metal Pantheon
    - Battle Regalia Poppy
    - Blacksmith Poppy
    - Full Metal Rammus
    - Pool Party Renekton
    - Outback Renekton
    - Night Hunter Rengar
    - Redeemed Riven
    - Battle Bunny Riven
    - Dragonblade Riven
    - Bear Cavalry Sejuani
    - Nutcracko
    - Ice Drake Shyvana
    - Augmeented (censored if I write it well) Singed
    - Victorious Sivir
    - Earthrune Skarner
    - Guqin Sona
    - DJ Sona
    - Nothern Front Swain
    - Crimson Elite Talon
    - Deep Terror Thresh
    - Blood Moon Thresh
    - Rocket Girl Tristana
    - Junkyard Trundle
    - Viking Tryndamere
    - The Magnificent Twisted Fate
    - High Noon Twisted Fate
    - Musketeer Twisted Fate
    - Tango Twisted Fate
    - Underworld Twisted Fate
    - Red Card Twisted Fate
    - Medieval Twitch
    - Spirit Guard Udyr
    - Heartseeker Vayne
    - Leprechaun Veigar
    - Bad Santa Veigar
    - Arclight Vel'Koz
    - Neon Vi
    - Creator Viktor
    - Marquis Vladimir
    - Grey Warwick (WITH OLD LOADING SCREEN ! Too hype !)
    - Jade Dragon Wukong
    - Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
    - High Noon Yasuo
    - Special Weapon Zac
    - Shockblade Zed
    - Pool Party Ziggs
    - Time Machine Zilean
    - Haunted Zyra

    So you can agree that I spent a LOT of money in it (more than a thousand for sure) !

    I sell it 200e for ALL this stuff !
    Last edited by pierredekpl; 12-06-2015 at 12:22 PM.

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